Deleted Account
Normal mode: No porn or mastrubation.
The goal is to abstain from porn and mastrubation as long as possible. Sex with a partner is allowed.
You start with your current streak and you preferably check in every day.
Good start: 7 days
Beginner: 14 days
Intermediate: 15 days
Expert: 30 days
Master: 45 days
Legend: 60 days
Ultimate legend: 90 days
Immortal: 100 days+
Good luck.
The goal is to abstain from porn and mastrubation as long as possible. Sex with a partner is allowed.
You start with your current streak and you preferably check in every day.
Good start: 7 days
Beginner: 14 days
Intermediate: 15 days
Expert: 30 days
Master: 45 days
Legend: 60 days
Ultimate legend: 90 days
Immortal: 100 days+
Good luck.