100 Cold Approaches

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by StoicContemplation, Dec 12, 2020.

  1. You're making progress that's super cool.
    I know you like indirect conversations more. But you should try to show your interest directly and see where it leads you.

    Right now I'm looking for a date just for the confinement that will be active in a week in my country. I tell girls directly that I went out just to talk to the women I find pretty to find a date. (In a humorous way but still, I think I can say it in a serious way also)
    It may seem socially unacceptable, but women love honesty. They'll let you know :)

    In my case this is exaggerated. I totally tell them everything, even that they are not the first ones that I approach the same day. Because I want to be in line with my values.

    I think approaching women we find attractive doesn't have to be something that makes us ashamed. This is very honorable

    Good luck dude
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2021
  2. TheForsakeen

    TheForsakeen Fapstronaut

    i have just one question, if you do end up with a girl how would she feel about you having "approached" 100 girls -if there is no further escalation that is- or if she herself did the same with 100 guys?
    i don't mean to criticize you, working on your confidence and social skills is great but don't you find this weird ? what is the end goals? becoming a major player?
  3. Divine By Design

    Divine By Design Fapstronaut

    I see where you're coming from, but I wouldn't agree it's weird. From what I understand, the end goal is to become more comfortable with talking to women, especially unfamiliar ones.

    If he had initiated relationships with or even dated 100 girls, then you may have reason to be a bit wary, but I wouldn't find it particularly weird to hear that someone has just gone out and talked to many people without expectations.
  4. Kowe

    Kowe Fapstronaut

    Try asking women the question, 'what would you do if you were a man?' They almost always say 'go out and try to meet women/have sex with beautiful women.'

    It's actually a question that reveals a lot about how women see men and the role of men as well as their acceptance of us as sexually motivated beings.

    I think women are actually baffled by how much us men hold ourselves back! They don't admire or respect it.

    Also from my experience, women love stories about taking risks and overcoming fear/doubt type stuff.

    Though I also don't think they fully understand rejection and how it effects men. Nor do I think they get semen retention/sexual transmutation (which is a controversial topic but I ultimately do believe in it).

    From that you get to an understanding that a man spending 18 hours a day in the lab or something could be one of the most sexual people, just it's expressing itself through his work.

    But the problem is yeah if you said you just asked 100 strangers for directions and spent almost all of your time doing that to the exclusion of all else...they probably wouldn't care and just think it weird.
  5. You are too afraid of what others might think of you. She has the right to feel however she wants, it's not something you can control.

    Now, what do YOU want ?

    -Be accepted by society, loved by everyone, follow your beliefs, your fears, what you think you are not capable of? Trying to find out what works best with women ?

    -Or going beyond what you think you are capable of doing? realizing that all your life you have been trying to be accepted when all you wanted was to express yourself as you really are and not a false image of yourself.. following what is important to you no matter what ?

    What makes you happy with yourself and what is most fulfilling between these 2 choices in the long run? Only you know :)

    Yes it's weird, yes your brain will do anything to keep you from being rejected. Yes, you're going to have moments where you're going to feel like crap. But that's life. I'd rather live a life without regrets than a life where I believed my fears, just to be accepted and appreciated. When deep down I knew I was capable of so much more.
    Maybe the ultimate goal is freedom. freedom to express ourselves as we are and no longer depending on others. freedom to go beyond fear in all circumstances. Who knows.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2021
  6. StoicContemplation

    StoicContemplation Fapstronaut

    Did some approaches today but I'm only going to add 1 to the challenge (most of them were on the street but some of the interactions were just too short).

    I also had some conversations with female employees again (not counting these but maybe worth mentioning). One was with a cashier. The other one was with a girl that works in an electronics shop. That conversation passed (I think) the mark of 10 mins where the conversation became more laid back. I proposed if she wanted to grab a coffee sometime but she rejected. Maybe because her colleagues were around but I'm not going to be a prideful man and say that I'm sure she would have bitten if she was alone, I'm glad I asked it nonetheless. I also had another chat that was pretty long with my hotel receptionist. It's a nice feeling to open up a girl, chat a bit and then - before you know it - she is comfortable and doing all the talking and you are just listening (for the record, it went beyond the opener). These chats are a great way to train eye contact, become more aware of your tonality/body language, etc.

    It's definitely getting easier to have casual conversations with girls. All the approaches in this thread (even the most petty ones) have added up and made me more at ease having a little talk with an attractive woman (something I would have deemed impossible before). The general overview is that my social skills and confidence are growing which are some nice developments that I welcome with open arms.

    Total: 49/100

    Well, if I want to end up with a girl, don't I have to initiate some sort of contact with her in order to establish something? And isn't that basically what I'm trying to do with this challenge (although most of the interactions lead to nowhere), i.e. taking the first step to meet a girl/trying to talk with her? It may sound 'weird' that I (hypothetically) will need to approach dozens/hundreds/thousands of girls in order to find one I can 'end up with'. It's just a numbers game, nothing more. Will the girl care? First of all I don't really care what goes through a woman's mind too much. Like DBD mentioned, the goal is to get comfortable chatting up girls. Having worries about 'what a girl may think because I have done this' is the least of my interest.

    I admire the fact that you just can walk up to a girl and say you like her. I'm definitely flirting with the idea to switch gears once in a while and just do some direct approaches in the future, just to see what happens. Or by just showing my interest much clearer once I entered her world.

    I think my objection would be more of a pragmatic nature. I doubt that the conversation would be long: if I open up and say that I like her, the moment for her to decide (give number or reject) is immediately on the table, no? Isn't it a bit overwhelming to immediately cut to the chase without a degree of casual exchange? Sure, you may say that these are irrational thoughts/worries that we have to break free from from and I do think it's praiseworthy to just be completely honest. But I don't see how conversational skills can add much value here as it's immediately the 'take it or leave it' vibe whilst with being indirect you can first lower her safeguard by being able to discuss a triviality (asking her opinion etc.). I'm just curious on how you have a conversation about the fact that you are interested in a girl you don't know? Sure I can keep giving compliments and saying how beautiful she is to stretch the time, but will that really make her warm?

    That being said, I do think that game is more about a combination with action and luck. So yeah, if you can open up with a girl that happens to be looking for a man or you happen to be her type, it's not illogical that direct game can work wonders if you are consistent enough.

    But anyways, keep doing what you are doing man! :cool:
  7. Kowe

    Kowe Fapstronaut

    Out of interest, have you ever tried this one:

    You are walking down a street - you see a cute girl in the distance walking your way. You then engage in a conversation with her when you walk past each other.

    I've thought about it in the past but I always feel like I telegraph too much interest by looking at her from afar.
    Plus, what the hell do you really say?

    I've just randomly said hello to them before which I guess is better than nothing.

    I would say your interactions with staff are hard ones to get a read on. Yes, it's good practice but they're probably in 'work mode' and I think it puts them in a tricky situation to ask for their digits since there's a conflict (they're probably not supposed to do that by the rules of their jobs).
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  8. what you say is really interesting.
    In most cases, if a woman is in a relationship or not interested and you tell her your intentions, she will let you know from the beginning.
    That's the whole job of this process. To become free of rejection. Often, the avoidance of directly stating our intentions comes from a feeling of avoidance. We want to avoid being rejected so we go through safer paths. we don't want to live this moment where we have nothing to say, for fear of showing insecurity. We always want things to go as smoothly as possible, so we look for security.

    The real challenge is knowing how to tell a woman you like her while keeping your identity. Compliments are generally frowned upon by men because they say a compliment by communicating non-verbally that they need her approval to exist.
    The real goal of this process is to become free from the approval of this woman to express yourself as you are and not the image you want to project. This is why red pill community says "let women come to you, don't compliment women". They are afraid to express their emotions because they know that they are very dependent on the approval of women and others. It's based on ego. So they prefer to avoid expressing themselves fully. There is often a lot of anger and sadness behind these words.

    This is very profound. But if I go back to a clearer side, you can tell a woman that she looks pretty the way you would brush your teeth in the morning, in a completely normal tone. By looking her in the eyes, with a calm, assumed gaze.
    In fact, it is not to say a compliment that frightens men, but to communicate what they think of themselves at the same time. To communicate the fact that they are dependent on the other's gaze and all their insecurities.
    The more you get rejected, the more you can become aware of who you are, or you can look for what works best with women, and get lost. It can go both ways.

    As for not wanting to say directly why you came up to talk to her, this is indeed possible if you communicate non-verbally your intentions. But this is an advanced level.
    But yeah, you can become naturally attractive and no longer need words to communicate what you want. Leave long silences because you like silence, Connection goes beyond words. Of course there is a lot of work to get to this level of self-awareness.
    The easiest thing to do at the beginning is to communicate verbally why you are there. While working on yourself to keep your identity. Leave if she disrespects you, be aware of your values,
    Have fun, express yourself

    you need to focus on what you want and not what could be accepted by society and by this woman.
    When you walk down the street, be aware of your thought patterns, focus on your body, your breathing. Be aware that you are going to commit social suicide (approaching a woman you like on the street), but you also have the right to exist and to communicate who you are :)

    you may not say why you're here, as you can say. Words aren't really important. The most important thing is not to do something by default but by choice. If you don't show your intentions but this woman feels you could do it if you wanted to (you also feel you could do it but you don't do it), that's where it becomes interesting. On the other hand, if you don't dare to express your intentions so you find yourself asking her what she is doing in life (to avoid a silence, in fact you don't care about what she does in life, you want to connect with her.) or where's the grocery store, while you like her, there is a job to be done.

    It is already an accomplishment to be in this process, you can be so proud of yourself
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2021
    hd47 and StoicContemplation like this.
  9. Kowe

    Kowe Fapstronaut


    Very interesting vid that I think is relevant to cold approach albeit presented in a more philosophical way.
    StoicContemplation and Spirituss like this.
  10. this video is gold. It sums up a lot of states and mistakes I've been through.

    Don't pay attention to the title. It's an ironic title. just watch the video. He's probably the wisest and strongest man I know.

    Silence is purity :)
    Knascher6789 likes this.
  11. StoicContemplation

    StoicContemplation Fapstronaut

    I'm also addressing @Spirituss' comment.

    I agree that seducing girls during their work hours is not the best strategy. Like you said, they are in 'work mode' and it would be inappropriate towards their superior and coworkers if they hand their digits to a client/stranger. Although a week ago it happened that a girl randomly asked for my Instagram (not that I have that) during a chat when she was in her work mode (she was alone though).

    Compare it with the practice range of golf: you are just hitting balls to refine and correct your swing but there is no teeing range/hole that you can aim for. For me, it's a good exercise to chat up cute girls during their work even though I know it's unlikely that she will give her number if I ask (that's the reason why I'm not counting these under the 100). It's an innocent and natural way to get more comfortable talking to the other sex.

    "Be in line with your values" and "expressing your deepest vulnerabilities": sure, by all means. But can that motivate the average Joe to go out and talk with girls?

    I think the idea of having little innocent chats with girls during the day is easier for the brain to encompass than "expressing yourself". The latter can be a bit too much of an abstraction for the male mind to digest. One of the biggest psychological hurdles that refrains men from approaching is that they don't know what to say to a woman. If you tell a man who has zero experience with women to just go out and express his emotions, whilst sprinkling that message with some stoic verbiage, will that really make the idea of initiating contacts with girls more bearable?
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Anders Dahl like this.
  12. Kowe

    Kowe Fapstronaut

    Good points!

    I had the perfect opportunity to talk to a coffee shop staff member the other day. The place was totally empty - no one in line to overhear. I should have just gone for it. But I couldn't think of anything to say.
  13. if they are willing to go a little deeper into their ways of thinking.
    Not all guys are ready to do that. Often they repeat the same things over and over again.
    We are our own limits.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2021
    Knascher6789 likes this.
  14. StoicContemplation

    StoicContemplation Fapstronaut

    I opened up with one group of 2 girls today, but it was just a simple touristic question that didn't involve a substantive chat... I'm going to count that as 1 because even these 'formal approaches' can be hard for me as they do invoke some fear in anticipation of opening. This challenge started with approaches like this where sometimes it was possible to have a normal conversation going on.

    Total: 50/100

  15. You know I'll challenge you Stoic. Does this count as well for woman online? I'll give myself to approach 100 girls by the end of February. I've watched a competition show before and one of the guys was acting as a French person actually. Easily he was walking up to random woman with questions out of no fear and ended with the French smooch on the check. I feel I understand where your getting at with your formula.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  16. StoicContemplation

    StoicContemplation Fapstronaut

    4 approaches today

    One was on the bus. I sat next to a girl (pathway in between) and opened up with her and was able to have a chat for roughly 20 mins until someone sat next to her, which blocked the interaction (I didn't went out of my way to keep the conversation going nor did I approached her again after debarking at the final bus station).

    I did a few others in the city asking for directions and places to eat. With some girls I had a bit of a chat but it didn't entail an exchange of digits. I approached a group of 3 girls and one looked interested but I was too afraid to ask her if she wants to hang out sometime... Maybe I let my ego dictate my (lack of) actions too much ("You'll look like a fool!"). I don't like the streets too much as a place to 'connect' with a random woman but it's great for practice. You're putting yourself in a situation that is not comfortable (people look at you) but that is what makes you strong.

    I'll try to do some more tomorrow, maybe in other venues like coffee shops, malls, grocery shops, book stores, etc.

    Total: 54/100

    You are always welcome to share your own experiences. However, this thread is in fact meant for discussing cold approaches (i.e. talking to women you don't know in real life), not online dating. I think there are specific threads for that. I'm not sure how you would qualify an 'online cold approach' ("I just did 10 swipes today!")?
  17. StoicContemplation

    StoicContemplation Fapstronaut

    Did 3 approaches today

    Two of them were in the coffee shop. One was asking a girl the Wifi-code of the place... She looked kind of open and looked at me several times but I didn't manage to strike a conversation after that boring question... Conversational skills need some work although I feel improvement after a few dozens of cold approaches.

    I opened up with another - this time cuter - girl (from my same seat in the coffee shop as the first approach, the other girl witnessed this) in the coffee shop. She was leaving and I asked her if her laptop was any good. I tried to strike up a conversation by stating that my laptop is too big and that the batteries die very fast and that it's a burden when travelling so I'm looking for a new one. I ran out of things to say although she wasn't bitchy or gave me a 'don't talk to me' vibe.

    The third one was a girl who works in a souvenir shop. Although I usually don't count chats with female staff members under the 100, I will in this case because the chat was like 20-30 mins (I'm not sure, interactions with girls always feel longer than they usually are, but I can say with confidence that it was longer than 15 mins). It just started with a boring insincere question if she had a particular type of keychain in her shop. The conversation took a personal direction pretty fast (asking me if I'm dating or how I usually meet girls). The girl opened up pretty easily and made it easy for me as from a certain point, she was doing all the talking. I have her number. She was alone though and she probably wouldn't have opened up in such a personal way if there were coworkers around (let alone giving her number).

    Questions may arise as:

    "But SC, aren't your openers too indirect? How are you able to communicate your romantic intentions when you are acting like a puzzled consumer who is doing a product research about laptops?"

    Note that these openers aren't meant to build attraction. They are merely a way to make a presence in the girl's world by breaking the ice (i.e. from going to a total stranger/nobody to a stranger who isn't a weirdo but just wants to know something). After inquiring for information, it becomes clear pretty fast that I want to have a chat with her which will make her 70% sure I want to get intimate with her. The art lies in being able to keep the conversation going so you can build a connection, thus increasing your chance of getting a date. I'm still a novice so take it with a grain of salt! I see reality through my eyes, you may see reality differently.

    Total: 57/100
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
  18. StoicContemplation

    StoicContemplation Fapstronaut

    4 approaches today

    All were boring interactions without a degree of casual discussion. You could say that no 'game' was involved.

    One was in the grocery store where I opened up with a woman asking her opinion about different kinds of honey.

    The other one was in the drugstore/cosmetic shop where I asked a girl's opinion on a certain effervescent tablet...

    The 2 others were on the street.

    Negative thoughts haunted me today. This challenge is pretty frustrating as I tend to put pressure on myself when I'm walking down the street and I see pretty girls but I don't approach. Sure, I'm glad that at least I opened up with some girls but in most cases my actions aren't in line with the opportunities. I think I have a pretty analytical mind that is sensitive to negative thoughts/stimuli (analysis paralysis) so I always tend to overthink and take the path of the least resistance, i.e. inaction.

    It becomes even more frustrating when a girl makes eye contact but I fail to act. This is like not putting the bucket outside when it's raining gold because you are too lazy to do that (eye contact doesn't mean interest per se but it's a good indicator...).

    That being sad, I am grateful about every approach I did so far. Because every single approach was an opportunity to learn - no matter how mundane or short the interaction. I really see this as a learning process where mistakes, frustration, doubt and other negative emotions are part and parcel of the journey. When I use my voice box to open up with a girl in - for example - the grocery shop then I already did something that is way beyond my comfort zone. It may sound lame to the hyperconfident direct gamesmen, for me it's already a big step toward the direction of getting more out of this life.

    Total: 61/100
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2021
  19. Kowe

    Kowe Fapstronaut

    Nice one man!

    I was walking around the city today, I saw a pretty hot woman walking a dog and I started thinking, 'I could try the pet shop opener here' then I got side by side with her. But I just couldn't do it. Something held me back. It always does!

    I missed like 3 other chances just walking around the city.

    Then I went to the park and I saw this random guy walking up to random girls and maybe doing cold approach or just asking for change or chatting about random stuff, it was hard to see. But I had mixed feelings - some jealousy that it can be done but also a kind of relief that I wasn't THAT guy. I guess this is the problem I have with it - I wouldn't be some cool suave guy doing this, I'd be some jittery awkward fuck. So I returned to my book and escaped.

    I should have just said something to the dog walker.

    I still find myself compelled to consider approaches, but I haven't perked up the courage to do one in my home country yet.

    Out of interest, how's it going with the post approach numbers?
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  20. StoicContemplation

    StoicContemplation Fapstronaut

    It's pretty hard isn't it? The contemplation of an approach can really put you in a flight-or-flee mode where even getting bitten by a lion is a more desirable outcome. I even have a theory that if you put the average man without a GPS/smartphone in a city that is like a labyrinth with only hot girls whom he can ask the way, he rather just walk for hours getting lost rather than asking for the way!

    What I have learned so far and which can be relevant concerning your objection: after the approach is done (even if my game was weak or she wasn't open), it's not that bad and all the anxiety that it encompasses is really a bad trick your brain is trying to play on you. The anticipation of the approach is really the worst... To be honest, I don't think that approach anxiety can (only) be addressed with stoic maxims. Sometimes you just have to embrace the cold water and jump into the pool instead of 'going deep into your thoughts'.

    The few numbers I got in Hungary led to nowhere.

    I texted the girl I kissed around the 40th approach mark to meet for a coffee but she isn't in the city because she is studying for her exams.

    Today I texted the girl of the souvenir shop I met yesterday and she answered a few moments ago before writing this answer on your post. Anyways, I'm keeping the expectations as low as zero because if I put all my chips on this one girl, I will get pretty frustrated if she suddenly flakes (I find that this is the best mindset).

    So yeah, I can't say I have materialized the (maybe a handful?) numbers into dates. I had 2 same day dates from this challenge. For now I'm keeping the numbers in my phone and I will make a 'data sheet' when I'm finishing the challenge.

    It's funny though that I have made some male friends (locals where I'm now living) because of this. Not through cold approaching the girls, but just by being more at ease with opening up with a strangers and striking up a casual conversation, even using the same openers (although with the men it's sincere).

    By the way, I now remember I did another approach today, also on the street (in a park technically). I tried to ramble/chat her up after asking her for the way but she said that she is late for work. I'm not going to edit the counter though.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2021
    modern milarepa likes this.