Uhh.."Do one thing every day that scares you." challenge? :-)

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by I_can_and_I_will, Nov 29, 2017.

  1. I_can_and_I_will

    I_can_and_I_will Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Day 4

    Today's task:
    Give up on comics/music/movies until I'm done with my reboot. This isn't a one day task but if I start it I can keep the momentum going. I can't completely give up though because I need some distractions when urges hit. I wanna make sure I keep it to a minimum and put it in a weekend slot. I am so addicted to them that I waste days together on this stuff. I can't do my work without putting on background music. I read comics until food becomes secondary. It's just plain disgusting. They're just dopamine bags and I fear being away from them. But I need to keep my hands off them today.

    Result: Managed to stay away from them but I've got an abnormal craving to go back to them. I've got addictions all over the place! I will stay away from them no matter what!
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2017
    2525 and Deleted Account like this.
  2. Today I went to a bar, sat down, got a drink, and probably looked like a complete fool being alone with no one to talk to. I'm normally not okay in those situations as the people and the atmosphere greatly intimidates me. I wasn't planning to get a hookup or anything like that, but I just felt I needed to face this fear of being an introvert and surrounded by obnoxious noises and non-stop small talk. I've always hated bars, clubs, and all the rest of those places where people normally go out and meet. I'm not wanting to get into that lifestyle; I just don't want to be afraid of it anymore.
  3. I_can_and_I_will

    I_can_and_I_will Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Oh man, I know that feeling. I have so much trouble with that too and it's uncomfortable when I go out with a big group of friends. I don't like the atmosphere but I don't like feeling like an alien either. There are times when I will have to go there and I'd like to just blend in. Good to see you overcome your fear by facing it buddy, keep me updated about how it goes :)
  4. I_can_and_I_will

    I_can_and_I_will Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    True buddy, that's an amazing way of building confidence! It's high time I worked on my social anxiety!
  5. I_can_and_I_will

    I_can_and_I_will Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Wonderful advice, I need to learn this skill, gotta keep trying :D
  6. Congrats on the day without comics/music/movies.

    When I quit drinking a few 24 hours ago (sobriety date: 2/16/1996), I found I had to get rid of some habits. I also found I needed new habits to replace them with. It wasn't easy, I felt like a huge hole had been created in my life.

    I used the old saying, Mind, Body, Spirit to figure out what might work for me. It's an old saying, but it helped me figure out when something was out of sorts, what it might be and how to take care of all me me.

    Mind: I try (not perfect) to learn something new. To stimulate my desire to gain knowledge. I find that reading a non-fiction book (on any topic from history to science) helps. Just making sure I'm watching a PBS documentary every so often (Topics from the Hubble Space telescope to how vaccines are made) keeps my mind healthy.

    Body: Exercise of course but more than that. Eating right, grooming, taking my medications (blood pressure, cholesterol, etc) even if I think I don't need them, seeing the dentist on schedule, etc. I have only one body and spare parts for it require an international waiting list. So, I try to take care of the one I have.

    Spirit: I've said this on lots of other posts, I am spiritual not religious. I've heard it said that religion is for people afraid of going to hell; but that spirituality is for people who've already been there. I do have a higher power and pray for courage and strength to carry out my higher power's will for me.

    Congrats on getting yourself out there. I don't drink. So, for me it would be a Starbucks or cafe at a bookstore (we have a few of those about still). But, give yourself credit, that was a big deal and you did it.

    If you met me or saw me at a party or business function, you'd think I was the best at socializing. But, really I am anxious and hate every minute of it. I can small talk, offer a sympathetic ear, smile, chat and even eat those silly snacks from a toothpick. But, it's a learned affect for me. I keep nodding, smiling and most importantly, I ask small questions that keep the topic on the other person. As in, "really, you do you have family there?", "where in Europe did your tour take you?", "so, how long before your son graduates?".

    Most people would tell you I'm a great conversationalist. But, that's not having a conversation to me, that's just surviving the party. And all without a drinking - soda water with a lime in a tall glass. Then, nobody bothers me about having a drink.
  7. I_can_and_I_will

    I_can_and_I_will Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Woah another awesome post from you before I could finish typing my reply to the earlier one!! Loved the Mind, Body and Spirit saying, it's like we're giving every part of us the importance it deserves. I've noticed that ever since my decision to quit PMO, I'm leaning towards gaining knowledge rather than trying to drown myself in fiction all the time. It's a good feeling, watching stuff about the universe and it's making. Wonderful post bro, your words are guiding hands :)

    Wow, I have similar feelings when I'm making an attempt at socializing, I'm writing it down in the other post, I'll post it later.
    2525 likes this.
  8. El fapio

    El fapio Fapstronaut

    Today I did something that was not that scary, but I avoided it nevertheless. Meditation on self-forgiveness.
  9. I_can_and_I_will

    I_can_and_I_will Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Thank you, gonna check it out! True buddy, I think a place I'd fit in would be good to work on my socializing skills :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. I_can_and_I_will

    I_can_and_I_will Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Hey man, how did yesterday's task go?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. I_can_and_I_will

    I_can_and_I_will Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Congratulations on completing it buddy, good job :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. El fapio

    El fapio Fapstronaut

    I usually get caught in many distractions and I lose much of my valuable time. Today I will remove most of my distractions and push myself.I'll allow myself to watch one episode of the show by the end of the day as a reward for doing this. The goal is to make myself more productive, not miserable. I also currently don't have a job so there is a lot of spare time, so lets see how much I can get done!
    I_can_and_I_will likes this.
  13. I_can_and_I_will

    I_can_and_I_will Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Hey bro, you just stated my situation perfectly! I'm in a similar position, let's do our best to be as productive as possible. We'll leave PMO behind and we need to land a job, that's the goal :D
    2525 likes this.
  14. I_can_and_I_will

    I_can_and_I_will Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Day 5

    Today's task:
    Guess what? My task on Day 0, apologizing to a friend. She called me today and I told here I needed to talk to her. But at the last minute, I started getting cold feet and I almost decided to not meet up. Managed to push myself to go and I stood in front of her house for an hour, dying with shame. I almost turned back but I made it today's task and went in.

    Result: She seemed a bit angry but it lasted for a mere 2 seconds. She spoke with so much kindness and warmth, makes me feel so guilty for hurting someone like her. Got to see her beautiful smile when I wished her goodbye, a weight lifted off my shoulders :)
    Deleted Account and 2525 like this.
  15. I didn't do anything yesterday as I had an important exam today.
    Will continue the challenge tomorrow, or might do something tonight before sleeping.

    I will post here when I think of it or when I do it!


    I did something today, although it wasn't something that scares me. What I did was I decided to give up on junk food completely. I even had a nice bowl of salad today!

    I was being tempted to eat junk food on the way home after my exam, but I controlled myself. I actually couldn't control myself earlier before nofap, and I would end up eating dirty unhealthy street food almost every day.
    I guess that's nofap benefit number 2 for me :) Number 1 being increased confidence
    I_can_and_I_will likes this.
  16. I_can_and_I_will

    I_can_and_I_will Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    You say that like it's a bad thing buddy :D Always a pleasure to read the stuff you write, it's broken down logically, has interesting anecdotes, it's just perfect!

    This was truly amazing to read. I've always had to deal with this stuff and it's frustrating because it's a fear that I carry. I'll be as honest as I can here.

    If I were to write my reactions to the three categories you've described:
    1. I feel so guilty that I write a big apology letter. In my head. When I do go to confront them, all that comes out is an awkward apology and loads of rubbish. People end up thinking I'm being fake and lying to their face.
    And when I've tried to make amends for a while and they still don't care, I tend to lose my patience and end up ignoring them myself. That depends on the mistake though, if it's something major I understand their hate and feel ashamed forever but if it's petty I never again talk to the other party until they come to me because there's nothing else I can do. I don't know now if this is the right attitude to adopt.

    2. This is who I am. I always tend to mold myself to the other person's character. In that way, I am always avoiding conflicts and ugly situations. For example, I have some work that needs to be done and a neighbor drops by. We're friends so I tell them I'm busy. They make this face that says they need to pass the time and since they took the effort of coming, I shouldn't be sending them away. So, I postpone my work. It pisses me off, I'm annoyed at myself. Ugh, this isn't even a one time scenario, it occurs on a 7 times a week basis! Yet, they are very straightforward when it comes to the things they want. I understand the logic but I do something else when it's time to put my thoughts into action.

    3. THIS. These are the exact type of people I attract. I don't know why. I prefer hard work to complaining about how unfair life is. If there's something I can't do, I'm just not putting in effort. Yet, I need to listen to long rants and complaints and me being the actor of the century, I nod my head and advise, all the while dying of boredom inside. This might make me look like an unfeeling person but most of what people have to say are excuses. If there's a genuine problem, I'm willing to lend an ear but they are things that could be overcome easily with effort. Since I attract the kind of people who make their life a soap opera, even the times I do show my honest side and give them genuine advice, it ends in a fight because these people can't stand the change.

    The people I interact with would be like this I suppose:
    1. People I admire
    I get so nervous that every time I meet them, it's a disaster. The most that happens is them talking to me occasionally, never able to become good friends with them.

    2. Friends
    Thing is, if I were to choose, I wouldn't be choosing the lot I'm with now. They're great people but our interests clash. People I end up with are usually ones that tend to give a lot of excuses and ones who choose laziness over life. It's frustrating when all I get to hear about is stuff like dating and breakup, there's much more to explore and the ones with me aren't interested in the things that I find awesome. If only I could make them see the things I see, is what I wish for at times, but most have given up on their dreams already, they wanna do what others do,.

    3.The rest of the world
    Due to my social anxiety, these people have always remained in this slot. If only I were to open up, I'd be putting so many people into my friends slot.

    All these problems are due to my social anxiety :/

    This was such an interesting story to read, you're a born writer bro, it's a disappointment when I reach the end of your posts. Situations such as the above, where people are judged for something they're not in control of is the reason for most problems. A person's color, gender, sexuality, country..these are things that should never be used as tools to make people miserable, they should be respected and celebrated, because this world is beautiful in its diversity. Thank you for the honest opinions you fill your posts with, lucky to have made your acquaintance bud!
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
    2525 likes this.
  17. Hey, @I_can_and_I_will ,

    Thank you for that description of how you interact with the world. I get what you are saying 100%.

    I'm still working on my need to be "perfect" and to be liked. I know I'm better at not needing to be perfect and liked and yet still have - and most always will have - work to do.

    Mostly, today I have this belief - I don't have to like everyone and they don't have to like me. That is not the same as saying I want to be unlikable. Just that I don't have to change myself to every situation and person.

    My mother had friends from an activity she was involved with (I don't want to get too specific, but not trying to get cryptic). I was visiting my parents for a couple of weeks and they showed up for a quick visit. Seriously, hand to God, this woman did not like me. She was charming, pleasant, engaging with everyone but me. This was the first and only time I'd met her. After attempting to talk to her a few times, I just walked away. They finished their visit and I went on with my life. I asked my mother what I'd done to her friend. My mother had not noticed what I clearly saw.

    Maybe it was me. Maybe the entire "situation" was just my perception of her interactions with others versus me. Maybe the woman just didn't like me. I dunno. I never saw her again.

    What I learned that day was, that I didn't care why. There was no reason to let it spin around in my head. Perhaps even to get angry thinking up unjust reasons she didn't like me. Why? Out of all the days I've lived I was near her for a couple of hours. In the past I'd have let her live in my head rent free for years.

    I think of it from time to time, but more as the first time I didn't care why someone didn't like me.
    I_can_and_I_will and 2525 like this.
  18. I_can_and_I_will

    I_can_and_I_will Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Wow, that is one of the best decisions ever. A healthy body is a healthy mind after all! Buddy, you're changing you lifestyle in a great way and rebelling with the brain that's always searching for instant dopamine hits! Inspired by your decision, gonna make it my goal to give up junk good too :)
    Deleted Account and 2525 like this.
  19. I_can_and_I_will

    I_can_and_I_will Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Loved this buddy, even if it's a difficult path ahead, I'll do my best to change my ways. There's no point hurting myself and others so continually because I don't have the strength to be me.

    Loved the anecdote, I come across such people from time to time too. I keep wondering what I did and try my best to impress them. I end up ignoring them after a while but that's a wrong thing. I need to just be myself. Thank you for all these messages, reading them makes me think differently and get my life in order :)
    2525 and Deleted Account like this.
  20. I_can_and_I_will

    I_can_and_I_will Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Day 6

    Today's task:
    Sometimes I like to just sit in a park and relax. But I do it only when there aren't many people around. Today I decided to just do what I want and not care about a thing.

    I did it :) I had a great day pushing the useless stuff out of my head and be nonchalant about stuff that doesn't matter to me.