Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Future role model, Apr 2, 2018.

How often do you eat sugary foods?

  1. every day

    62 vote(s)
  2. 2-5 times a week

    32 vote(s)
  3. once a week

    7 vote(s)
  4. few times a month

    5 vote(s)
  5. once a month

    3 vote(s)
  6. almost never

    7 vote(s)
  1. It's okay only if you don't give up.

    Day 11
    I had some urges but I'm feeling great overall.
    Force Majeure and immadothis like this.
  2. Duellant

    Duellant Fapstronaut

    Of course after a relapse and generally when we feel down it is difficult to keep up the high standards.
    But I also think that this kind of binge eating can be caused by low blood sugar. When you're hungry the body craves for sugar because this is the fastest way to get energy.
    That doesn't mean that you shouldn't do intermediate fasting. I think it's great and I hope I can do it myself in the near future. I also want to reduce sugary products drastically. But from my point of view there have to be exceptions to the rule. I think it's good to reward oneself from time to time and really enjoy food. But then the question is: what is the food I choose as a reward? Does it have to be very unhealthy? Even for Epicurus, who's presumed to be the hedonist of the antique philosophers, a piece of cheese was enough to satisfie his lust.

    But for me the main reason to deviate from a strict diet is the social factor. Of course you don't need to do everything your familiy, your colleagues or your friends do. I can stay without alcohol and still enjoy myself. But sometimes it's better to join than to seperate. It speaks volumes when buddhists who usually stick to a vegetarian diet eat meat when it's offered to them.

    Yea, this drives me as well. What I want to achieve is a better discipline that leads to clear decisions, discipline to stay the course, endurance, honesty, virtuousness without being stubborn or fatuous and peace of mind.
    The goal isn't to control and manage myself completey but to have a healthy amount of self-control and reach some kind of balance.
    Concerning food I envision the state of: I can but I don't have to.

    It's remarkable how you managed to gain so much muscle and strenght while being vegan AND keeping up this OMAD protocol.
    Future role model likes this.
  3. For me it's the opposite. If somebody doesn't like me for what I do, than I keep the distance. If you cannot respect my decision to eat one meal a day, or to stop drinking alcohol, than I won't look at you as my friend. Of course, I am ready to violate my principles if it's for the person I care about. For example, if I had a girlfriend, of course that sometimes I will eat ice cream with her, or eat a cake for her birthday, or try something that she made for me. But I also expect from her to respect my principles and not to force me to violate them too often, if she really loves me then she won't do that. Same thing with my best friend, I will show him respect by eating cake for his birthday for sure! But if he wants to force me to drink alcohol, even tho he knows that I made decision to stop when I was 14(I started drinking at 12, at 14 it started getting serious, so I decided that I won't drink ever again, it's been 3+ years since and I haven't violated my decision), than he isn't my friend. I don't see why people find my decisions as problems, they think that I will disrespect them if I don't eat/drink at their celebrations, but in fact they disrespect me and my principles by forcing me to violate them, and if I decide to violate my principles for the people I don't really care about that much, that I am just disrespecting myself. And just to clarify, I haven't become a vegan because of animal cruelty. I find it big issue, but I don't find eating animal products unmoral. I decided to turn vegan because consuming animal products too often isn't healthy, so I'm okay with having 1-3 "no vegan meals" a month.
    Honestly I really enjoy my food right now. People think that healthy food cannot be as tasty as junk food, but that's far from truth. Healthy food can be more delicious than any funk food. I am lucky for having my mother. She is great at cooking, and since I started doing OMAD, she has offered to make me food(before OMAD I was making food mostly for myself, it started when I was 15). I enjoy eating my fruits, rice, beans, nuts, seeds, salad... It tastes great, and I still don't understand how I managed to crave junk food... You are probably right when you said it's maybe from low blood sugar level. I used to do KETO diet before, but while I was doing it, I wasn't craving for simple carbs, but for the complex ones instead. I wanted to eat rice so badly. Now when I'm getting complex carbs, it's like I adapted to them and I want simple carbs. When you don't have anything, you are happy with small things, but the more you have the more greedy you get. Thankfully I managed to exit this crisis, it's my day 12 without any sugary food, and I'm happy. I don't have any cravings at all.
  4. Duellant

    Duellant Fapstronaut

    My problem is, I don't inform my friends in the first place. And I don't make up my mind how to react on those social pressure things. It's easier for me to stick to a routine when I'm on my own. But that's not enough!
    It's good that you have principles, that you stick to them and that you still are ready to sacrifice them for a higher good. That's perfect, that's ideal.

    Thank you for showing me the way.
    I'll make more clear decisions!

    What do you think about "willpower depletion" by the way?
    Future role model likes this.
  5. Mead123

    Mead123 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys.I start at day 0/90
    Future role model likes this.
  6. Duellant

    Duellant Fapstronaut

    I made up my mind. I'm starting tomorrow with this Challenge. It won't be easy and I don't know if I'll make it, but I'll motivate myself a great deal and I'll cherish the idea that there comes the day when @Dane17 adds me in the hall of fame. I want in there! I want to proove to myself and others that I'm capable to endure this Challenge! I'll f*ing do it :emoji_muscle::emoji_metal:

    - This is my day zero. Tomorrow will be my first no-sugar day

    - I will abstain from sugary sweets, juices and soft drinks as demanded in the OP

    - Additionally I will try to avoid added sugars by eating mostly non-processed foods. But I can't avoid all the added sugars. For example I won't abstain from pickles, which seem to have always sugar added.

    - I will drink no alcohol. Because it could risk my abstinence and recovery. But this is not part of the Challenge.

    - I'll replace the sweets with decent food (I also want to gain weight) and from time to time with natural products like fruits, honey, dates

    - I'll decline when people offer me sugary sweets. If it's helpful I'll explain that I'm fasting from sugar and maybe about this Challenge. I'll try to foresee such events in advance and prepare myself.

    - If my friends eat cake I'll have something else

    - I'll update as often as possible.
    Future role model likes this.
  7. Honestly, I think it's all about your mentality. I don't believe in limited willpower resources, or that sugars can increase your willpower. It's all about how tough you are. Also I believe that the stronger is the reason you made a decision, the easier it is to you to stick to that decision. For example, I remember few years ago when I was addicted to video games. At first it wasn't so bad, I enjoyed playing single player games and completing missions. I was pretty good at it, could finish whole game in few hours, and I enjoyed it. Still it wasn't so serious. But than I found out about League of legends, and everything turned bad. I spent next 2 years playing LoL every day, sometimes up to 10+ hours. Those 2 years I was only thinking about LoL, I could only talk about it, had no other topic for discussion. Even tho there were some good things that I've learned from that game(I've learned not to blame others, but to take responsibility instead. Every time I lost a game I asked myself-What did I do wrong and what I can improve? It have also taught me that I should watch world bests and learn from them. I used to watch pro players and analyze, and it helped me a lot to improve. In that period of my life I realized that I shouldn't complain, because it won't get me anywhere. If I blame others all the time, and I have no results, than problem is in me.) it was still horrible. I refused to go to social events and stayed home to play LoL instead. But one event made me completely stop. That event made me realize how wrong I am for doing that. It made me realize how irrelevant I am to this world. It all happened on 20th of June 2015 when Serbian U20 National Football team won the World cup beating Brasil in the final. I looked at those guys, they were so young but still heroes of whole nation. I realized how important they are, and I also realize that I am nobody. That was the moment when I decided that I will change, and from that day I stopped playing LoL completely. The reason because I've made decision to stop was so strong that it was easy to me to stick to that decision. If you don't have reason to change, that you won't change. You need to be open minded and realize how unfulfilled you are, and only than your eyes will open and you will see bunch of reasons to change. Your willpower won't deplete as long as you remember your reasons to even start. I see believing in willpower depletion as a barrier, if you believe in it, it will really apply to you. But if you don't, than you are unlimited. The main reasons I had those sugar crisis is because I forgot why I stopped eating those crap. Now I remember my reasons, and my willpower in unlimited.

    Welcome brother and good luck!

    That's the spirit bro! Congratulations on making this decision, it's not the easy one! We will go thru this challenge together. :emoji_muscle::emoji_muscle::emoji_muscle::emoji_muscle:

    Today is my 15th day, and I feel amazing!
    Duellant likes this.
  8. Duellant

    Duellant Fapstronaut

    Ok Dane17, now it's on!

    First day nearly finished.


    Yesterday before going to sleep I ate rest of Chocolate Cookies only to clear my home from sugar. Usually my reptile-brain tells me "eat that stuff". This time I told my reptile brain "we have to eat that now" LOL

    Technical question @Dane17 : what do you think about organic whole-grain pastry with some sugar? would you exclude it along with the industrial sweets?
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2018
    Future role model likes this.
  9. Crunchy leaves

    Crunchy leaves Fapstronaut

    I can't live without sugar lol :v, don't want to join but interested seeing other doing this challenge
    Future role model likes this.
  10. If you really need to add some sweeteners I would recommend using honey. Organic honey is actually really healthy, and it's recommend to eat 1 teaspoon a day. But if you are adding very little refined sugar I guess it's still fine. You should be the one who is making the rules for this challenge, because you are challenging yourself. I'm just giving idea to people, if you think that it's okay to add some sugar in it, than do it, you are your own judge.
  11. rocworthy24

    rocworthy24 Fapstronaut

    I know my body will be happy if I eat way less sugar than I am now. Gonna do this. Day 0! Will probably update weekly.
    Duellant and Future role model like this.
  12. Welcome mate! You've made a great decision! :)
    rocworthy24 likes this.
  13. Duellant

    Duellant Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your answer Dane. I asked that, not because I'm craving for that kind of pastry but because I imagined a situation were I would be treated to such a pastry. Yes, you're right, I can define it by myself. And I say: when somebody treats me to a pastry which is quite healthy but still contains refined sugar (not just white flour combined with glycose sirups) then I can say yes.

    Honey is a good idea. But I don't want to buy it yet. Chances are I use it as a substitution and eat it in very short time :D
    Future role model likes this.
  14. Duellant

    Duellant Fapstronaut

  15. Mead123

    Mead123 Fapstronaut

    day 2/90 feel so better :)
    Future role model and Duellant like this.
  16. I want to apologize to you guys, because I became weak again. It's a long story, but I will keep it short for you, yesterday I ate junk food again. Today when I got from school I did it again. My discipline is literally falling apart, I'm loosing my good habits and I'm getting a bad habits. I need to get things right or I am really screwed...
    Force Majeure likes this.
  17. Duellant

    Duellant Fapstronaut

    I'm having more sugar urges than urges for touching dick / looking at crap / wanking my brains out
    However I have a good counter measure: I just eat a lot of what's healthy. I want to gain weight anyway.
    Oh no, Dane! What went wrong? You better know the reasons rather than beating up yourself.
    What kind of junk food was it? So you did eat a lot of sugar or what? I see also your counter is reseted.
    Anyway, don't get sucked in! You say your discipline is falling apart. I guess it's a backlash from the so-called reptilian brain. We all have to learn!

    But you know what? You can still prove that you manage the situation better than most of us would, if you stay calm now. No
    panic, no depression, no further escalation into chaos. You're still a role model and we need you here Dan! Don't think that all your efforts are wasted by one slip. You are an incredible inspiration!

    What's next? What's the plan?
    Future role model likes this.
  18. This Wednesday when I got home from school, my stomach started hurting me unbearably. The pain was so strong that I literally couldn't move. I somehow managed to get to my bed and lay there. I waited for more than 2 hours but the pain refused to go away. This is the first time that something hurts me since I started my OMAD protocol. But I had this kind of pain before OMAD, when I used to eat a lot. And I remember that every time I got this pain, I used to eat and it would go away. So I decided that I'll break my fast and eat something. There comes the problem. There wasn't any cooked food, only food that I found was "Plazma" cookies. Those cookies are actually considered healthy, at least that's how they advertise them, but I know that they are junk food. So one hour after eating them my pain eventually got away, but I felt sad for breaking my fast. So of course, I decided to ruin my day even more by continuing to eat more junk food. I have totally forgot about this threat and this challenge, and I had a "cheat day". To make things even worse, my team lost the Champions League Semi finals game, and it made me even more sad. After that I relapsed, and yesterday I've got bad grade in school, so when I came home, I started eating junk again, and I relapsed again... I cannot believe how weak I was, I have let my stomach pain and my teams loss dictate my day. I need to get back on track or I'm screwed. I even stopped reading books and waking up early, my life is at total mess atm...
    Ali1997 likes this.
  19. Duellant

    Duellant Fapstronaut

    I see. That were some tough days for you. I a little bit worried because of that stomach pain. Is it possible that it's only the body's reaction when it craves for some food? Or something else?

    It's good that you don't want to let these events dictate your day! I hope your mood will change soon and you'll be back on track.
    Future role model likes this.
  20. Duellant

    Duellant Fapstronaut

    Many temptation out there. Mood swings in the evening.
    Future role model likes this.