Possible to be 100% pure?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Navigator4712, Sep 20, 2020.

  1. Navigator4712

    Navigator4712 New Fapstronaut

    Can anyone tell, whether being fully pure is possible: not watching nor masturbating? Thanks for your help.
  2. You can, but temptation will always stay. We are souls inside an animal body that have an instinct, for us is not easy to control this body that is not under or complete control. Of course you can take consciousness and control yourself like heremits do, but if we continue to live in this hypersexualized society amd find excitment at every corner we will be tempted forever. Only if we go in a forest without nothing and live like tarzan will work at 100%. Just detox yourself from internet.
  3. alphakadabro

    alphakadabro Fapstronaut

    Yes, of course. But you need a strategy to avoid temptation. Lucky for us thats pretty simple: just control device usage, screentime and internet access.

    I wrote a few posts with more detailed advice about how to do this:

    My #1 Tip: Change Your Environment https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?threads/my-1-tip-change-your-environment.288435/

    How To Use Devices In a Healthy Way https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?threads/how-to-use-devices-in-a-healthy-way.290017/

    PMO Has No Power Over You https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?threads/pmo-has-no-power-over-you.290204/
  4. Love2LongBoard

    Love2LongBoard Fapstronaut

    Its possible. I have been clean for over 5 years now.

    The advice above is a great place to start, but I'm my opinion, is only the first stage.

    A change is how one thinks is necessary to overcome this completely. Changing your environment and controlling your device settings will help, but that isn't the complete answer.

    You need to change how your mind perceives your self and the world. I work with a sex addiction coach that is helping me do this still. It is by far the most effective thing I have ever done. I don't feel urges, I do not have desires to go back. There is literally no temptation to go back for me. You CAN do it. It will take effort and the right kinds of changes, but you can do it.
    alphakadabro and Swazzy 1 like this.
  5. Can u elaborate it.bro
  6. Love2LongBoard

    Love2LongBoard Fapstronaut

    Step 1. Identify wrong thinking. Example: Women are objects to be used for orgasm. (Note: you may not consciously be thinking this but you must look at your behaviors. If you do use pornography, or fantasy, or anything else with women than you obviously accepted this belief at some point and it has now become part of your operating manual)

    Step 2: Identify the truth you are seeking. Truth: Women are not objects, women are people.

    Step 3: Reframe the thinking. Reframed thought from step 1: "Women are people. They have dreams, skills, families, goals, and hopes just like me. I choose not to dehumanize women." You actually tell yourself this EVERY time you have a thought or do something that reinforces the idea that women are objects.
    Example. You are walking down the street, see a women, and have an inappropriate thought. You reframe your thinking IMMEDIATELY. You think about that women as a person. Just for a moment. Acknowledge she is a human being. Then keep going on with your day.

    Do this OVER and OVER and OVER again. The challenge is that it is really hard to identify our wrong thinking on our own since we assume that the way we think is normal. The obvious stuff can be figured out. But the more the insidious stuff, the deeper stuff, is way harder on your own.

    There is a good article here that discusses this topic: https://emotionalabuseintervention.com/2020/09/11/how-to-master-our-sexual-feelings/
  7. alphakadabro

    alphakadabro Fapstronaut

    This is good advice. It depends on each person and the stage of their recovery and journey.

    Personally, I don't have the issue of dehumanizing women. But, that was certainly true for me in the past, especially when my addiction symptoms were at their peak.

    For some, they need to get away from the temptation and pattern of self-sabotage that they are continually recreating through a hedonistic lack of self awareness. I tend towards considering hedonism itself the root of the larger problem that needs to be addressed for most guys. It encapsulates the other symptoms they experience in life as a result of their unexamined hedonistic lifestyle decisions.

    I tell guys they should train their mind, body and spirit equally. And to read philosophy and classic literature from their own culture and tradition to get an educated perspective on how previous generations have answered these timeless questions. It also helps them learn how to think and not try to reinvent the wheel on their own by seeing how great thinkers have approached things in the past.

    It seems to me that there are some guys who are in need of legitimate sex addiction therapy. These are the ones at the peak of PMO addiction. And then there are various degrees of guys who just need separation from the PMO pattern so they find themselves, recover and heal their brains. Then they can continue recovering and progressing in life through skill-building and improvement. We all know guys who made NoFap their main skill, and that's really not a long-term solution for life. A lot of guys say "what comes next?", so its important to have vision for the larger picture.

    Overall, its impossible to get a full analysis of an individual from a few lines of text on anonymous internet message boards. Some of them need distance and recovery is immanent (i.e. 90-days reboot), other guys need long-term turning around of the soul and reorientation of living altogether. So I feel like all of us are mixing in a little bit of both in order to min-max the wisdom provided.