Wtf am I doing?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, May 1, 2018.

  1. When I realized that girls are not everything in life, I started to commit to things. Like exercise. I did workouts with 3 months plans.
    Actually, I walk a lot, at least compared to most of the people that I know (I walk like ~8km per day). I don't have a car and that is the reason and I avoid to waste money in public transports.
    As I told you, I improved myself. My body for example, I had a high body fat %, I looked like a fat bitch, with big ass, big hips. I looked like a sissy and to be honest I enjoyed to look like one for other reasons that I am working one. I managed to lose ~10Kg by lifting weights and running.

    Social skills were improved because I pratice them at work. Looking at people in eyes (men or women), talking slowly, reading people, tried to be funny sometimes, etc.

    But as I told you, I didn't give a shit. I just wanted to become that "Cowboy" guy that is all by himself and don't need friends and girls. I am actually good being all by myself.
    The only thing that I can't control is that I get many times blushed when I am arround a cute girl or someone ask me shit like why I don't have a gf. Thankfully, nobody has ever asked if I am a virgin. My face would become red as the blood.

    But what is the point of becoming a guy without feelings and wasting a life trying to become tough. As you said, I am just avoiding being hurt. This future is confy (not be a social guy at all).
    But I don't want to have a dark like without any color.
  2. I don't think that I said that I want a gf for the saking of having one. I just want girls to be part of my life. My life does not involve any girl. This is sadly fucking true. It is like living in a world where women don't exist at all. Of course, with the exception of my mother. And because I have a big round number of friends, 000000, It is very difficult to start anything.

    Unfortunately, the more I post and the more I read, friends seem indispensable if I want to meet girls.
  3. outplan

    outplan Fapstronaut

    You're really finding some great insight here. No man is an island. At some point you will need to be vunerable to move forward and the key is to have some skills to deal with that. You've isolated yourself as a form of defense. You can't hold that position for ever. It sounds great that you're working on eye contact and communication. That is really insightful and smart to improve those. Perhaps you could join a speaking group? I don't know if toast masters is an international thing but they're a group where you learn to speak in front of others. I've seen it work wonders for peoples confidence.

    No unfortunately about it. Girls are people, to meet people you need to be able to make friends. You can't jump to partner without them knowing who you are first. So if your ultimate ambition is to be in a fulfilling relationship then one of the steps is to learn how to make and nuture friendships. Walk before you run, crawl before you walk.
  4. Orion_35

    Orion_35 Fapstronaut

    I think the whole social acceptance thing works for some people but to me its kind of rubbish and here is why:

    I was friends with guys and the women they were friends with didn't like me ( I know because of the weird looks they gave me), the ones that I could talk to were actually the roommates of a friend of mine who was kind enough to switch with me for a while when I was having issues with my own roomates. but you know even these girls : one was a smoker/drug user , the other had a boyfriend, and me, well there is no avoiding the fact that regardless of look I'm pretty geeky and eccentric.
    so Moral of the story: friends can help you indirectly meet women but don't expect anything and don't be friends with them because you expect them to hook you up.

    Also during the army I had a bad crush on one of my friend's gf, don't think you'd want to be in that situation, it sux bigtime.

    Online dating can be ok sometimes, it really depends. I don't know what you do or if you have any hobbies you are passionate about but that is another way to meet women.

    In my experience if you build your life the way you want you'd end up meeting someone without even realizing how that happened, the hard part is knowing not to let the connection slip by and you don't have to be some kind of smooth PUA expert, just be your every day confident self, I believe that the more you build yourself up the more confident you become, the problem for me was actually maintaining that, because all the magic guys mention here, I kind of stumbled upon it but I know that stuff is real, if only I kept my cool instead of trying to think about how I should act. (IMO PUA sux)
    Clerk373 likes this.

  5. At this moment I don't have any hobby that involves people. I will try do find something that I would like to do. I can't choose hobbies just for the sake of meeting people.

    PUA is one thing to consider because it works. But I will no try it yet, too soon. I don't even know where I can pick girls.

    I think the pattern is: Improve youself, because by improving myself I am increasing my social circle.
    The goal is not to have a friends or gf's but to increase social skills and give some joy to my life. By doing this I will probably become a happier person and friends will come naturally. Friends mean girls. Now that I have girls in my life I can talk with them and practice my social skills.
  6. Orion_35

    Orion_35 Fapstronaut

    Yeah the point is to let things happen naturally and get to know people without having any romantic expectations or motives.
    outplan likes this.
  7. outplan

    outplan Fapstronaut

    I used some of the techniques I learnt from PUA to meet more women when socialising. I never actually went through with sleeping with any of them but when you prove to yourself that you have the ability to get girls numbers and talk to anyone it helps level you out and stabilise your self-esteem.

    Man I really think you're putting this all together quite nicely.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Sometimes I fear anxiety and depression. One of the reasons I became depressed when I was 23 years was because I felt anxiety for the first time.
    I graduated, nice marks and nice jobs were easy to find. The problem was that I felt like I didn't get the advantage of my college time to improve social skills, have friends, meet girls.
    Anxiety knocked my door and let it in.

    Before getting anxiety, I thought anxiety was like getting nervous around girls or people. Getting nervous before doing a presentation, before a job interview.
    But those are just small anxiety events that everyone has. Anxiety is much more than that, and I understand now that people suffer when they talk about real anxiety.
    After some 3 months of anxiety, I started to feel that life is not worth it. What is the point of getting nice marks, nice job, bla bla, if you are not happy. That is when depression joined in. It is a real shit, heavy thoughts every day and feeling that we are in the brink of tears every hour. Hopeless shit.
    Thankfully, I managed to tell myself that friends and girls are not everything in life and I am the most important human being and no one deserves me. This worked, for my surprise. Affirmations are a cure, believe me.

    That is when I decided to improve my life (except for social circle).

    I am 27 years old, almost 30. Times goes by with the speed of light. I have to act. I fear that anxiety can act first.
  9. outplan

    outplan Fapstronaut

    Every journey, no matter how big or small starts with a single step. Focus on the steps.

    Just saw this posted It's a pretty spectacular read. I thought the part about writing down 10 positive things about yourself and reading them morning and night (out loud) was a good piece of advice.

    Overcoming anxiety is important. So dig to find out the cause. There is much happiness to be had in life and it's your duty to find it!
  10. That's. a good start, but it takes more.
    And this has to stop. You are still draining your masculine energy and motivation. Nofap means no porn and no masturbating. Try that for a few months and then see what happens. It's possible that the girls will come to you, but if they don't, you will end up going to them.
  11. Yes, I am without PMO for 12 days. I see small benefits.

    I catched girls looking at me. It is not a big deal, and I don't even know if they looked at me before. I just sense that they are looking and then I look at them xD (superpower)
    I noticed that when I am arround many people, I don't gag like I did and I smile more.
    When I am walking I walk with good posture and confident.

    But it is not helping me to decrease my porn cravings. Actually they are increasing and I am having thoughts that are more deeper and "dangerous" to me.
  12. So if you have stopped porn and masturbnating, you are doing it right.

    So, these sound spectacular, for just 12 days.

    It's not easy. Nobody said this was easy, they just said it's worth it.

    I've got 39 days and I still want to watch porn. I had 61 days at one point and I still wanted to watch porn. I try not to think about it.

    If you snag one of those girls, it will get a lot easier. But you may wish to wait until you are are getting morning wood and/or erections from seeing or thinking about girls (not porn!).
  13. I get morning woods but they are not about girls. I can't get hard without any help by just thinking about girls.
    I can get it a little hard and get the O by imagining only girls, but I have to fap for a long time. It is like girls are not so exciting as they were.
  14. Morning wood is a reflex thing, it's not actually "about" anybody or anything.
    That is actually progress, at least from where I was when I started. i couldn't fap without porn.

    Give it time. It will happen. 12 days isn't much at all if you've been PMOing for years.

    When the time does come, that time you spent in the gym will serve you well. ;)
    outplan likes this.

  15. Hope so. The problem is, I have been in pmo for 12 days and I feel like I am more at ease with myself, no anxieties or stresses. Of corse this can all be placebo. Anyway, it is the right path to meet girls and be more social.

    But while NoFap I actually regret spending time in gym because of my porn "addiciton". I consumed a porn that emasculates me and I got hard with it (sissy porn). When I fapped I felt ridiculous and I just wanted to forget the sissy porn and toughts.

    But because I don't see it or I don't fap to it for 12 days, my cravings are higher and I regret the time spent in gym because my brain wants me to be a sissy and not a moscular boy.
  16. Great!
    If it is, then many thousands of guys are having the same placebo - so I conclude it's not.
    Well, you just have to think about something else. You know that's not what you really want - that is your Porn Brain lying to you.

    Your addiction wants you to use - so it wants you to fail at anything that would keep you from using.
    outplan likes this.
  17. outplan

    outplan Fapstronaut

    Yep, that's your drug addict brain trying its hardest to win you back. Fight it, it's lying to you.
    FX-05 likes this.
  18. outplan likes this.
  19. Agent

    Agent Fapstronaut

    About your low self-esteem you can start by accepting yourself the way you are, i know its not a easy step but it works, always stay in a good look to yourself, going outside in a bad looking can lower your confidence.
    Girls are not the problem here, because it depends on you and them, so basically you can't do all the work to get them. Don't worry about that sometimes try to hang out to nice places that you think you can find people of your interest.
    Always set a goal everyday, depression and loneliness sometimes act when we feel worthless or bored in a long term, so keep yourself busy and relaxed.
    I'll be here if you need help.
  20. My low self esteem is strange. I see many boys (uglier tham me in my opinion), weaker than me (physically), dumber than me with hot girls.
    I think "How the hell these guys have girls and I don't". I know that this sounds narcissist, but I am a douchebag sometimes.

    But the fact that they have a girl and I don't, make me think that something is not right about me. And the fact that I am 27 and never had a girl...make everything (goals, jobs, dreams) insignificant.
    I am not depressed, anxious or even lonely to be honest. But I fear that my life path is leading me to those 3 negative things.
    I have to change it.
    Agent likes this.