Brain Fog... help me please!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by randomdood, Oct 11, 2018.

  1. randomdood

    randomdood Fapstronaut

    I'm new here and I already made a post a couple days ago introducing myself.

    The main reason why I began NoFap is beacuse of Brain Fog.

    In this period of time I got lots of exams and homework and I'm not able to think straight... I have a terrible memory and I'm often in a bad mood.

    So I have some questions...

    How much time will it be necessary to get back to "normal"?
    Are there things I should do or avoid to do?
    How can I feel less tired? (I sleep 8 hours a day)

  2. Exams, homework and brain fog have one simple solution.

    Learn to organize your daily tasks. Mismanagement leads to stress and excess workload, all of this induces more stress and poor performance.

    So get your daily schedule on point and stop wasting time on things you don't want for a while. Do what is necessary and important and do it regularly.
    randomdood likes this.
  3. randomdood

    randomdood Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice, but the point is that with brain fog I can't focus properly on what I'm doing. Or for example if I need to study a paragraph it takes me 3 or 4 readings to fully understand that. I waste a lot of time that i wouldn't waste without brain fog and that's why I need to 'clear' my brain.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. It takes time dude... You didn't end up with it within a few days... It's due to months of accumulated stresses man... So at least try and stick to a routine for 4 weeks and you'll see good results.
    randomdood likes this.
  5. fellowBrother

    fellowBrother Fapstronaut

    Alright bud.... heres some advice.

    Make sure your diet is good. Make sure you eat enough. That's the most important thing. Next..... I would say you should see some relief from it in like a week or so. It will come and go. this is a process that takes time and urges/anxiety/brain fog all come and go in phases. Then you will hit flatline. Just make sure you eat well, sleep well, and do things in a timely manner so that you don't get stressed out. I'm a senior in college pursuing a computer science degree. I have a 3.5 GPA, and I've been struggling with PMO for my entire college career. You can do this. Pace yourself. AND STOP FAPPING permanently
    randomdood and Anonymous86 like this.
  6. randomdood

    randomdood Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advices!
  7. randomdood

    randomdood Fapstronaut
