Porn addicts are perverts

modern milarepa

Current streak: 543 days no PMO, semen retention

Porn addiction is another form of sexual perversion, a distortion of what healthy sexuality is. Basically you are a pervert and your perversion is porn.

It looks many men don't recognize they are perverts and simply put all the fault to their problems to porn, "porn is the enemy only if porn didn't exist I'll be fine"

Porn will always be there, women's emotional complexity too, your animal sexual instinct will also be there.

When you just blame the outside world for your unsuccess in life, you win nothing because you can't erase the world.

You can only work your reaction to this hostile world, working on your impulsiveness, lazyness, lust, perversity and work it out.

When you point with one finger at something you point four fingers at yourself