58 Days In - The Benefits

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by DaveyCrockett, Jun 18, 2019.

  1. DaveyCrockett

    DaveyCrockett Fapstronaut

    June 18th, 2019, 2102 hours:

    Hello, I'm DaveyCrockett. Here is my report of a list of benefits that I have experienced over the past 58 days of NoFap.

    "Brain Fog": My thought process and overall mental state is much more coherent and clear to me. It's as if my thoughts seem like solid, tangible entities, whereas before when I fapped, they seemed like they could only be ill-defined as being like they were of a gaseous state: not graspable (hence the "fog" in "brain fog"). I feel like my thinking process makes sense, but please understand that before this when I was on NoFap, I wasn't an insane madman with incoherent thoughts, hahaha.

    Confidence: I've been noticing more lately that I don't feel very confident in myself or have a lot of self-esteem, either. One NoFap YouTuber recommended self-affirmations like telling yourself that you love yourself and care for yourself. I'll do that, we'll see what happens.

    Energy: For the first time ever, I had enough energy but much more importantly, enough motivation, desire and willpower to go to the gym twice in one day! I'm sore now, but not that tired, and I've been awake for 13 hours now. Usually I would get really tired around now back when I was fapping, yet I feel energized still. I ran two miles a few days ago in under 20 minutes- I'm 100% sure that wouldn't have been possible when I was fapping!

    Eye Contact: It's so much easier to look women in the eyes, seriously- back when I fapped for example, I'd look a woman in the eyes for about one second max before looking away, while still talking to her. I find it much easier to make conversation with all people, as well as maintaining eye contact with them.

    Feeling Better: I have been feeling better for most of this streak. Two nights ago, I awoke to discover I had a wet dream, which I'm no longer as angry about, as on my previous streaks, those would happen every now and then. I simply feel a little bit better almost all of the time, not much else to describe specifically.

    "Becoming Alpha" YouTube channel: If you guys are looking for a YouTube channel about NoFap which immensely motivated me, take a look at this guy known as "BecomingAlpha"...

    ...I was watching his videos way before his newer ones about the 90 day streak, and I get a takeaway from all of his videos. If you are just starting off on NoFap, then watch some of his very first videos, they motivated me to actually start NoFap over a year ago. I failed, but that never stopped me from trying! Unfortunately, BecomingAlpha stopped making videos for unknown reasons. He did this before over a year ago, as well, so he may return some day.

    Eye Contact (cont.): Anyways, back to the eye contact benefit, it doesn't just apply to when I am talking to women, it applies to everyone. I have noticed that over the past week or so, people have broken eye contact before me for the most part when I am talking to them. Eye contact was a major problem I had in my life, not just when I was fapping but also before then. NoFap fixed that issue for me.

    Hair Growth: My hair on my head and face has been growing at least twice as fast as ever before. I think my facial hairs altogether became thicker over the past 58 days. I'm happy that my hair is healthy and now I don't have to worry about losing hair or going gray (at least for a while) in my 20s. This is because I read somewhere that fapping makes you lose hair and go gray faster, though I am uncertain as to how true that is.

    Less Awkward/Evasive of Conversation: Another benefit is feeling less awkward/evasive about social situations. I am more able to ask questions without hesitating as much, and also actually listen to people in conversations. I've also taken charge, speaking first in a lot of social situations, too. That's something I would have been too timid to do back when I was fapping.

    More Motivated: Basically, I just feel more motivated to do things. I don't sit around on the PC all day, wasting time masturbating or playing video games. Recently, I have seriously begun doing grown-up stuff for the first time in my life, like getting a real job (see below).

    Morning Wood & Erections: I also have been waking up with morning wood in the mornings for the past however many weeks. Without getting too specific, my erections are much harder than when I fapped. And, I haven't touched myself (M) even once for the entire 58 days!

    New Job: I also got myself a job all on my own accord, that is, not having to ask any friends/family for a job. I applied at a restaurant about 30 min. away, and got hired as a waiter a week ago. I was training the past week, tomorrow will be my first day as a waiter who will receive tips :)

    I definitely couldn't have become a competent waiter without NoFap. My last job was as a dishwasher in a restaurant, and my manager told me that if I got the TABC & food handler's certification, then I would be promoted to a waiter. I was too afraid to speak up about it persistently once I got the certification, though, as I wasn't on NoFap.

    Outward Appearance: People have been saying that I'm handsome a lot more lately (past 2 weeks) and also noticing my muscles from the past 6 years that I have been working out. Now that I'm on NoFap, I am serious about working out, I actually want to get stronger, bigger and more toned.

    Russian: I also started learning Russian online recently. I paid over $100 for a course in Russian. I'm not expecting it to be quick, but I'm sure it'll help a lot more than using only DuoLingo by itself. It seems like I have greater retention now that I'm on NoFap, too.

    Urges: It has been a bit easier to get over urges by saying "no" to urges. That's something that I struggled with so much on previous streaks. It hasn't gotten much easier, yet the reminder that I am on NoFap to improve my life is what has kept me going whenever I needed a reminder. I don't expect to stay free from urges forever, neither should any of you, as my urges happen every 3-4 weeks, although they dissolve after a few days.

    Urination: The whole time I've been on this streak, I have been waking up multiple times per night to go urinate, as I drink water all throughout the day and night, too. However, this didn't happen very often when I fapped. Regardless, I hope that this isn't a medical issue or something more serious.

    Voice: My voice has gotten noticeably deeper over the past few weeks, as well as having more bass to it. I don't know if anyone else noticed. Furthermore, my voice doesn't rise anywhere near as much as it used to when talking to people, in a weak beta attempt to appear non-threatening.

    Wrapping Up the Benefits: Almost all things feel better now that I'm on NoFap. I used to feel light-headed often when I fapped, esp. when I'd stand up after sitting down for even a few minutes. That doesn't happen anymore. I also feel like my thinking is more clear, the brain fog is 100% gone, I think. I haven't felt this way in...ever, maybe.


    Level of Confidence: I've been noticing more lately that I don't feel very confident in myself or have a lot of self-esteem, either. One NoFap YouTuber recommended self-affirmations like telling yourself that you love yourself and care for yourself. I'll do that, we'll see what happens.

    So the only major issue that I've got to work on is increasing my self-esteem while I am on NoFap. I will get to 90 days, then 180, 270 and finally 365 days. Once I get that far, I aim to stay PMO-free for the rest of my life. Which yes, does in fact mean I aim to stay celibate for the rest of my life. I don't want to do any of that tantra sex nonsense with a woman. (What's the point of sex if it's not for the purpose of reproduction?)

    Other Issues: Only issues/negatives if any that I've experienced during NoFap would be the urges which are very difficult to get past, as well as the flatline. Today, for whatever reason, I was feeling very aggressive and angry in my head and felt like getting into a fight with someone, I am uncertain as to why. Regardless, BecomingAlpha mentioned in one of his videos that he felt the same way, aggressive and wanting to fight, yet that feeling passed for him eventually.


    Don't count on your NoFap journey to be just like mine, as I hear that it's different for everyone, and different benefits happen at different times for everyone. Anyway, I'm sure everyone has different reasons why they're on NoFap. I'll write a 90 day journal as I intended to (and a journal for 180, 270 & 365 days). I decided to write a day 58 journal since I haven't written anything on here yet regarding journals. Anyway, I've been writing this for over an hour and I need to get to bed now. There are more little benefits, too, that I haven't written down.

    Another thing to keep in mind is that I have been taking cold showers this entire time. I highly recommend cold showers, they do help reduce your urges just a bit, and I've read and heard that cold showers are beneficial for your muscles and hair.



    I'd like to hear any reasons why you began embarking on NoFap. I'm sure everyone has a different reason, and it'd help to write it down once again for a little reminder, right? Thanks for reading if you have read this far. If you've read all of this, then you are definitely dedicated to NoFap!

    I wish you the best on NoFap. As Dr. Robert Glover, author of No More Mr. Nice Guy wrote, "If one man can do it, so can another man".
  2. RockyMountain

    RockyMountain Fapstronaut

    Dang! Thank you for the awesome post!! I had a 3 week stretch and a small relapse. This post pulled me back up and excited to start another streak! You The Man!
  3. Thx for posting motivating for us guys just starting streak to hear.
  4. Thanks for posting! I love hearing about potential benefits I will receive. Also, picturing Davey Crockett saying words like "fapping" and "morning wood" gave me a good laugh :D
    DaveyCrockett likes this.
  5. the awakening

    the awakening Fapstronaut

    DaveyCrockett likes this.
  6. Yep, that was a great post. It sounds like you've had some great insights and results through keeping away from PMO.

    I'll be overjoyed if doing nofap means I can grow a beard, but I'm not holding out hope :p
    DaveyCrockett likes this.
  7. DaveyCrockett

    DaveyCrockett Fapstronaut


    I'm glad to hear that. It's not impossible to get to 58 days, it is definitely possible to achieve 58 days on NoFap, yet it certainly isn't easy. You need all the motivation that you can get while on NoFap. You can do it! And remember: always keep your guard up, because urges happen (basically) unexpectedly. I have issues every 3 or 4 week with urges. The way you get past them is by knowing that, like last time, urges don't last forever. Urges will fade away, slowly, and once they are gone, you slowly have less and less desire to say "yes" to urges or make excuses to act on them. Thanks! Send me a message if you have urges any time soon, the NoFap panic button helps, too.

    I know the feeling. It might seem like 90 days is far away or unachievable right now...don't give up. Whatever you do, don't fap, don't look at porn and don't give up!

    You are welcome, happy to know that, hahaha. The benefits happened to become obviously noticeable (no longer, "I think that my voice is deeper, maybe it is a placebo") for me around day 40-something. Just stay on NoFap, you'll likely get noticeable benefits soon, so don't give up!

    @the awakening

    Thanks. I appreciate it.

    Thank you. I did No Shave November back in 2018 and my beard grew slowly and scraggly. But by now, I'm sure I could grow an okay beard, as my facial hair grows faster and the hairs aren't thin like they were previously. I am uncertain as to whether or not you could, but if your father, grandfather, older male relatives, etc. are able to grow a beard, then you most likely are able to. Of course, I don't really think that it'll be quite the same beard compared to if you never fapped, but hey, the past is something that we can't change. No worries, though, once we get to 90 days, I'm sure that we won't really care about beards as much, we'll be more preoccupied with not wasting time by doing things like working out and making money from work, hahaha. Best of luck to you.

  8. Ainz

    Ainz Fapstronaut

    Nice post....... Helps in motivating ourself ........One question though ..... If nightfall happens... Do i have to reset my counter??
  9. WilBil99

    WilBil99 Fapstronaut

    Seriously! I’m a grown ass man in my 40’s and teenagers I’ve seen have better beards that I can grow. Maybe winter 2020 will be the year of the beard!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. ssha6451

    ssha6451 Fapstronaut

  11. WilBil99

    WilBil99 Fapstronaut

  12. ssha6451

    ssha6451 Fapstronaut

    I meant OP
  13. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Great post. I also think that fapping just makes you dumb. I always sorta thought that, as I am older, a bit past the 42 age.
  14. DaveyCrockett

    DaveyCrockett Fapstronaut


    If by "nightfall" you mean wet dreams that occur when you sleep, then no, you do not have to reset your counter.

    Yeah, maybe, hahaha.

    20 at the moment.

    I agree, I felt the same way. Fapping seems to make one lose ability for rational thought. Of course, I am sure that NoFap websites which have documented studies, such as https://www.yourbrainonporn.com would be better to look into as in regard to research-backed studies about how pornography/fapping destroys the brain. Dr. Gary Wilson is very informative, and he was the first person I found which led me to discover NoFap.

    And of course, men like Nikola Tesla claimed to be celibate, look what they achieved. :)
    BruceD, Ainz and WilBil99 like this.
  15. @Jprasert - that's beyond the scope of the forum I'm afraid, might be a 'go to the doctor' issue :)
  16. Theninjathatjokes

    Theninjathatjokes Fapstronaut

    Can porn induced erectile dysfunction completely be reversed by nofap? I'm 18 now and have been experiencing PIED for 2 months now. I started around when I was 14 and masturbated quite a lot to porn..sometime 5-6 times on off days and vacations..So if I stick to nofap,can it be cured?
    DaveyCrockett likes this.
  17. Ainz

    Ainz Fapstronaut

    Thanks man
    DaveyCrockett likes this.
  18. Male38

    Male38 Fapstronaut

    yes it will
  19. This certainly sounds like a guy who is determined to win the battle against PMO. The battle against PMO is the battle of our lives. If you want to quit, now is the time. There is no other time to quit. Now is the time.

    I have the same mindset now and I'm hoping I will cross 30 days.
    BruceD likes this.
  20. DaveyCrockett

    DaveyCrockett Fapstronaut


    Don't hope that you'll make it past 30 days, Union. Instead, make getting to 30/30+ days something in your mind that you must do, not something that you think you probably should/have to do. Because if you can't, then you must. Another thing, you have to cut off your points of escape when possible if you want to really win this battle against PMO, because then, you'll be forced to face this challenge head-on without anything in the back of your mind (subconsciously or not) telling you that you can still quit NoFap and get back to the comfortable lie of PMO.

    But don't worry- you can make it to 30+ days if you really are determined enough. I know, it sounds cliché, but the point remains: if you are determined enough, you'll prevent yourself in any way possible from PMO'ing again. I know it sounds tough, and it really is, but in the end, I believe being on NoFap is worth it. One small thing I'd also recommend is cold showers, they help out when you get urges.

    I'm not sure how well I am communicating this message, but here is a little video about getting rid of excuses:

    Thanks for the compliment. Best of luck to you. Write again in this thread if you have any difficulties/urges, Union.