I relapsed after 4 days just now at night! Talked to a girl confidently and scared I lost all powers

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Joell Small, Aug 30, 2017.

  1. Joell Small

    Joell Small Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone I am scared I lost all my powers and confidence! I was acting more aggressive and worked like a machine! I first tine talked to a girl out of confidence! She is shy too! I fapped after day 4 today! I just fapped at night! I don't know what to do! I know I didn't ejaculate a lot luckily, so recovery may be fast! What can I do tomorrow then? I want to be confident and be able to talk to the girl! I kept relapsing a lot and five days was highest! Now brainfog will effect me! Help! What to do?
  2. Travelfreeofmind

    Travelfreeofmind Fapstronaut

    First, calm down. If you don't, confidence goes out first.

    Your powers aren't going anywhere. If you put in time and energy to gain them, they won't disappear after you fap.

    As for brain fog, it occurs after you fap and you make yourself less aware of your internal state.

    I'm not sure when you'll read this, but this is how you handle it:
    1. Calm down, take long breaths. You are not going anywhere by freaking out.
    2. Relapsing is nothing if you're prepared to give up fapping. So remember your goal and be more determined not to fail.
    3. Be more aware of your self depreciating talk. If you want to talk to the girl, why worry? You will really fail if you go overly conscious of your thoughts. You will be confident IF you talk to her with the chat focus on her and not on yourself. You won't think much about your relapse and fears.

    Once you have calmed down, remember, days don't mean anything. Full recovery is when you no longer need pmo(in this case you will have a girlfriend). Also, your powers come by your effort, they won't abandon you or anything like that.

    If you want further help, you can ask me and I can try to help you further.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  3. There's no such thing as "powers", all you're doing by doing NoFap is preventing the negatives of PMO. Those "powers" you feel, are just the default state of being, how you should feel if porn wasn't a part (or major part at least) of your life.

    You don't suddenly lose all your confidence or ability to chat to girls when you ejaculate, otherwise people having sex would be screwed.

    Porn and masturbation are much worse in that respect, so if you binge watched porn when you masturbated, then chances are yes your confidence and energy may drop a little - but a little, you're not back to square one. You've made progress. Two steps forward, one step back. Now get moving forward again and move past it. You can do it! :)
    soldier2806 and A41:14A like this.
  4. Joell Small

    Joell Small Fapstronaut

    I was on day 2 today and I masturbated twice within 15 minutes! Now I feel failed and feel horrible! My stomach is hurting and feel like a woman and now I can't talk to girls I feel!
  5. Joell Small

    Joell Small Fapstronaut

    Second time I masturbatef nothing came out due to how recent I masturbated! I think cold shower and vitamin c will help!
  6. You should buy some Vitamin B6. While it's not an excuse to relapse, high dose vitamin B6 will MASSIVELY help you after a relapse.

    The reason? High doses (~150mg+) of Vitamin B6 produce significant dopaminergic effects that will block the prolactin spike that occurs after orgasm. The spike in prolactin is largely responsible for the big drop in energy and many of the negative effects you feel right after orgasm.

    It doesn't remove the negatives of you watching porn or masturbating, or even all of the negatives of the orgasm - but it makes a huge difference, you won't feel anywhere near as drained as you do without it. When I was stuck on shorter streaks and relapsing a lot, I kept B6 around just in case, and it saved my ass on numerous occasions.
  7. Joell Small

    Joell Small Fapstronaut

    I took vitamin b6, d, b12 before I relapsed in morning. So I won't take any right now! I took airborne vitamin c after fapping! So I got to take another one after three hours!
  8. With Vitamin B6 make sure you have the high dose form. Normal B6 tablets only contain like 1.6mg, which will do nothing to lower prolactin. You need the stronger 50mg tablets, and you need to take 3-4 of them right after orgasm for it to have that effect.
  9. CompulsiveCrab

    CompulsiveCrab Fapstronaut

    Maybe put the pussy on a pedestal, and say you won't fap at the very least til you are able to have sex with them
  10. Joell Small

    Joell Small Fapstronaut

    I took the 100 mg vitamin b6 tablets daily! I did notice when I relapsed today, I was not so depressed and got an erection few minutes after that! Second time I relapsed then I felt depressed! I took cold shower and vitamin c!
  11. Joell Small

    Joell Small Fapstronaut

    I trying to do that but I just can't get laid, especially with the hottest and popular girls! I did start talking to girks though! But some are average!
  12. phwrancesco

    phwrancesco Fapstronaut

    powers? sorry for you man but you are not superman :)