Obsessed with anal, not aroused by vagina

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by racc00n, Oct 25, 2018.

  1. hijodelaluna18

    hijodelaluna18 Fapstronaut

    Here is my 2 cents...Im not a religious fundamentalist or anything. What people often forget is that religion and culture have gone hand in hand for centuries. The same way many religions dont alow eating pork and today studies confirm its one of the worst meats for your health..just an example I dont want to convert anybody into greens...
    Sme storie with sodomy,many religions condemn it.And its probably not because a God came from the heavens adn said so.It was probably told mouth to mouth from generations upon generations until one generation said that A God coming from the heavens said it...
    Im not sying religions or God does not exist. Im just trying to say theres a reason for that practice to be banned.
    I myself am an heterosexual man who never had interest in men until PMO adn I ended giving BJs to men.BUT I always felt that doing it to a girl in the A..puts yu one step closer to becoming gay.Anyways aside from that Ihave never been interested in it I find it nasty but thats it. Theres not much phisical difference between a girls and mans ass but theres difference between P and V.
    Theres no doubt that more and more guys are going for the A lately with their girlfriends and thats clearly a PMO influence.Also girls were not that open in the 90s to alow you to do it.But that sexualization of the society and the so called"experimentation" message we get from movies books etc has a lot to do with it.
    Sexuality is very complex cause I mysef never been too excited about V visually. I love everything about a woman specially tits but I was never really into giving oral to women,I did it under pressure of a relationship,or in order to recieve and/or reciprocate. Before I started meeting guys..I was so sure of my sexuality that I had no problem to admit to friends or even girls that I didnt like give oral to women. I enjoyed having sex with it for sure but I focused on other parts of their body,A,waist,hair shoulders,legs,tits.thigs.
    The problem came when I started giving BJs to men because of PMO. I started to question myself and think that maybe because I wasnt into oral with women it meant I was really gay but in denial...
    You know all the doubts and confusion that comes with PMO.
    And I think your situation is similar to mine. You are overthinking,questioning your sexuality. So in short,liking A sex with a girl does necesarally not mean you are gay. you will find people who say it but its more like a teasing joke thing. BUT the truth is you got the jail example.
    So the truth is a straight guy who has tried A sex with his girlfriend is probably closer to try it with a guy than a guy who only does V.
    A guy who has done a 3some is also closer to tuch a P than a uy whos never done it.Because you already have opened the door to share a bed or a room with a nude man.Look at his P in erected state and you are not as far from gay encounter as you were.
    Experimentation leads to scalating.
    I did a 3some back in my straight days,and i was not aroused at all by the guy.It took more years of PMO for me to ahve an inderest in penis.
    Theres a lot of stigma,I myself thought I wasnt man enough if I didnt enjoy giving oral to V,that something was wrong with me. Even some girls may have thought I was a gay in denial.
    But I still believe Im not even though PMO has made me go that route I dont like men as a whole,and Im disgusted at A. I still love women as i always have been and if I could get it up n hard I would love intimacy with them and im repulsed by intimacy with men so thats it.
    We are all confused but try to look at it as a whole.I f you love women you are not gay.It doesnt matter you prefer it in the A. I ive BJ to men and that doesnt make me gay or bi.its a fetish I got and you got yours.
    Everything outside V sex can lead to gay relationships. I remember my first contact with a man was recieving a BJ one day that I was drunk on my way home. He proposed and I thought ..I have 2 options go home and PMO or say Yes and get a BJ..and my drunk self thought..what teh heck a mouth is a mouth...I looked the other way and tried to fatasize about girls,but it didnt felt confortable anyways. Years later after many years of PMO I started giving but I never recieved again i dont like men touching me.
    Im telling this story only to make you realize the same way i said a mouth is a mouth,anybody can say an A is an A...
    Our society is moving in the direction of bisexuaity with the rise of oral and A sex,I dont think in the future anybody will define himself as straight or gay,very few people will. Im not sying its good or bad its just the direction we are going.Everybody likes a tongue in their genitals and people care less and less whos the owner of it
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2018
  2. hijodelaluna18

    hijodelaluna18 Fapstronaut

    the question is has it ruined them completely forever or is there a chance of recovery?

    LEPAGE Fapstronaut

    I think we can get better, but never be as good as if we had never been exposed in the first place.
  4. hijodelaluna18

    hijodelaluna18 Fapstronaut

    I hope you are wrong. Im 22 days in and already see positive signs of recovery. i think I may need more than 3 months though.
    Twizza likes this.
  5. Buzz Rees

    Buzz Rees Fapstronaut

    Those both sound like fairly plausible roots of the issue. Negative reinforcement for pussy, positive for ass, and then ramming that loop into your skull for a decade. Bam.

    Aside from the fact that there's nothing wrong with anal if your partner happens to be into it... it sounds like breaking that habit/cycle might be worth it. Because there ain't nothing wrong with a pussy.

    P.S.: As an active proponent of safe sex and male responsibility I'm ashamed to totally agree with you... I fucking hate condoms and how they feel and just about everything about them... other than the stuff they've been made for, i.e. prevent STIs and unwanted pregnancies, lol.
  6. Coolyorky

    Coolyorky Fapstronaut

    Reboot brother

    Your tastes will return to normal
  7. Krillin1993

    Krillin1993 Fapstronaut

    Are you actually cured from anal sex fantasies or is this not possible even over 500+ Days of NoFap?
  8. Krillin1993

    Krillin1993 Fapstronaut

    It seems like I am obsessed from Anal Sex Fantasies and also Anal Porn as well. I am also heterosexuell and sometimes I would like to experience Anal Sex in real life as well. Maybe I will loose the Sensation over this or I will like it even more. Who knows!? There is a psychotherapist who recommand that in order to decide whats going on with our own sexuality we can go to an escort and find it out. But at the same time it feels horrible to loose my virginity with a Prostitute or an Escort. I would rather have a real girlfriend and have Sex with her, someone who really loves me. You know what I mean? So my Question is to those guys who abstained from all Porn or Sex more than a year. Do you still have Anal Sex or Anal Porn Fantasies? Is it possible to free yourself from this fetish or will it be your lifetime fetish? I am just curious to know that. Thanks in advance.
    she-dernatinus likes this.
  9. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    I think with enough perseverance it's possible to rewire your brain into more natural stuff. Having anal sex is a form of punishment for a woman. It personally seem out of place for me to place a male phallus into the wrong part of female anatomy. It's not that unconceivable to get rid of unwanted fantasies, maybe OP did succeed.
    ELITE2BE and Krillin1993 like this.
  10. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    I said it several months earlier, but this huge rise of Oral and A sex is mainly due to the exploding popularity of the porn industry.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2021
    Krillin1993 likes this.
  11. can you remember a time when the idea seemed disgusting?
    I can. Its amazing what the hypersexualization of our culture has normalized.

    I am trying to 'resensitize' myself about it.
    Start to read up on its dangers. Think about what you're doing. Sticking your penis in something made to expel feces. for someone receiving it- It can permanently damage someone's rectum to the point where they have to stick tampons up their ass. It can easily spread diseases. Yes it 'hyper-stimulates' someone but so do dangerous drugs.
    she-dernatinus likes this.
  12. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    It is possible once your brain starts to clear from the porn-induced fog. And I would say that the therapist you mention is not a very good one with professional ethics based on that advice they gave you. Would encourage you to find one who specializes in sex issues or at least is well versed in them.
    Krillin1993 likes this.
  13. unfortunately the conventional stance of the industry is pro-porn, pro 'sexuality' I think they are way behind what people are discovering here and at YBOP - if you want an analogy -its like a dietician in the 1990s - if you went to get healthy they would put you on a low fat high carb diet :)
  14. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    All I can say is that I didn't like anal sex until the begining of this year, I didnt even want to try it, I tought it was an animal kind of thing.

    But I have come to realice that it is very intimate, its a part of your body not many people know of you, so when a girl agrees to have anal sex for me right now, it means she's allowing herself to be vulnerable, also if done wrong you can hurt her, it takes patience.

    My point is try to see anal sex as a deep intimate connection with the other person also women keep alot of emotional tension and when they do anal it kind of losen those tensions up.

    So don't see anal sex as porn sees it, like a grotesque or special twisted type of sex. It is an intimate form of love making, so nothing wrong in liking it.
    Krillin1993 likes this.
  15. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    That's the question that summarizes all our struggles. It should be asked over and over again.
    ivanhoe likes this.
  16. Look up the dangers and risks associated with it. It is completely unnatural and unhealthy.
    ELITE2BE likes this.
  17. If you really think about it , they are just legs. It might sound strange but I find my legs to be beautiful (I wonder how perfectly they have been made! Don't think anything odd about me). This doesn't makes me flaunt my legs in public.
    I wonder why these women do so. Perhaps the hypersexualised society normalised for the business model of the Porn industry had made the minds of these women numb.
    ivanhoe likes this.
  18. I hope i can fix myself, i need that
    LEPAGE likes this.
  19. From a biblical perspective I can tell you the that you are in bondage to sin, these strongholds form over time and are very hard to break, but these feelings are not the real you I promise that, and this can be overcame.
    windsurferhawk15 likes this.
  20. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    Anal is were shit exists, think about shit and you will be less entusiastic about anal
    Guty likes this.