Relapsed: lack of focus on study, procrastination. Help

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction Recovery' started by changing99, Nov 7, 2018.

Did you experience procrastination or lack of focus on work or study?

  1. Yes

    15 vote(s)
  2. No

    1 vote(s)
  1. changing99

    changing99 New Fapstronaut

    Hi guys, I relapsed (not to porn though) today on day 41 (hard mode) of my first streak. Before nofap I was very good at focusing on studying. Now that I am studying software engineering and I have really difficult exams next week, altough within these 41 days I have gained lots of benefits (more confidence, energy, started talking to girls, etc), on contrast I lost focus on study: I could hardly concentrate on studying because I needed to have sex right away and the fact that I have been texting a girl for the last weeks has contributed to that. In fact, as soon as I relapsed, I hit 3 to 4 hours of study without lossing attention.
    In conclusion, I started procrastinating much more and had lack of focus.
    So, is there any solution you guys found to this problem? (So as to decrease procrastination and lack of focus)
    jcamp321 and Deleted Account like this.
  2. I do recommend focusing on that exam pal. Well you're facing the pressures of drawing farther away from PM. Try to reduce you triggers... what made you thimk about it first of.

    Personally, I'm trying to reduce this same thing in my sleep. Wakes up rock hard and in a mess... not a sight for sore eyes, but i do not give up, bor do i give in. Why?
    Its only a temporary phase... i have two exams and two assignments due in December. My focus is a bit off... but hey, im proud that i do not give in easily.
    changing99 likes this.
  3. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    The solution is to reset your counter and restart your reboot. Also, bring your thought pattern out into the light that led to this. I would definitely ditch the texting, it's definitely somewhat like edging for you probably even more so. Opt to talk to them on the phone or in person.
    changing99 and Deleted Account like this.
  4. My exact thoughts pal...
  5. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    I can't even focus and I get no urges. So what do I do in my situation?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    You get no urges? No urges for PMO? You're cured, why are you here? Tell us your secret to eliminate urges.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    I'm not dick is small. Flatline probably. But I still get the brain fog and anxiety.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    Okay, start your reboot - you don't need PMO in your life, ever - if you are married have sex with your wife only; if you are single abstain until you have a wife - if you plan on being a monk cut sex off altogether. I'm single, 41 and I don't care if experience an orgasm ever again. I'm trying to be productive and it sucks the life straight out of me. Apart from being with a woman for the purpose of procreating and/or bonding I don't want it or need it ever again. That needs to be your resolution as well.
  9. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Or a man if you're gay like me. :) Unless you're homophobic, I get the jist.
  10. No urges is flatline. I have been in flatline for years. Still in flatline in this reboot.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. So flatline is the aim...
  12. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    If you believe that God created the sexes and that he ordained them to procreate and called it good, then you will quickly realize homosexuality is an aberration and a departure from his design. I don't call that homophobic, I call that pragmatic.
    Gresh11990 and Anonymous86 like this.
  13. Dudes_manrod

    Dudes_manrod Fapstronaut


    I have no medical quotes to back this up Changing99. But in my experience habitual Porn viewing and the inevitable "release" that follows robs me of a lot of energy for lack of a better word. You can eat right and get enough sleep, but there is a certain natural manly "oomph" you lose when you waste it on PMO.

    Maybe you're body and mind are a little more restless with that extra juice and have some trouble sitting still and focusing. have you tried increasing your exercise a bit to help put it somewhere productive?
    changing99 likes this.