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Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by FlipJ, Jan 7, 2021.

  1. Different Built

    Different Built Fapstronaut

    Goggins is the shit. Couldn't beat 20 days before last summer and recently got up to 116 days before relapsing. Can't hurt me baby
  2. FlipJ

    FlipJ Fapstronaut

    Haha bro tell me about it! Once you start listening to him, his voice gets into your head and changes the way you think. That's fucking awesome with 116 days. Man i'd love to go one slip every 116 days, you'll have made some massive changes regardless of the slip. keep it up dude!
  3. Different Built

    Different Built Fapstronaut

    You too man we'll get it back
    FlipJ likes this.
  4. Recovering_Addict

    Recovering_Addict Fapstronaut



    I just saw your posts here. I love the level of honesty you keep with yourself - it's the level we should all aspire to keep. Something I just wanted add based on what I saw (Ik it's a bit late, but whatever) is that I also have felt similar emotions in the past with dating apps. I'm not as lucky as you and have never actually had a conversation on a dating app - my lack of effort into the apps probably plays a role in that. But I have realised that going to dating apps sometimes feels like some sort of replacement to PMO; it feels like a really cheap trick our mind is trying to pull on us by telling us "hey this is a genuinely ok way to date people", when deep down your real desire might be to go there to see attractive people/try and get a hookup etc.

    And you're so very right how sneaky the addiction is. I'd say it's the same for all sort of addictions - they allow us to forget all the fucked up moments they've caused us and remember the occasional moments where we've gotten by with them. I remember hearing Brandon Novak saying how his addiction allowed him to forget being on life support, innumerous outpatients, innumerous inpatients, overdoses... and use the memory of a single day of near-sobriety to further fuel the addiction (
    FlipJ likes this.
  5. FlipJ

    FlipJ Fapstronaut


    Hey man! love the feedback. Appreciate your comments. Yeahh well, there's been times where I've really got addicted to the apps, and of course, then I spent time trying to figure it out and make it work, and throw money at it etc etc. and of course that 'worked' to the extent you speak to girls, but ultimately if I'm in that headspace, no girl is ever going to fill that void, and I'm not going to be good for them. I remember once I went on a date with this lovely girl, and when she went to the bathroom, I checked tinder, and got another match, and all I wanted to do was end the date and chase this new girl. It's just such a mind fuck. I realised yesterday, I find dating apps the worst because they are my equivalent of escalation. They say PMO addicts escalate to harder material because things which shock produce adrenaline as well as dopamine, which is a wild mix. But I get that adrenaline kick from knowing that the girls are real, and close to me and could possibly become real, and as they say, the reward system is triggered by anticipation of the reward, not the reward its self. So I end up finding the chase, more exciting than actually going to meet people, so I'd rather stay at home "trying to find a date", as I'd tell myself, than going out being with friends and actually meeting people. Of course then at that point, I may as well PMO as it's the only action I'll get.

    But that Brando Novak video nailed it exactly. That one date, that one girl, that one whatever is what sticks in my brain. not the last 5 years of lost time, lost relationship, lost opportunities.

    ahh well, as I said, this time I'm doing my best learn what I'm up against, and I plan to go a whole year without dating apps. I hope by then to have changed things so much, I won't even need to re-download them!

    Hope things are going well for you dude!
    Recovering_Addict likes this.
  6. CleanAgain

    CleanAgain Fapstronaut

    Good luck man, looks like you're in the right mindset. To be honest your posts inspire me to be positive despite battling the addiction. Thank you for them and keep up with good work!
    FlipJ likes this.
  7. Recovering_Addict

    Recovering_Addict Fapstronaut

    You sure know what your problems are and know them well. And you're battling against them, so all you need to do now is to just keep going!

    Keep up the great work man!
    FlipJ likes this.
  8. FlipJ

    FlipJ Fapstronaut

    Cheers guys! appreciate the love! Truth is I've been on this journey a long time, and after my last long streak and feeling so good, doing all the positive lifestyle changes and seeing the rewards, i really couldn't understand how or why I relapsed. Since then, I've just been dedicating some time every day to try and learn what this addiction is and why i respond the way i do. Couldn't recommend YBOP enough for that! Keep strong everyone!
  9. FlipJ

    FlipJ Fapstronaut

    So coming down a little of the initial high you get from getting all your energy back, but still been just as productive. Yesterday was a fucking war at times.
    I made the mistake of talking through all the reasons why I don't use dating apps with my mate, and of course, regardless of what I say about them, by spending half an hour talking about dating apps, all I do is come away thinking about them.
    I think this was the same mistake I made last time, by constantly discussing, or criticising the addiction, I'm still engaging with it and that's a war I can't win. My only real tactic is to focus my energy on something else. Anyway, kept up my routine, and I got through it and feel good now.

    Started thinking about how my main emotional triggers is a mixture of being alone and fear of not having a potential partner, which is something easily magnified when isolated during a pandemic, and when I'm actively cutting out social media and chasing girls. And of course, I have to keep those things up if I want to kick this addiction, but it means by isolating myself from social media (obviously not the messager aspect), not contacting girls for validation, not out socialising in the real world, and focusing on spending time bettering myself (alone), I'm inadvertently creating the perfect storm for heavy emotional triggers. Even though i think i'm doing all the right things.

    SO, my plan is to do one thing social every day, even if it's just going to the shop, and make sure I call a few people in the evening so I feel like I'm busy. I think I have to make sure I feel really apart of a community right now, and not lonely and "in need of love".
    I also think it's all well and good dealing with this alone in my bedroom, but what happens when the world gets back to normal and the everyday triggers of hot girls on the street, girls at the gym, girls at the bars, socialising with new people etc come charging back, and I've spent the last year basically at home! It's gonna be a shell shock, and being alone in my house, "getting over PMO" is not going to prepare me for it. Healthy re-integration is essential.
  10. FlipJ

    FlipJ Fapstronaut

    supppp! Not muuch to report. S'all good over here. Still having ridiculously realistic dreams, some super sexual. The good news is I'm waking up every morning with stronnnng wood. it works guys, there's no denying it. I also wonder if being a lot more vegan these day has an effect on that. We've all seen game changers, right?
    Other than that, kept up my one social activity a day and made quite a few plans for this weekend, so that's all good. Gonna do a 6-week cut starting Monday, because I've been adding weight despite exercising twice a day. gonna plan that out this weekend and hopefully that'll coincide with the end of lockdown as well! Hope everyone's guurrd
    Choosing Better likes this.
  11. yoitsreps

    yoitsreps New Fapstronaut

    All the best mate :)
    FlipJ likes this.
  12. Yo man, just read through your journal entries and I have to say, I'm inspired. I'm inspired to read into YBOP and listen to some Goggins because of you. Relapsed last night, but I'm reflecting on it and maintaining a positive attitude, reading your reboot log has given me strength to fight the chaser effect urges I'm getting. Hope you kick this addiction for good bro. You deserve the life you've been missing out on.
    FlipJ likes this.
  13. FlipJ

    FlipJ Fapstronaut

    Cheers man! Glad it's helped you. It inspires me to know it's helping you. But for sure go check out YBOP and Goggins, because they're both next-level inspiration. And don't worry about your relapse, you've caught your mistake early and the fact you're reflecting on it young means you're gonna be fine. It's a tough road. That 23 day counter or whatever i have, does not reflect the years ive spent, trying and failing at different approaches, and at the end of the day, it's all lessons. Keep it up man
    Choosing Better likes this.
  14. FlipJ

    FlipJ Fapstronaut

    Yo! End of a good weekend, quite social even with restrictions, Saturday, grabbed a coffee and went for a walk with a mate, planned my 6-week cut, food diet/ work-out plan (obviously I started it yesterday and didn't wait till Monday!), and then played some board games with housemates. Went for a lovely cold bike ride out to a cafe with another friend, found some new trails, got free coffee because we knew the person working!

    Came home feeling a little Sunday lethargic, decided to check Instagram before I deactivate it again (you've gotta wait a week before each deactivation, Instagram's way of keeping you hooked. it knows you're gonna have cravings for it during that week and you won't deactivate it!) Anyway, having not seen anything remotely sexual for the last 3 weeks, I was taken completely off guard with how sexual Instagram was. Shit man, if you have an interest in say, food or exercise, that search page is literally just unbelievable attractive girls showing off their bodies, dancing, looking beautiful etc. That is straight-up way more pornographic than any of the stuff I started on when i was young. What a fucking trigger, I was caught for like a minute and then was just shocked at how i responded. How excited i became. How i was flooded with desire. MAN, I had to deactivate that shit right there. GUYS, there's no fucking around. I don't give a fuck who you are, you can't give up PMO without cutting out social media. If you've got it. GET RID. Think about it, If you're on a diet, you don't go take your steamed rice packed lunch and eat it in Mcdonalds. That much temptation and comparison is just unmanageable. Life is much better without it.

    ANYWAY, then I had to send a message, and i went through my WhatsApp contacts and realised, fuck I have so many numbers of people I will never speak to again. So many random girls whose number I got 10 years ago on a night out. and yet I still see their DP pictures on a daily basis, and as a result, they still exist in my mind and my world. And I realised how fucked up this was. So I went through my whole contacts and deleted anyone who wasn't apart of my life. again, it feels good to do that shit. As Tony Robbins would say, BURN THE GOD DAMN BOATS.
    Choosing Better likes this.
  15. Hey man, sounds like you had an awesome weekend! Happy to hear all the social activities you engaged in :)

    I have deleted IG and Twitter for a week now, but I need it briefly to post things that are work related but I haven't used it since last Sunday and holy shit let me tell you THE RELIEF I FEEL! Most days I don't even pick up my phone at all because I know I have nothing on it. I feel so redeemed of time. I hadn't really purged social media since the lockdown but its so great. Last time I got rid of social media was in Sep 2019 to Nov 2019. I'm glad hearing someone who's expressing something similar!

    Keep staying on this right path bro!! :D
    FlipJ likes this.
  16. FlipJ

    FlipJ Fapstronaut

    Haha, glad to hear it my man. I couldn't agree more, and knowing that my phone isn't going to light up every few minutes (which of course i mean, HOPING my phone will light up every few minutes ;)) means i can stick it on aeroplane mode and not feel I'm missing out on anything and just crack on. For me, Instagram has a function, but after giving up and getting over the initial habit phase, i realise that function added 0.0001% to my life, and took A LOT away. Good luck bro, keep strong!
  17. luke775

    luke775 Fapstronaut

    Nice bro, we're on similar streaks! Glad you made the decision to quit PMO for good. Good luck with your journey brother.
    FlipJ likes this.
  18. FlipJ

    FlipJ Fapstronaut

    Nice one bro! Well done for keeping strong! we got this together
  19. FlipJ

    FlipJ Fapstronaut

    Wasssup. All good over here, not much to report. Got completely sidetracked yesterday being inspired by Ido Portal and trying to make a plan to incorporate that into my workout. Like where do you even begin if you can barely squat? Anyway, was fun looking into it, and I've taken away some good warm-up routines at least. Yeah, not much else! keep stong lads
  20. FlipJ

    FlipJ Fapstronaut

    Yo Yo. Despite how slow the pace of life is at the moment, I've just got this real feeling of urgency. Like there isn't enough time to do / learn everything. I can't complain but I think I have to narrow my focus on what I want to focus on instead of having all these ambitious ideas.
    Also started thinking, i need to focus more time and energy into something i am proud to talk to people about. Giving up PMO is a big thing, and to an extent requires energy each day to maintain it, and I'm proud of that my self, but let's be real, I'm not gonna talk to my grandma about it. I'm not going to brag about it in my next job interview. even when i spend time watching a video on it, it's not really something i can bring up in casual conversation with friends and family. This is an individual challenge, and I have to understand I'll never be publicly celebrated for it and they'll never be anything tangible to show for it. I have friends who never watch P. imagine trying to get praise out of them for 'abstaining' :D i mean it's absurd. the whole addiction is ridiculous. But it's my addiction and addiction it is. So, unfortunately, i must deal with it. But I'm gonna dedicate more time to things which can involve others. Fitness, business, relationships, etc. And really take the attitude of learning about addiction and understanding it, so at least I do take away something productive, that can be used to help people.