What do you want from this?

Zapp Brannigan

I thought it my be cathartic to answer say why I want to abstain from P on here. Perhaps people would benefit from doing the same on this thread?
  • It damages my sex drive, which damages my sexual relationship with my wife.
  • It provides an unrealistic perception of what to expect from sex, which generates frustration and resentment.
  • It takes up time that could be spent doing something more productive.
  • I feel anxious after I M to P.
  • My mood generally drops after I M to P. Perhaps this is because I know of al the negative side effects it is generating.
  • I get paranoid about P. For example, I worry I will open my laptop in public and P will start playing, or that I am watching P without realising that my headphones are not attached and the windows are open, or that I’ll get caught watching P etc.
Good idea @Zapp Brannigan (How was this this name not taken?? :D)
I mostly agree with your points. Here are some more:
  • I enjoy restricting myself a bit
  • I seek happiness and I heard it's connected with having good virtues. So I want to stop doing non-virtous actions
  • I want to have the promised benefits
  • I want to remove shame and give hope to myself
This thread made me sign up here instead of just browsing, so I could actually write down and commit properly to the journey. I want to achieve a reboot in order to clear my mind and body, to be able to be in control of my sexual energy and to be able to choose where and with whom I use it.