New to NoFap-My story and motivation, hope someone can relate


Hi, i'm a student currently living in Ireland. My motivation for signing up is basically I have trouble getting an erection even when watching porn its about 70% erect I have been watching it since I was about 13 i'm now 23. I'm attracted to women but find myself unable to get erect when meeting a girl (just the other night I was out with friends met a girl kissing/touching away and nothing this has happened a few times or gets its usual 70% semi). I have low confidence in myself, I am a decent looking lad(so everybody tells me)and that I come across confident but have trouble meeting women. I broke up with my ex girlfriend of 5 years about 10 months ago and have had only 2 sexual encounters since. The encounters were fine, but I still feel that I am not getting fully erect. I have low confidence, low self-esteem, and a low sense of excitement and interest in things. I didn't think it was to much of a problem till I broke up with my long term GF(we both lost our virginity to each other). I still found myself looking at porn through out the relationship. I honestly thought it was normal that's what most guys do but I was wrong a lot of guys I know do watch porn but not as often as me (nearly everyday) it wasn't interfering with my college life but I do find myself to be considerably lazy and laid back with no motivation or passion for anything. I have been watching a lot of noFap videos for a while and even doe I know how bad porn is for me and I know I have erection problems I still watch it. I was never apart of the community but tried out doing streaks on my own I recently just done about 5 days and noticed changes(I have actually tried doing this a few times think my longest streak was a week but I wasn't properly monitoring it I was just like 'hey I haven't masturbated in a while') but relapsed today. I said enough is enough and I need to be more pro-active so I joined the community. I would really appreciate any advice or help. I red about PMO and relapse and porn addiction etc just a bit of information overload. So just want to get started on my journey I just want to feel the same sexual arousal and 100% hard on I used to get when I was in my early teens and become more sexually appealing to women and gain my sexual drive back that's my end goal.
Welcome! All the information can be a little overwhelming at times but save all that information as reading material when you feel tempted to relapse. Understanding what’s happening in your brain is crucial for success.

As far as the erections go...don’t worry about them at all. Give yourself a good break from all pmo. They will come back just just takes time. I had suffered from Ed and during a flatline period I had it wouldn’t even move at all. You can read about it in my journal if you ever get bored. Anyway, the erections did come back naturally (I used to have to take pills.)

I wish you the best of luck on you’re journey. If you ever have any questions there is many wonderful people here you will meet that will be happy to help along the way. Including myself :) stay strong!
Welcome! All the information can be a little overwhelming at times but save all that information as reading material when you feel tempted to relapse. Understanding what’s happening in your brain is crucial for success.

As far as the erections go...don’t worry about them at all. Give yourself a good break from all pmo. They will come back just just takes time. I had suffered from Ed and during a flatline period I had it wouldn’t even move at all. You can read about it in my journal if you ever get bored. Anyway, the erections did come back naturally (I used to have to take pills.)

I wish you the best of luck on you’re journey. If you ever have any questions there is many wonderful people here you will meet that will be happy to help along the way. Including myself :) stay strong!

Thank you so much for the reply it means a lot! I'm looking forward to starting and knowing their is support is a great motivator
It is. I did 30 days no pmo to start at the beginning of the year just to give everything a rest. Everyone’s situation is I am married and my wife didn’t want to wait forever to have sex (and neither did I!) I then shifted to no pm. I would suggest at the very least to go no pm. In my opinion sex is ok because you want to rewire your brain to understand that pleasure comes from a real woman. Do what you think is best for you and according to your progress you can always make adjustments.