I've never felt so ashmed of myself - trading nude photos

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Deleted Account, Sep 10, 2020.

  1. This is a long post and with me being new here I’m not sure if it’s inappropriately long. Please forgive me if so, I just desperately need to talk to someone.

    I did something Monday night and have been riddled with guilt ever since. I've been having difficulty sleeping and my heart constantly hurts. I realized this forum is maybe the only place where people might understand (not excuse, just understand) how someone might get to this point. I feel so sleazy and disgusted with myself.

    I've been dating someone that I genuinely love for the past six years now and by all appearances, we have maintained a very successful, effective relationship. I can’t imagine finding someone so perfectly compatible with me. However, since before we even started dating I have suspected that I might have a porn problem, but I have never told her this directly.

    Over the past year or so, my porn habit has incorporated a new activity. Back in college, a friend had introduced me to an app called Whisper where people post secrets, thoughts, and feelings anonymously, and then users can interact. I suddenly remembered this app one day and how large portions of it were dedicated to sexual confessions, which often led to the exchange of nude photos.

    I had no desire to cheat on my girlfriend, but the thought occurred to me that I could pose as someone else and trade nude photos. I would download random photos from people who had posted themselves on amateur porn sites and pretend that they were me, then I would exchange photos for a bit with some fellow horny person on the app. I don’t recall why I wanted to do this, but looking back I guess I got off to the idea that some person was masturbating to what they thought was my significant other and I.

    The first few times I did this, I would feel very ashamed afterward and vow to never do it again, but for whatever reason, I kept coming back. The fact that the app also allowed me to genuinely discuss secret feelings I had only made the matter worse. I would find myself wanting to express something, download the app again "innocently," but really just go down this hole all over again. I remember on New Year’s Eve 2019 deleting the app and saying I would never get on it again, but here we are 9 months later.

    This brings us to Monday night. Earlier in the day, I looked at some porn but got interrupted when my girlfriend came home from work. We spent some time together and stayed up way too late watching a movie. Around 2:30 in the morning, I found myself laying in bed wide awake. I decided to masturbate to help me go to sleep, and I felt the tinge of excitement that I would get to look at porn.

    I ended up re-downloading Whisper and promptly found a post that said “Trade F pics?” I responded that I was interested, though I made sure to specify only if the photos were people of age. He agreed and quickly sent me a bunch of pictures of who he claimed was his current friend with benefits, saying she was perfectly fine with him sharing them. I’m sure that was a lie in retrospect but my arousal was talking more than my sense was.

    This is where I went wrong and did something different than before. I happened to have a nude picture I had taken of my girlfriend on my phone, as well as one she had sent me. After doing this so many times with fake pictures, the idea of sharing real nudes had become a new turn on. I cropped her face out and pulled them up to send him. I don’t know if anyone can relate to that small jolt of excitement as you hang over a send button, wondering if you should actually do it, but then doing it anyway. I figured “Screw it, there’s no way he’ll know who she is” and sent them.

    He promptly commented on my girlfriend’s body and I got a bit of a kick from that. I sent him one more clothed photo and a topless photo, both with her face cropped out. He reciprocated by sending some random photos, claiming again they were friends with benefits. I switched over to sending some random photos from online that I had as well. I didn’t want to send any more photos of my girlfriend because I didn’t want to show him too much.

    Then he sent me some shots that were obviously screenshotted from within the app. This concerned me. I quickly asked, “Hey now, you’re not going to share the pics of my girlfriend, are you?” He assured me that he wouldn’t, but of course, days later, I know that I can’t trust some random guy collecting nudes on Whisper. We traded a couple more random pictures, and then finally he stopped responding. As far as I know, he had gone to bed, and I really needed to sleep myself. I know I masturbated at some point, but I don’t even remember now because I quickly started thinking about what I had done.

    This is when the regret really set in. I promptly blocked the guy (which I later discovered does nothing to remove the messages you’ve already sent), deleted the app from my phone, and was overcome by shame. I realized this was it, this was the final straw. I really needed to get my habit under control. It was already bad enough when I started catfishing people to get nudes, but to share pictures of the woman I love, someone I never ever want to hurt, is such a scummy new low. I’m so incredibly ashamed of myself, I can't even believe it.

    I didn’t sleep at all that night. I was panicking and I felt anxiety like I never before. I downloaded 7 Cups to talk about my problems but found it all hard to explain. I deserve every bit of judgment that I get for this. Over the past few days this has been lurking in the back of my head at all times, and my heart hurts constantly. What kills me the most is how bad and anxious I feel when she gets home from work (I’m working from home right now), I find it hard to even be around her because I’m so ashamed of myself.

    I spent a great deal of time on Whisper yet again the next day, specifically trying to find the guy I had sent the photos to. I made a post about trading porn with hopes he would see it, thinking that in the process I could discover if he was sharing the pictures I had sent. I quickly realized how much time I could waste doing this, and all I did was expose myself to more porn. I haven’t looked at porn since, but my mind keeps trying to find ways to make sure these photos don’t get out there even though I know that's a lost cause.

    I feel so terrible, and I haven’t told my girlfriend. Would she break up with me if I told her? Six years down the drain because I got horny and trigger happy one night? What would our close friends that she would inevitably tell think of me? How could I even explain the progression of how my porn habit got to this point? My impulse is to confess, but I keep asking myself what good would come of me telling her; I’d just be putting her through the intense anxiety that I am feeling now, as well as anger and a newfound lack of trust for me. Then again, maybe I’m just dodging responsibility here and deserve that. God, I feel so damn terrible.

    I need to quit porn and I’m seeking out resources. Thank you to anyone who actually read all this, I hope you guys can give me some guidance at this time as well as hold me accountable. I don’t want to be a bad person but I can see that that is the road I am on right now, and I hope to God that I don't lose the love of my life because of this. I need to stop.
  2. It's a tough spot to be in. What is done is done and you can't take it back. I can't tell you what to do about confessing to her or not. That type of stress is not good for you. You need to make a decision of what you are going to do and just do it.
    engelman and Deleted Account like this.
  3. Hey mate. Most of us here have a lot of regrets but we are all here trying to get some help. Just being here and sharing is a massive step. Staying in that place of shame only makes the problem worse. Hidden sins keep their power over you when they are hidden. It's up to you how far you go into terms of confessing to your girlfriend. There are many people on here in long term relationships that have dealt with this together probably better suited to giving advice. Personally perhaps talking to her about a porn problem could help and not going into all the details but again it all depends on your relationship it's always going to be difficult. And another option can be really giving nofap a chance and getting some time clean before confessing to her there can be wisdom in that too. Just whatever you believe will help you the most to get clean. Perhaps look through the forums for couples advice.
  4. This is where I'm leaning at the moment, trying to clear my mind a bit first by staying active here so I can tell her in a more collected way. I keep racking my brain to figure out how to get to this guy and keep the pictures from being posted somewhere else, but who knows how successful that would be or how I would even know if he has been sharing them with other guys. That really contributes to my anxiety and guilt about it all.

    Something that really stings to think about is that her ex-boyfriend was emotionally abusive and then super jealous after their breakup. She's told me before that she tries not to worry about whether there are revenge nudes out there of her from this guy, and it kills me every time I think that maybe the only nudes of her floating around out there are because of me.
  5. blackmuse07

    blackmuse07 New Fapstronaut

    Hey man!

    Firstly, I'm brand new to the site but I was inspired to create an account and respond because of your post, seeing that you were distressed and needed some help.

    I'm not sure if what I can say or offer will help, but here's a try!

    1. My personal feeling is that honesty really will be the best option, especially if you want to continue and strengthen the already fantastic relationship you have! Knowing she truly loves you, chances are she will understand and support you. She may be horrified at first her picture is out there, but if it's not showing her face then the impact should be lessened.
    2. There's no way you can ever know or ensure that the guy won't keep or share the photos. Alas, this is a consequence of our actions and we have to live with that! Don't beat yourself up about it; it's done and finished. What can you do NOW?
    3. Something that has really benefited me recently is mindfulness and learning about stoicism (the philosophy). It teaches us to be more aware of ourselves, our thoughts, and what we experience. You might want to check either/or out and see if it helps you like it did me!

    I wish you all the best of luck! Just know that whatever happens will happen. Embrace that! Life is a roller coaster.
  6. Thank you, blackmuse07. I'm really touched that my post led you to take the time to create an account and respond to me.

    The more I think about it the more I suspect that I will always feel terrible about it unless I come clean. I value this relationship and want to always be honest with her, and I need to come clean about my porn habit that I've been hiding since before we started dating. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to break it to her that I have a problem, and with that the difficulty of explaining what I did to betray her.

    Your second point is the one that has been tearing me up the most; if only I could just take it back. I find myself imagining all sorts of scenarios from intense stakeouts of the app to impossible situations where I go back in time. I just don't know what to do, I guess maybe there really isn't anything I can do in that regard.

    Ironically, I actually have been seriously getting into meditation over the past month or so, but I've noticed that if I miss a day then benefits tend to slip away and it takes a while of consistent meditation to get it back. I've been trying to do it these past few days but the anxiety makes it terribly difficult, it seems hard to let go of your problems when you have one that feels so consuming. Stoicism is also appealing, perhaps I'll take a deeper look into it.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me a bit about this. It really means a lot!
    WhyNotStop, engelman and Henryforward like this.
  7. I'm so torn up with guilt, guys. I can't believe I did something so stupid, I keep wanting to cry. I don't know if I'm ever feel okay about myself again. I saw a picture of someone I really admire and felt so ashamed of myself. My girlfriend is having her own emotional issues right now, I don't want to make her feel even worse by telling her.
    Henryforward likes this.
  8. I'm really sorry to hear this man, the urges this addiction can create are so powerful that it is like a demon controlling our body when it takes over. You must believe that you are still good inside, it is the compulsion of this addiction that drove you to do such a thing. I know this would be an incredibly hard thing to do but the only way to get over this is to face the consequences of your actions. You have to tell your girl about everything. I think the best way you could do it is to explain your addiction first and then tell her the story you just wrote here. It's a lot for her to understand so you could maybe write it out and read it to her or let her read it. I wish you the best of luck man, this too shall pass.
    Reverent and Deleted Account like this.
  9. Thank you for your comment, all this support mean so much. I'm just having such a hard time with the guilt. Honestly, I don't know if I am good inside, this was such a scummy thing to do, and no matter what, even if the photos never turn up anywhere, I still did this awful thing. I'm so scared I'm going to lose the love of my life because of this. All I want to do is sleep.

    Has anybody else done this? Am I the only guy here who ended up doing such a gross thing as trading a picture of his wonderful, loving significant other of more than half a decade? How do you make up for that? I'm really questioning if it even was the addiction or it I'm just a bad person.
    Henryforward likes this.
  10. I have done exactly the same things,showing pics of my gf like that.

    I was 22, now being 25 it’s all good, I told her right when i realized I had done something stupid and she didn’t bother too much as she knew i had lots of struggle in life at that time.

    3 years ago now, as of today we are engaged and all is good :)

    Feel free to PM!
  11. Queek The HeadTakker

    Queek The HeadTakker Fapstronaut

    The right thing to do is to tell her but in my opinion if you dont tell her but at same time you dont do any of that stuff again, there will be no problem

    I got fucked up alot of times fo telling the truth (altough related to not as much serious stuff as this) at school, with my parents for example their against i take protein shakes so i take them when they dont see , one time i said no its better tell them , it ended in disaster with a huge arguing.....and me doing some health analyses , and of course everything was ok with them but my parents still thing protein shakes are bad for me (witch they arent) so now i say i dont take them , and take them hiding from them , like drugs ahahah, and everything is fine so it depends of the personality of your GF , but make sure you dont do that ever again!!! Or it will be very very very bad yesyes!
    Henryforward likes this.
  12. verbeek75

    verbeek75 Fapstronaut

    You need to stop permanently with that, if you ever get the urge again you beter get some professional help, ruining your relationship over this addiction is not worth it, depending on the person your girlfriend is maybe it's maybe better not to tell, there are millions of those pictures, so some faceless cropped picture might just stay on this guys phone as it is less interesting to forward to others and and some point due to lack of storage he might delete it. (but this is best case cenario or at least it probably would't become widespread).
    I'm also in similar addiction trading pics over the net, also being asked to share pics from my girlfriend and a few times I almost did. Still lately been sharing again random pics from the net, these pics vary from vanilla to extreme fetishes which I hate and need to stop.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. I'm not sure man this is a much more serious issue than protein shakes, I've also had to lie to my parents before because they don't understand something that is actually good for me. However, this is a very different scenario and I think the truth will come back to haunt OP if he tries to keep it hidden. Imagine she finds those pictures out there somehow or she finds out by some other source. That would be much more devastating and is almost unforgivable in my opinion.
    Henryforward and Deleted Account like this.
  14. pancabalani

    pancabalani Fapstronaut

    I think that:
    1. It would increase your alignment with truthfulness and honesty
    2. It would end the inner debate on whether to tell her or not
    3. It could potentially take your relationship to a new level of trust
    4. It would stop the escalation you're currently on (ie. sending random photos, sending photos of SO...)
    Opening up and telling the truth to someone you love might be hard. But there's no shame on it.
  15. verbeek75

    verbeek75 Fapstronaut

    I'm normally all for the truth, just this case is a unclear, she might take is a actual cheating and breaking the trust, it really depends on the person and how strong the relationship is.
    I know that there are a few pictures of me and one private movie on the net, but through the years I have never seen any or even seen the movie which I don't even have but someone else recorded it and actually ended up selling it on the internet.
    There are milions and millions of those pictures many just takes from facebook and alike, and thousands of accounts get hacked (Windows, Android and IOS) occasionally.
    Decide, tell her the thruth and work on your addiction or don't tell her the truth make up a story in case by miracle it does get back to her maybe hacked or taken from facebook, etc and always stick to it and work on your addiction either way. Get professional help if needed, this person can also help you in case you do want to tell also in how to aproach it and you probably will need couple couseling anyway in case you tell.

    I'm not saying you shouldn't tell her just to make you aware of the consequences and what other options you have, by not telling it also means you have to live with the guilt, but as most feelings time heals.
    Henryforward likes this.
  16. archie.hill

    archie.hill Fapstronaut

    Thank God you cropped her head off!

    You could have destroyed her life, but no one will ever know who’s body it is. Thank God!

    I’m so sorry that happened brother!

    But you need to delete all of her nudes from your devices right now, while you’re in your right mind.

    You could slip up again and it could be worse next time.

    Trust me! Your future self will thank you!

    And for her sake, you can’t ever tell her this happened. Or anyone else.

    It could traumatize her.

    You can only share this anonymously. On here. Or in therapy.

    Please use this as motivation for a serious change brother.

    You can do it!

    And you can bounce back from this without any consequences befalling your girlfriend.

    It’s not too late!

    I’ll pulling for you brother. You can do this!
  17. zen3001

    zen3001 Fapstronaut

    thanks for being so honest brother.

    you are definitely not alone. i'm new to NoFap as well. just made this acct yesterday actually.

    i got hung up on my ex and did the same thing. I traded nudes and became addicted to that little rush you felt when you sent that photo.

    she left me, and in a messed up way i thought that masturbating and sharing her nude body made me in control. she was no longer a person to me, just an object i used for pleasure. the fact that i committed those actions absolutely depresses me. the fact that i did such a bad thing to this human i shared a true connection with on a deep level makes me enter this dark place where i feel like a mistake.

    i became so addicted to masturbating to my ex and doing risky things like sharing pics. it was a high. and the withdraw was just as impactful as the high. i lost all hope in myself and began to believe that i was just a bad person. that i would never get better. that i was a worthless human being.

    and then an absolute angel walked into my life. my current girlfriend. the love of my life. she's so amazing. and she makes me feel like a better person everyday. she makes me believe in myself again. i'm going to marry her someday.

    i will never be able to undo the mistakes i made. but i know that i can learn from them and grow as a person. i can redeem myself. and the best thing i can do for my ex is stay far out of her life. i feel that if fate brings me face to face with her again, i'd take the opportunity to apologize for having wronged her. but honestly those chances are unlikely. i pray that she is doing well and that she is safe and that the rest of her life is amazing. that's all i can do.
    Deleted Account and Henryforward like this.
  18. I agree with Archie. Some things are best kept secret. What are the chances that she would ever find out, if you did, indeed, crop her head out of the picture?

    The fact is, she's not likely a connoisseur of pornography, especially of the female variety, and only someone who had intimate knowledge of how she looks could ever match the two. So you're looking at an extremely low risk of her ever being hurt by the knowledge of what you did with that picture by learning of it somehow on her own.

    On the other hand, if you tell her, there's a 100% chance of her being hurt, and a sizable chance of your relationship being hurt unrecoverably. How would this help anyone?

    However, to increase the barriers against her ever being hurt by this, you must never so much as tell anyone whom you know about what you have done, lest they share the knowledge further themselves. We might all accept, perhaps, that God knows and sees everything, sin or otherwise, that we have done--and that things will eventually all come to the light of day. However, the Bible teaches us to confess our sins to God, not to someone else, and only confess our faults--the things known by others and already damaging to the relationship--to one another. Humans make poor confessors. To confess your sins to another person is to expand the influence of those very sins for which you already feel guilty. In other words, it would only increase your guilt.

    Well, I'd vote against telling her. Use your guilt to make a change in your life so that you never come close to doing such a thing again. If something positive comes of it, then you'll have learned the important lesson which your guilt is trying to teach you.
  19. Akshat650

    Akshat650 Fapstronaut

    I used to be i talk with random girls n sexting exchange my dick pics with their boobs n pussy i really don't want to do still i do how can i stop this permanently im really not feeling well i really don't know why i do but i do again and again someone please tell how and what way i stop this
    zen3001 likes this.
  20. zen3001

    zen3001 Fapstronaut

    the first thing you can do is delete the apps that trigger this behavior right now.

    be strong brother! you can do this. you are just hooked right now and need to take small steps towards breaking your habit. improve your daily routine, keep yourself busy and doing productive/meaningful things in your life. Inevitably, you'll have the urge to do it again. But when you do, come here instead! we're all rooting for each other here.
    Deleted Account likes this.