Hi, i'm a student currently living in Ireland. My motivation for signing up is basically I have trouble getting an erection even when watching porn its about 70% erect I have been watching it since I was about 13 i'm now 23. I'm attracted to women but find myself unable to get erect when meeting a girl (just the other night I was out with friends met a girl kissing/touching away and nothing this has happened a few times or gets its usual 70% semi). I have low confidence in myself, I am a decent looking lad(so everybody tells me)and that I come across confident but have trouble meeting women. I broke up with my ex girlfriend of 5 years about 10 months ago and have had only 2 sexual encounters since. The encounters were fine, but I still feel that I am not getting fully erect. I have low confidence, low self-esteem, and a low sense of excitement and interest in things. I didn't think it was to much of a problem till I broke up with my long term GF(we both lost our virginity to each other). I still found myself looking at porn through out the relationship. I honestly thought it was normal that's what most guys do but I was wrong a lot of guys I know do watch porn but not as often as me (nearly everyday) it wasn't interfering with my college life but I do find myself to be considerably lazy and laid back with no motivation or passion for anything. I have been watching a lot of noFap videos for a while and even doe I know how bad porn is for me and I know I have erection problems I still watch it. I was never apart of the community but tried out doing streaks on my own I recently just done about 5 days and noticed changes(I have actually tried doing this a few times think my longest streak was a week but I wasn't properly monitoring it I was just like 'hey I haven't masturbated in a while') but relapsed today. I said enough is enough and I need to be more pro-active so I joined the community. I would really appreciate any advice or help. I red about PMO and relapse and porn addiction etc just a bit of information overload. So just want to get started on my journey I just want to feel the same sexual arousal and 100% hard on I used to get when I was in my early teens and become more sexually appealing to women and gain my sexual drive back that's my end goal.