Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Kratos_GOW, Jun 13, 2019.

Are you a warrior.?

  1. Yes

    818 vote(s)
  2. No, I am loser

    32 vote(s)
  3. I want to be

    438 vote(s)
  1. PeterJL

    PeterJL Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Day 16 complete, checking in.

    Glory to God.
  2. franed98

    franed98 Fapstronaut

    checkin day 0.
    Vendidad likes this.
  3. Thanks for your support

    Check in day 3
  4. Congrats on you promotion!
  5. Day 89, just one day until the 90 day prescribed reboot bench mark.
  6. “how are you? How’s your day/morning/afternoon? How was your weekend? What did you do this weekend?”

    easy ice breakers.

    checking in, Day 17.

    great weekend, somehow cleaned my entire house, I am caught up on my chores and meal prepping and everything in between.

    crushed my workout and had a bit of a cheat day yesterday, thought I was gonna bloat but after my workout today, weighed in at 221.6.

    starting weight: 226

    Last Friday: 223.6
  7. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Sorry but challenge opens at 15 jan.
  8. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    So proud of u man!
  9. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Same here. This weight in pounds?
    Ps - Watched Nxt uk takeover Blackpool 2?
  10. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Keep going bro!
    Vendidad likes this.
  11. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    DAY 57, A day well spent. I noticed I am more in control of my anger. Like I don't lash out now. positive all the way. Even at the text, I was able to talk more freely to old friends who I haven't talked to in a while. Spreading positivity and helping people improve some part of there lives is an awesome feeling. On my way to make early bird habit come together. The moment you accept, I AM AT FAULT here, it can do wonders, especially goes for NOFAP. That's the main reason behind my streak. It will be 60 days in some time, never would have imagined it but here I am.
    You don't have limits, yet you set them yourselves. SO what do we do??
  12. Check in Day 20..(20 days have passed so fast...i hope 500 days will also pass quickly)
  13. the alpha project

    the alpha project Fapstronaut

    Motivating to read your posts Spartan!!
    Vendidad and Kratos_GOW like this.
  14. Laurent

    Laurent Fapstronaut

  15. the alpha project

    the alpha project Fapstronaut

    Great to see you rebuilding your streak!
    Kratos_GOW likes this.
  16. the alpha project

    the alpha project Fapstronaut

    Check In - Day 10(5)

    Hello Spartans,

    I’ve been thinking more about what I said before about freedom being something you have to earn and maintain. It’s not a position we arrive at, it is state of being and a way of acting. It is like having a muscular physique. You can be muscular and lean today. But if you stop training and stop eating proper nutrition then you will become weak and lose your muscles. You will become fat.

    With pmo, I am free today because I did the things that support my freedom. I did not look at porn. I did not use Instagram to look at p-subs. I came to the forum to support others. And I think it is possible that if I stop these practices, eventually, I will find myself in a very weakened place. I will lose my freedom and have to work very hard to earn it back. Much harder than if i just keep the good habits going.

    This has been my experience with earlier attempts. I find my way through a couple of weeks with no pmo. Then I go to Instagram. And then to porn. And back to slavery. I feel the urges come and I have two choices. Control them or let them control me. This will never change. Stimulus and response. As simple as this. Freedom or slavery. Every day. We must fight for our freedom every day. Choose everyday.

    Choose wisely Spartans. Beware the small compromises. They have a way of snowballing.
  17. Risho

    Risho Fapstronaut

  18. PeterJL

    PeterJL Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Day 17 complete, checking in.

    Glory to God.
  19. Risho

    Risho Fapstronaut

    Well said man and I agree with you because that's the way to come out of vicious cycle of PMO.
  20. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Well said. Everyday is a chance to improve. Be better then yesterday
    the alpha project and Vendidad like this.