Questions for fellow Fapstronaughts

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Nov 29, 2017.

  1. I've been going through a few things in my mind recently and have some questions for people who have been doing NoFap for a long time now. Here goes:

    1. How long do flatlines last?
    My dick feels like it's been dead for ages now and I'm starting to worry if my libido will ever come back.

    2. Has anyone else experienced prostate problems?
    I ask this because I've been having recurring pains in the prostate area and I'm worried I may have prostatitis. Has anyone else had this problem too? And will it go away?

    3. Will exercise help with my recovery?
    This kind of relates to question one. I know that exercise raises testosterone so will that help me get my libido functioning again?

    Final question. How long do reboots last?
    Just wondering.

    Well, that's all I can think of. I've just been worrying a lot lately if I'll ever recover from years of jacking off now that I'm pretty much getting near to 30.
    Any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. 1. Flatlines can last days, weeks or months. Depends on the person

    2. Prostatatitis is uncommon in younger men so if you’re having pain in that area might have it checked out. Haven’t recently had a UTI? STD?

    3.absolutely exercise helps.

    4. Reboot lasts as long as you need it to to meet your goals. What are your goals?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    I have answers for all these but I have homework to do. I'm going get back to you.
  4. Thanks for the help, buddy.
    I'm not sexually active so an STD is highly unlikely.
    What's the common age for prostatitis?
  5. Common age Older men over 50.

    UTI can cause or be related to it as well. Also, if you engage in aggressive, deep anal stimulation that could also cause a temporary swelling of prostate.

    If it doesn’t go away in the next day or two or comes back I would see a physician. Since it’s uncommon in younger men it could be a symptom of something else.

    In the interim, drink plenty of water—flush out your system. And eat lots of tomatos.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Thanks, mate. Will do.
  7. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    I had 3 months of NoFap and just had an prostrate exam - no issues. NoFap doesn’t affect that

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    1. Depends on the guy. Some have them for days, others have it for months. It eventually WILL come back as long as you don't face medical reasons for having limpdick, and NoFap is not a medical issue.

    2. These problems can happen if you go from excessive fapping to none at all, due to a buildup of pressure. They're uncomfortable, but usually not serious and tend to go away once your body readjusts via resorption or a spontaneous emission. Medical issues may happen, but it usually doesn't come from not fapping or celibacy. If it doesn't go away, or it keeps recurring, then I'd get it checked out.

    3. Exercise is great. I find it keeps libido to a healthy level. It's a great energy release when libido's too high, while exercise makes you feel better when libido's too low.

    4. Depends. Are you wanting more stiff erections, or fewer porn flashbacks, etc?
    Deleted Account likes this.