Your Mind: Best Friend or Worst Enemy


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When you sit and mediate you focus on your breath so you get dragged along the stream of thought that come to you. I have always thought those thought are your subconscious mind try to communicate with your conscious mind. This is not scientifically proven of course, just my opinion. Your mind is 95% subconscious and 5% is conscious. The reason I have this hypothesis is when I noticed that those thoughts, while paying attention to my breath, they were things that bothered me, my own basis on topics, past fuck ups I did not apologize for, things I forgot to do etc. Basically things stuck like glue at the back of my mind. That’s one of the main reasons I love meditation. That’s an example of your mind being your best friend.

I have an exercise I want you to try while you read this: Next time you feel some anxiety, depression coming on, urges to beat your meat or watch porn I want you to close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask your mind “Why did I feel that anxiety?” Or something along the lines of that. And you will be surprised because your mind will answer back to you. This is a tool you can use to understand the ‘why’ behind your own thoughts.

DO this enough and over time you’re making your mind your best friend. Another example is following your intuition, something I have been trying to learn of recent. Your intuition usually presents itself in a bodily sensation as for me it’s a ringing in my ear; other people have a different sensation. Over time you become better at figuring out what it is and better at listening to it. Your mind is trying to warn you and you should listen to it.

Listening to all the thoughts you have can be your mind being your worst enemy. An example: if someone doesn’t reply to a message and your mind says “they don’t like you” but in reality they are just busy at the moment.

We all have some form of this when we fail, fuck up, or things don’t go our way. If you listen to the first negative thought you have you will think everyone is out to get you, or nothing but a failure, that no one cares about etc. We have all been there at some point but what is the following thought you have about yourself or the situation. This is why affirmation can be so powerful in replacing negative thoughts and develop a mindset with a positive one.​
Very well written........

I am also sitting alone in garden......Few people around..........Trying to minimize my unrealistic addicted mindset expectations.........And reading this thoughts...... .