Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by HiddenWarrior, Apr 2, 2019.


Have you beaten your record or improved your average noPMO since joining this?

  1. Yes

    281 vote(s)
  2. No

    90 vote(s)
  1. HiddenWarrior

    HiddenWarrior Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    dry fast (no food or water), sunrise till sunset everyday for a month.
    Leader of ME and CoolBuddy7 like this.
  2. HiddenWarrior

    HiddenWarrior Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    just keep fighting, i know you can do this.
    Alex_Al and CoolBuddy7 like this.
  3. T0mCrus4der

    T0mCrus4der Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Maybe I should try fasting again, too. I didn't do it this easter. Last year i fasted all calories for 3 weeks. So 21 days no food or any drinks exept tea and water. Made great progress this way. But also was too hardcore and only possible because I had work to do wich wasn't challenging mentally.
    I will fast from 12 to 12. Seems reasonable
    CoolBuddy7 and primordial-saiyan like this.
  4. HiddenWarrior

    HiddenWarrior Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I heard yesterday, body is comprised of two parts the animal part which is the one which yearns food when fasting and the ruh (soul) which is from God when he created us and it years him. As like someone who is hungry, he will eat anything to survive, so does the ruh as it tries to connect with God, this is why people end up 'worshipping' money, their idols, sex and a lot more obsessions develop but in truth what you need to connect to is what the book of God itself, to find the true connection. read these translations of quran from the primary source itself and not on any opinion piece or secondary source ( or and for context and explanation for any verses you don't understand read ( or alternatively watch this as you read) if you want or are interested.
    CoolBuddy7 likes this.
  5. Great, another duel!
    Nice to meet you, teammate,@Pizzapowa it'll be a pleasure to fight next to you.
    Sister, @fleurette ! We are no longer a team, but we'll always be sisters <3
    I wish you all the best!
    We all are winners ;)
  6. So are you drinking and eating when there is no sun?
  7. Alex_Al

    Alex_Al Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    That reminds me the fasting period before easter (about 40 days). In all this time from Monday to Friday u can eat after the sunset but only water or tea or bread or something like that. And only Saturdays and Sundays you can cook something with oil. (Like a vegan diet all 40 days). And the first 3 days and the last 2 of this period you didn't eat or drink nothing. Of course depends on your strength... If you can do this exactly as it is or in a way you can! :)
    Leader of ME likes this.
  8. Coolbuddy7

    Coolbuddy7 Fapstronaut

    My father doesn't drink, but, he still hates me so much. He scolds me for every tiniest mistake I do (Or at least, it seems to be a mistake in his eyes). Anyways, I have grown out of it. I don't give a shit about that now. I have got more people to love, and still I do love him. I will accept him the way he is, for he had a very bad childhood, and has gone through a lot. He probably doesn't know whom to trust and whom not to due to bad experiences from his past.

    Wow. What a come-back by Liverpool on a Night, when they were without two of their gems in the forward line-up. Wijnaldum shined again for the Reds. They had a good squad and managed to complete the come back. I didn't expect Barca to lose anyways, still, it's Football, and you can't predict stuff.

    Thank you brother. I also have to thank brother Saiyan123 for setting me up in a duel against two fearsome warriors who have greater levels of streaks than mine. It really pushes me a lot to keep up with you both. I will give it my best shot !

    No problem ! ;)

    Good luck to you too warrior. Good luck to @Coolyorky as well. :p

    I will try my level best not to. This really pushes me to go to greater heights. :)
    Last edited: May 8, 2019
  9. This is too much. There is that buddha quote that goes something like that.. When he was rips out, almost death from hunger, he says. "No eating is not the answer'' to spiritual life, you know. So I am cool if I need to go 3 days no food. It seems reasonable. But to go 3 days no water. Kind of dangerous. Maybe if you are moving as an old monk probably. But being young.. damn. If you work with your body a lot. It seems a recipe for disaster.
    primordial-saiyan likes this.
  10. As far as fasting goes, I did 3-4 days mainly only dinner after a workout. It is good for the brain. When you eat a lot, brain got lazy. That is a fact.
    primordial-saiyan and CoolBuddy7 like this.
  11. I have a question. Why when I approach women, not talking only but just body language, why they think only about sex, I can smell it. They think in my head is I wanna sex them. But it is not true. Is it that this is all they got to offer? Or everything that got to offer to a male? Or they are so programmed by the overly-sexed world? What is there problem? I reached out to a girl, living close to me, but we just know each other. She replied and when I asked her where she loves to go for a walk, she ignored it. Like... wtf. I do not want to do shit with you, except for walk and talk. I needed somebody new for a walk. And she be like no answer. Tell where you love to go, let me invite you and say no. Wtf. 5 hours earlier we were about to bump in each other and say hello. What is the problem of saying no? And get back to the question. Why the … they think only about sex. God damn it, I see you as a human being first.
    CoolBuddy7 and primordial-saiyan like this.
  12. HiddenWarrior

    HiddenWarrior Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Yeah that's right, eating when there's no sun to when white thread of dawn appears. For those ill or travelling, they do not fast and make up a similar number of days once they are better or not travelling.
    CoolBuddy7 likes this.
  13. HiddenWarrior

    HiddenWarrior Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    overly sexed world in my opinion. I don't think every woman is like that though of course but a lot are programmed it seems to me also.
    Alex_Al and CoolBuddy7 like this.
  14. HiddenWarrior

    HiddenWarrior Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    that sounds very hard to me also, I could only do 2 days max but I'd be so thirsty. Personally my sister was a vegan for 3-4 years until she had a baby, I have heard many different reasons for it but I don't think it's entirely beneficial. As humans we do consume way too much meat though.
    Alex_Al likes this.
  15. HiddenWarrior

    HiddenWarrior Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    same dopamine receptors for food as for P or M. So very true brain can get lazy.
    CoolBuddy7 likes this.
  16. Coolbuddy7

    Coolbuddy7 Fapstronaut

    Yeah brother. I am walking in the same shoe as you did.

    My family are not convinced with my Idea of dropping out too, brother.

    When something like this is said, I just used to categorize them as proverb's or something like that. But, actually things like these are being told after they've (in this case, "after you've experienced") experienced a lot, and there is no simpler way to put it around. If I carefully think about it, and imagine myself in such circumstances, and about the mistakes I did in the past, I get it. I understood about this, only sometime back. So, I get what you're trying to say brother, and I had to understand it, in not a very pleasant way.

    Thank you so much brother. I wish you good luck in gaining more knowledge in programming. I think you will become a great person in life. Wish you the best brother.

    I agree to all of this Beast. It's true !!

    It's not the time for that. You've to stand up, and get going. You can do this brother. You haven't failed as long as you don't give up. Resetting, as far as I am concerned, is a part of this process. We must make use of them, and try to learn from our mistakes. These Reset's must happen at the lowest possible frequency. Now that you've reset, you should not be disappointed, you should be excited to begin your next streak. You should avoid Binging. Trust me brother, I am right back from it now, don't even think of doing that. You'll regret every moment of that. You have the upper hand now. You can learn from your earlier mistakes and stop right away to continue progressing, or you can still do the same thing you did so far; Binging ( Assuming that you Binge. If not, great then, brother ! ). You can do this brother, You got this !! Good Luck.

    It may feel like staying away might help you do NoFap successfully, no it doesn't brother. Atleast for me ! I tried to be away and it didn't turn out successful brother. You just loose out on a lot of motivation, and support when you're away from here. So, coming back after you've completed 7 days might seem like a good idea, but, I don't recommend it !

    Brother, I think, you can learn Python for free from a website called SoloLearn. I use this, and it's really brief, powerful, and has small tests after every point or chapter. I think, you even get a certificate after completing your Course. You might have to log in using your Google account or something. It's really a great place to learn to code. They teach a lot of other programming languages too. You can choose the languages's you want, and you can start learning them. They're short and quite informative brother. Secondly, you can search specifically about coding the type of applications you want to make with the language you want to use. For eg: if you want to code a basic Calculator app using C++ in Visual Studio, you can search "Basic Calculator App - Visual C++" in youtube, and you can watch a lot of videos which might give you a good idea on the way you would want to program your App (Like you can get the basic idea of the order of execution of your program from other's demonstrations or examples). Still they're just Idea's. You should go with your own idea's brother, but you can refer to them if you need any help, and I think Visual Studio is a great IDE. You get many advantages of using that ( I am talking about this from my experience, and I am a raw beginner. So, you might have to consider other's feedback's too brother. But, still Visual Studio is Great ! ). If you want, I can tell you more about other such websites where you can learn to code well, for free brother. Let me know about your experience brother. Good luck with coding on your Application brother. Hope this turns out to be beneficial.

    Whenever you say this brother, you mean it. Most of the times, ( I don't know about the others ) I just read it just like that, without trying to understand the greater meaning in that. I mean I get the general Idea, but, you're trying to help others quit this by instructing them to follow something that worked for you. This is really appreciable brother. We are all so grateful for that, indeed. We'll all quit this for sure together. Let's do this !!
  17. HiddenWarrior

    HiddenWarrior Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    :D for sure brother, this is it now no looking back. I have no way of accessing anything that can trigger me now.
    CoolBuddy7 and Alex_Al like this.
  18. Coolbuddy7

    Coolbuddy7 Fapstronaut

    You didn't intend to have sex with her brother, but, who knows, that might be a way someone earlier approached her to have sex with. Maybe she tried to avoid the awkward situation of having to say no when she thought you would ask her to sleep with you, by trying to avoid you ( If she's thinking that's what you wanted ). I don't think every women are like that as brother @Saiyan123 said. Some think of other's approaches towards them in such a way. Anyways, don't feel bad brother. Maybe tell her about it the next time you meet her. Talk to her, and maybe just let her know that you only wanted a friend to accompany you for a walk. She would certainly be delighted to know that !

    Haha, but, She doesn't know that brother.
  19. Alex_Al

    Alex_Al Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Well it isn't so hard... Of course you can't do it at first. You begin with one day, next time try about two etc... I have 4 years i doing that! Excuse me for my English... :-/ isn't good enough, i know!
  20. HiddenWarrior

    HiddenWarrior Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I may try it sometime, thanks for the idea. Your English is good as well don't worry. I respect people not from England a lot actually, most put in the effort to learn English well whereas I am ignorant in all languages but only a few, one day I aim to learn a lot.
    Alex_Al and CoolBuddy7 like this.