Stopped porn but unable to stop massage with happy ending


Hello guys!

This is my first post. I am not sure how number of NOFAP days are displayed in post. This is my 34th day without watching porn and masturbation. And I am really surprised that I did it.

I am 35 years old and since age of 15, I dont remember when I didnt watch porn or didnt do masturbation for consecutive 4 days. But after so many years of porn watching and masturbation, I realised bad effects of this habit in my life.. I will go into detail of those bad effects in some other post. In this post I seek your help and advice on some real issues I have been facing during NOFAP.

As I mentioned that it is my 34th day without porn or masturbation but I am feeling flat line and Chaser effect issue. Besides watching porn, I had been regular to massage with happy ending (once in a week). I quit porn but I am still going for happy ending massage as I thought that it is with real person and not imagination of watching porn. But now for last 2 weeks, I have been going for happy ending twice a week. And today I did it twice in same day which made me worried. I have been looking for new massage girls like someone really hungry...

I always tell myself that I want get rid of this massage thing as well but After stopping watching porn I feel horny when I see girls with attractive body in train etc. So I feel real urge to go and see massage girl and have happy ending. This is waste of money as well as I feel like chasing and searching for new massage parlours and new beautiful girls. Anyone who had this habit and successfully got rid of this ? Any advice please?

The other issue is flat-line. As time is passing, I feel my organ is not that active or almost dead. I get worried if I am loosing interest in sex. That is another reason to go to massage parlour to check myself.

That is confusing mix feeling. Some time I want to see girls and some time I feel I am sexually in-active. I think my brain is confused. But the good thing is that, I have set my brain not to go for watching porn or do masturbation.

Please note that I dont have girl friend or wife. So no opportunity to have sex with real partner at the moment. But I have plan to get married in next 8 months and I want to get rid of these bad habits before I marry. So that I can have quality relationship with only my wife.

I would really appreciate if anyone could please share some material/links about getting rid of massage happy ending habit or share personal experience? Also, should I be worried about flat-line feeling?

Thank you very much. All the best to everyone.

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