Becoming the writer I want to be

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Anakin66, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. aricking

    aricking Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    I started writting my book on philosophy,mostly inspired by descartes and Immanuel Kant<3
  2. How far through are you?
    aspiringwriter1997 and aricking like this.
  3. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    1012 words today, finishing the chapter. Unsure what I will do tomorrow now, I have to say.
  4. This caught my attention right away! What's it about?
    aricking and Henryforward like this.
  5. aricking

    aricking Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    This book talks about rationalism,how one can identify right things but i am also writting about the empiricism how it is important too,in a way a new ideology of both rationalism and empiricism,i know the book will be very bad,but i love writting, and philosophy is the thing that attract me the most,
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2020
  6. Now, why do you say that the book will be bad? If all writers thought this way, then no books would be finished. If you think it's bad, then it'll affect the quality and motivation for it. Just write it and who knows, if you don't have a negative cloud, then the book might turn out to be better than what you thought.
  7. Anakin66

    Anakin66 Fapstronaut

    Firstly, I apologize for my absence this past week. I am so swamped by the time I hit the bed I collapse into a deep sleep. I usually log on this forum before going to bed.

    On a good note, I have been writing daily averaging 800 words. My tally for last week (ending Nov 21) is 3123 words. I have added another 4000 words for this week ending yesterday (Nov 25). My lit review is not complete, but it's in much better shape. I have two sections left that I'll try to power through.
    I want to move on to the introduction by tomorrow. I need to start combining the chapters to form the thesis.

    On a completely different note, I gave a lecture on Tuesday via zoom. I was filling in for my advisor. I must say, it sucks! I love teaching in a classroom setting. I get to crack jokes and feed off the students body language. On zoom, crickets! I would hate to be a lecturer during this or any future pandemic.

    Last point, I applied for a job on Nov 18th via LinkedIn. I barely changed a few words on my resume and sent it off with no expectations. Surprisingly, I got a call in less than 24 hrs to schedule an interview. Yesterday was that interview and it was great for me. I felt like I connected with the director of the company. There is a second round of interviews, so I'll have to wait after the American Thanksgiving to see if I get a call back (parent company is from the US). So between preparing for the lecture and interview, and writing like my life depends on it (it does to an extent lol), I've had a busy week.

    I'll try to be more consistent here, but thanks to you all for keeping the thread active!
  8. Anakin66

    Anakin66 Fapstronaut

    Hi Ruso, welcome to the thread. Please feel free to share your progress with us!
  9. Anakin66

    Anakin66 Fapstronaut

    Keep staying strong @Henryforward. Losing someone close is never easy, and I don't think we ever recover.
  10. Anakin66

    Anakin66 Fapstronaut

    Clocked 2071 words today (Nov 26th), my personal best I believe. I'm almost done with second of three sections for my lit review.
    Hopefully I can wrap this section off and move on to the introduction.
  11. getafterit

    getafterit Fapstronaut

    That's awesome.
    You're already doing the damn thing but one book I found helpful when it came to writing was Stephen King's "On writing". It's a memoir from Stephen about his experiences as a writer and his advice for aspiring writers. What King usually writes about is perhaps far from a doctoral thesis but I believe many of his tips are fitting no matter what you intend to put down on the paper.
    Anakin66 and Henryforward like this.
  12. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    5414 words this week, bringing my page total up to 203 pages. Just two more chapters until I am done with act 4.
  13. So I used to write poems in a free-verse effort, but a girl this morning gave me a good motivation to try a concept of writing poems: think of a word, a mood, and use both to create a poem. She wrote the first five lines and then I did the rest. See what you think. Should I just abandon my efforts to be more free-verse and follow traditional rhymes and sounds? I'll try to find a free-verse poem I wrote and see what you think. For now, though, enjoy this:

    Skipping through the leaves
    High up on trees

    Kissed by the sun
    Days filled with fun

    Wind ruffling through my hair
    Providing a cheerful flair
    Dancing slowly on the autumn days
    Loving children on the fray

    Falling silently on the ground
    Hardly ever making a loud sound

    Colorful leaves fly free from trees
    Waltzing around us in a ticklish breeze
    The days are short, not long
    Prompting the swans to sing their song
    Birds take off in winter's flight
    Children playing in all sorts of delight

    The ingredient of the season to me.
  14. It's good man just change this to.
    Hardly ever making a sound.

    The days are short, ever fading.

    You want each following phrase to have roughly the same syllables.
    Otherwise well done. I really like it.
  15. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Noticed your counter is back to zero. Hope you are doing well despite this setback.
    Anakin66 and Henryforward like this.
  16. Thanks man. Honestly not doing very well at all. It's when I'm down I can't seem to think logically. And I relapse. Just been a lot more valleys these days.
  17. getafterit

    getafterit Fapstronaut

    Don't let this shit sink you down into a hole. Instead, use that shit to spring board yourself out of it!

    Pushing through the gloomy days and still feeling like shit is a part of life but I know, and I am sure you also know that sooner or later a day of light will arrive and things will start to turn around, at least for a while.

    Without the shit the good wouldn't be worth much. The shit is beautiful, it gives us a much needed contrast to be able to fully enjoy life. Cherish these bad days because they have allowed you to feel so good in just a few days if you choose to get back on the horse starting right now.
    Henryforward and Anakin66 like this.
  18. Anakin66

    Anakin66 Fapstronaut

    Finished the first draft of the lit review today. Wrote approx 1800 words. Sent it off for proof reading.

    I started to work on the introduction. I have an outline ready. I'll be writing throughout the weekend!
    Henryforward and AtomicTango like this.
  19. Anakin66

    Anakin66 Fapstronaut

    @Kingler Welcome to the thread!

    Feel free to ask questions and contribute your writing progress, or problems.
    Henryforward, Kingler and AtomicTango like this.
  20. Thank you @Anakin66 for letting me be a part of this thread hope so I'll learn a lot from you guys :)
    Hello everyone, I'm new here. I'm getting started from scratch can you guys please tell me how to get started :)
    Anakin66 and AtomicTango like this.