Porn can’t kiss you, hold you, laugh with you, start a family with you, love you.

I'm not sure if the popularity of porn is a symptom or a cause (or both), but I'll tell you what: the world seems to be drifting away from intimacy towards cheap, soulless sex.
Porn is a satanic tool made to destroy and downgrade people. It can crumble people so badly that people start to support it. It manages to reduce almost every single positive quality that people have. And it's already eaten up about more than half of the world.
Porn is a satanic tool made to destroy and downgrade people. It can crumble people so badly that people start to support it. It manages to reduce almost every single positive quality that people have. And it's already eaten up about more than half of the world.
Porn makes a lot of money out of people. But it is not only to blame the porn industry for it. People that watch it have given them the power they have nowadays. The only thing I can do, is not watching it. People have the power to break down the porn-industry by not watching it anymore.

But most people choose to be a slave of the porn-industry. The porn-industry didn't force people to watch it. Is their choice. I don't have to convice others the dangers of porn and persuade them to stop watching it. I let them take their own responsibility and focus on my own life.
Porn is slavery......

Always going to be against it.....

Porn is rotten thing.....its not good for any living body.....

Porn is always dirt.....

Porn is a poison......

Porn is carbon dioxide......

Porn is a thing that's always deserve to be destroyed......
Porn only leaves you feeling empty, anxious and depressed. Porn leaves you with self-hate. Porn isolates you. Porn gives you sexual problems. Porn decreases your empathy for women and other people. Porn kills love.

What do you want? Porn or real women and real love? It’s up to you..

Well said bro! Thanks. I will read this post when the urges are getting stronger again. It may help