100 Days Without P or M - The Ultra Marathon (Started on May 15, 2020)

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Jefe Rojo, May 7, 2020.

  1. *****************
    DAY 34
  2. InfinitelyLongSphagetti

    InfinitelyLongSphagetti Fapstronaut

  3. @LongWayToGo I agree on this.
    I mean I also feel you, because I was and I still am a bit obsessed about it, but my real self know it's stupid.
    Do not want to sound not serious, but I think that when you laugh at your fear you really get how stupid they are.
    Think about this: I am 99.9999999% that even if you think it's small you're like maybe under average, but there's still plenty of men that they've a smaller one, and even if in that 0.0000001% that there's not.
    Well, you have a guinness world record. You will become famous. Women will love you because you're famous.
    Laugh my friend, I know it's hard, I passed through it. "Oh everybody's looking at me" "They're thinking I am loser, I am weird and so on".
    These thought can really "kill" you.
    Laugh at them. Make them not serious enough to bother the life you're building.
    The best for your streak my friend.
    Keep going.
  4. You are right, I am focusing on my package too much. Recently I had been little more conscious of other people's genitals, of course when we are not making eye contacts, otherwise it would creep the other person out. Anyways it is creepy and I will stop it.

    For the new jobs, I lack the skills which the other employers are asking for, during most of the interviews I had attended in the past. The problem in my case is, I had worked very superficially on things which are little relevant these days. I have been working for my current employer for over 7 years now. Whatever I am doing at my job, is not something very creative or challenging, I would say.
    I didn't study well during my UG course at college and barely passed. There is a huge knowledge and skill gap now.
    So, switching jobs is still possible if I acquire some related skills which I worked with in the past and get some certifications.

    Switching career on the other hand is something, I have not thought about, specially the options. I would love to though, may be I need to start researching around the options.

    Thank you for your suggestions @Jefe Rojo .
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2020
  5. That's a great perspective. You really made me laugh my friend :D . Laughing at my fears, makes sense. Thank you for sharing that @fg4795 !
  6. SpeedPRDGi

    SpeedPRDGi Fapstronaut

    Been reading through here and there are definitely highs and lows that we all go through. That's why I love being a part of this community; those who are going through the lows can get support and those who are in their highs can give support!

    Everyone who's been a part of this particular challenge so far is a winner in my book :) keep up the good fight!!!
  7. I can't agree more to this. For almost a decade, I had been too much aware of my thing. This made me look disengaged during my conversation with everyone. Instead of looking into people in their eyes and listening to them, I was most of the time absent and lost in those fearful and self-doubting thoughts. My first manager (almost 7 years ago) had given the feedback that I should work on my listening and had me go through some of the trainings. But, it hardly made a difference, when I was into the MO addiction.
  8. I really feel you, my first year at university I wasted all my lessons looking around to see if everybody was looking at my face(I have some involuntary stress movement for which I've been laughed a lot in teenage years), instead of taking notes and learning things.
    We just have to get better, and I am sure we will
  9. Yes, we will get better for sure.
    Jefe Rojo, Jack Herafter and fg4795 like this.
  10. Just to add to what my manager had sensed - He said - "I see that you are not the same @LongWayToGo when you had joined. Older @LongWayToGo was way more enthusiastic about learning and working." He even asked - "Is there anything that is bothering you, and I can help you with?
    I had exaggerated the situation at my home and told that "Yeah, things are not well at home and my dad is drinking a lot these days. And that is the reason I am not doing good at work."

    I lied about my addiction to heavy MO. I wasn't aware of NoFap forum, back then. And started to see all the ill effect of fapping, I had gone too far.

    I am 100% sure I am reaping the result of the Karma, that I had done for years together since my late teenage years till now. My dad always tells that - "What you do whether good or bad. The results will follow, in this lifetime only."

    Can't let myself drown in the hell anymore! NoFap is the way to salvation.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2020
  11. dineshwetwo

    dineshwetwo Fapstronaut

  12. 35 days, 4 away from passing my longest streak :).
  13. *****************
    DAY 35
  14. I have succesfully started new streak, but I cannot thank @Jefe Rojo to motivate me past 35 days on my last streak, since this streak is the product of past days without No PMO. Thanks Jefe Rojo.
  15. 66 to go, closer and closer.
    Keep strong my friends
  16. georgebou7

    georgebou7 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, i relapsed 2 days ago!

    Thank you for your support during my streak. It was my longest, 37 days. After a few bad days i begin today my new streak.

    I wish you the best, to complete 100 days and even more!!!

    Thank you all again, you are incredible and special credits @Jefe Rojo !!!
  17. @Jack Herafter sounds like a good plan. They say rewarding yourself is a great way to affirm positive behavior. Personally I've been trying to avoid sweets because I know that sugar has it's own addictive properties.