I'm starting to become ashamed of this community

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Nov 16, 2019.

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  1. Evig Faith

    Evig Faith Fapstronaut

    Like every other self-respecting woman, I support guys who view women as more than just an advanced sex toy. If I somehow get hate for that, then so be it.
  2. So for you it seems that in this topic there's somebody who views it like that?
  3. Well maybe we just should let everyone bitch then. Just get it out of the system. We should crate a forum section where everybody who enters becomes a female, then we all can bitch with no apologies! (hmm, I think that was a little sexist... oopsie poopsie! :oops:)
    pickledRick likes this.
  4. Evig Faith

    Evig Faith Fapstronaut

    There were threads on the forum saying how men should never view women as friends, but only as people to have sex with, which is extremely misogynist. And many on this thread backed that message.
  5. That's the only part I'm gonna disagree with you on, because that dude was using a whole lot of exclamation points. Lol he was super pissed off. I certainly wasn't, and was nowhere close to "screaming." But I can see why he would think it was a screaming match, because he was probably screaming himself. But I will agree with you that nobody else was. That's for sure. Everyone was very calm and voicing concerns reasonably. I wasn't even one of the people criticizing him for being vegan, either. I was just trying to make sure he knew about the supplements he might need, since I actually know a fair amount about healthy vegan diet. But apparently that makes me the Devil.

    Thanks for setting the record straight there. I can't see that guy's posts anymore, so I appreciate someone else responding.
  6. Lol yep. Which is why I said in my initial post that I know this thread is going to get shit all over, and that just illustrates my point. I'm done reading abusive, misogynistic crap being thrown at me, so I haven't been reading their comments, but I would imagine this thread is a perfect example of exactly what the problem is here.
  7. Let’s just say you proved your point ten-fold, it would have been funny if it wasn’t so sad. They’re essentially the embodiment of toxic masculinity, the hostility is incredible.
  8. I don't think this is an accurate statement. There is a lot of animosity here FROM these men, TOWARD women. It's not between. Between implies a two way street. I have zero animosity toward men for their gender, and I have nothing bad to say about men in general. I have something against human beings, male or female, who treat others like crap. Which is why I've also stood up for men time and time again on this forum, particularly among some of the toxic ideaology that the SO section spreads. But eventually I got tired of getting attacked for standing up for those men, so I just avoid the SO section now. But if someone is being misandric, I'm one of the first to call that crap out.

    So yeah, I don't think "animosity between the genders" is really an accurate statement. The animosity is a one way street.
  9. Honestly, that's part of why my photo is what it is, and why I don't have my gender listed in my profile. Problem is, I'm not going to be made to feel like I have to hide who i am every single time i post here. So a lot of people know I'm a woman from my posts, even though my profile doesn't say one way or the other.

    But that's really not a healthy mindset, because that's just covering up a problem instead of trying to fix it. I shouldn't have to hide and pretend I'm not a woman in order to be treated with the same decency as a man.

    Also, it wouldn't really fix much, because people would still post offensive and sexist crap about women here. Gender neutral forums isnt going to stop that. It might stop personal sexism directed my way, but it wouldn't stop it in general. And again, I don't think you realize how difficult it is to never mention your gender, especially if you're trying to connect with people in a community. It's not easy. Trust me, I've tried. It comes up a lot, and I'm not going to lie so that I can earn the respect of men who are only giving it to me because they think I'm a man. That's borderline degrading.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2019
  10. I agree, but you have to understand how your comment comes across. You're essentially telling all of us who have been victims of this abusive language to just shut up about it, because we should be compassionate. I have been compassionate. I have prayed for nearly all of these men, and not angry prayers, sympathetic ones, because I DO care.

    But I also care about the people they are hurting. And I'm not going to sit back and ignore it and give them a free pass to act however they want because they might have been hurt by women in the past. That's ridiculous. People should be held accountable for their actions. You can have compassion, and also value justice. You don't have to have compassion by ignoring everything and letting people shit all over you.
    TheOneRingBoromir likes this.
  11. Seriously? Does it really look to you like the immature people bitching about stupid crap here are women? It's all men. So yeah, that shit is sexist. Why would you say something like that on a thread about sexism, while pretending to be all about compassion? That's not very compassionate of you. Sounds like you only have compassion for the idiots hurling abuse at women. I wonder why that is.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2019
  12. I didn't see woman just as a friend also, but not as just sex toy ALSO! My reason was deeper than that. For me female can't be just friend, I don't see it where I'm coming from. For me female is other half of me or half of my life. Something more that just a friend. Somebody who brings light to house and makes it home, gives me a child, gives me happiness and I give her same back. I see it more as a friendship, I see it as a spiritual exchange of energy. I guess a lots of dudes see it the same way. And I'm not that soft, fun having dude always laughing around them and acting like a girl. I'm more on my goal and I'm aiming towards future - have a kid or kids, have a wife and don't spend my time just messing around with girls as friends. Just me and my best friends that I know already for years. That's how it is.
  13. I'll take one for the team. They're only continuing to reveal who they really are, so let em speak. It just proves my point, as you said.

    It's funny too because so much of this sparked from that thread about white knights, and that was literally not even about any of these guys. But I guess they identified with the type of man (sexist) I was criticizing, so they got upset about it. Which really just says a lot. Men who aren't sexist don't get offended by women saying that people shouldn't be sexist. Lol it's really as simple as that.
  14. It's a joke. Jeez lol chill... :emoji_face_palm:
  15. Evig Faith

    Evig Faith Fapstronaut

    That view I can understand. However, the thread I was talking about was outright saying women were only good for sex. Maybe they didn’t mean it in that way, but saying people are only for sex is dehumanizing.
    Deleted Account and need4realchg like this.
  16. Oh wow. Well that's not nice. Then they should stick to fap, cause they are bad for women...
    Evig Faith likes this.
  17. Evig Faith

    Evig Faith Fapstronaut

    Yeah, it’s the dehumanizing stuff like that I am ragging on, not masculinity or anything like that. I definitely don’t want feminized men, but I also don’t want to see people disrespected.

    If you do stuff with one gender that you wouldn’t do with the other, then that’s perfectly fine. Even I do that. I wouldn’t have sex with a woman, for one, and there are very few personal things I tell to guys other than my husband. But just as long as both are treated like they’re actual humans.
    recon117 and Two_Brains like this.
  18. It's a stupid joke that isn't funny, and incredibly poorly timed. You don't walk onto the streets of Nazi Germany and tell a Haulocost joke.

    This kind of response just tells me that your whole "compassion" schtick is fake. You only advocate for compassion for these men because you're on their side, and think we ladies need to "chill" and stop "bitching."
  19. Exactly. It's really absurd how defensive some of these guys get when women ask for basic human decency. They start screeching that we want special favors, when we are literally just asking to be treated with as much human decency as they treat other men. It's not hard, and it's not a threat to you men for women to demand human decency, like any other person.

    And for the record, there are some people who just don't treat anybody with decency, because they're pricks. I wouldn't call them sexist. I'm referring to people who specifically treat women with less respect than men. And honestly, it's highlighted beautifully by the way so many of you get so dsmn angry at a woman for asking for basic human decency, or calling out some of the issues in our community, when you would NOT have responded that way if this thread was made by a man. I've seen how you respond to men who say these things, and while there is some ridicule because you disagree with them, there is absolutely not this level of disgusting vitriol. Because you still respect a man you disagree with. You only respect women you agree with. You might get mad at a man you disagree with, but when it's a woman, you make it a personal attack and never let it go.

    You know how else I know this? Because when I used to post more about conservative issues, all you guys ate it up. I remember brilliantidiot actually, being someone I generally agreed with and enjoyed his posts. But the minute I start saying anything slightly different than what you want me to say, I'm no longer worthy of even basic human decency.

    This has been shown to me so so so many times on this forum. A great example would be superpowers thread about veganism. Tons of guys were ridiculing his choice to be vegan. Then I come in and say it sounds like he doesn't know what he's talking about and needs to do more research, after trying to offer helpful advice on supplements to encourage his veganism in a healthy way, and suddenly all hell breaks loose. The stuff I said wasn't nearly the most offensive or rude, but for some reason I'm the only one he seems to have such a personal problem with. All that other rude crap just doesn't seem to matter when a man says it, I guess.

    It's just silly and incredibly annoying. But unfortunately I'm only preaching to the choir here. Whoever sees this and will learn from it, probably already agrees with me in the first place. And those who don't agree will just continue to see me as some crazy feminazi (despite, you know, all the anti-feminist posts I've made and how much I regularly criticize modern feminism for being misandric and pointless, but apparently that's just meaningless).

    But whatevs.
    Evig Faith likes this.
  20. Well if you say so, I havent really followed this drama that much. Just kinda jumped in with my pack of popcorn and my Michael Jackson gif:
    But while I was eating popcorn I lost the gif... I think I ate it.

    Really wanna have no part in this or take any sides. If it were up to me everybody would just get along. Well, unless you count being against misogyny and/or misandry as taking a side; don't like either. And no, silly jokes does not count, even in a thread like this. There is real sexism and then there is obviously harmless stuff like that. If you can't take a dumb joke I don't know what to tell you... :emoji_face_palm:
    I agree it's stupid joke. But it is funny to me, so who cares...
    Poorly timed? Well, I grant you that. But then again, when do I make it other than now? A few hours from now when this thread gets deleted and there is nothing left to make it about? Haha.
    You seriously compare this dumb forum drama to Nazi Germany? :emoji_face_palm:
    I don't see how that comes across like that at all. Literary never said that either. Obviously you can have compassion and stand up for what you believe is right. All I am saying is that if you choose anger instead of compassion you lose your rational mind and what is left here is rage and upset. You being overly sensitive about a dumb joke kind of proves my point even. You care about this thing a lot. Because it hurts you to be treated that way and to see others treated that way. So you get angry. Tell me, is it a good feeling to be angry? And how constructive it is? Maybe some people believe that you can fight fire with fire... I don't know about that. If you think dropping down to those people's level is where you win then I guess good luck with that...
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