Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by HiddenWarrior, Apr 2, 2019.

Have you beaten your record or improved your average noPMO since joining this?

  1. Yes

    281 vote(s)
  2. No

    90 vote(s)
  1. you keep going leader, learn from the fall and keep pushing one day at a time.
  2. MixerAwersome

    MixerAwersome Fapstronaut

  3. Checking
  4. Yeah, in the end the secret to success is just try one more time ;)
  5. DAY 1 -
    Feeling good today, been productive so far. Just need to keep going.
  6. Rematch then. I also lost today, but I didn’t see that you had lost because I didn’t get on nofap until now. Let’s just call the last one a draw.
    HiddenWarrior and Leader of ME like this.
  7. PegasusKid

    PegasusKid Fapstronaut

    Through day 1 again. Aiming for it to be the last day 1. I think tracking every hour had the opposite effect. I was expecting it to sort of give me constant little dopamine hits seeing the progress go up but in reality that deep level of tracking just makes me think about this more as some sort of challenge or goal, and until I get to the 90 days it won't feel "complete". I'll still use the forum but i think being less obsessive about the number and just telling myself "i am someone who doesn't use porn" rather than "im trying to reset/cleanse my brain from pmo by going 90 days straight without it" will be more helpful.
  8. there's no winner until both fighters are 5+ days on their streak to remove stress about chaser effect.
  9. i've found when i was successful tracking in the early days is good but later on, it should become habit.
  10. Second that .
  11. MixerAwersome

    MixerAwersome Fapstronaut

  12. Relapsed.
    No porn, no binging.

    Just felt that I was abstaining for the sake of big numbers instead of improving my life.
    So in the end I lost. Just starting again if you want.
  13. MixerAwersome

    MixerAwersome Fapstronaut

    You are a legend amongst us, remember that. The battle continues.
    Checking in @fg4795
  14. Thanks my friend.
  15. I have an announcement to make ...

    Nobody can beat me anymore
  16. @fg4795 We win when we loose , the perversion of life .
  17. When it comes to improving your life, the source of motivation is secondary to the results, no? If big numbers make you feel good and keep you away from PMO, then why not let them motivate you?
  18. Are we still dueling?
  19. You're right my friend.
    I am getting so many answers from myself thanks to this defeat ;).
    It is my friend. The problem was not the big number itself.
    I am always proud of big numbers, and will be glad if the big number will help me feeling better and leave P.
    But the big number itself can't be the only thing that keep me going.
    I said it also in my journal. When I was reflecting about the mistakes that led me to this relapse.
    I thought about Johan Cruijff. He once said "I've never seen a bag of money score a goal".
    Because money can buy better players. But then the players must play to high levels. Or they lose.
    I say today "I've never seen a streak of Nofap pass an exam".
    Because nofap has many benefits. Focus, will, clearity of mind.
    Things that help me study. But first I need to study.
    Action first.
    I will always search for big numbers. As long as big numbers will help me.
    I relapsed. The mistake is mine.
    My consideration is not, in any way, against the big numbers.
    I envy the ones that can find their equilibrium with giant numbers.
    But since I am not, still, that kind of person.
    I will keep on searching my answer. In different way.

    What I am sure that no matter the urge, I will never search for porn.
    And indeed I did not binge, and not searched for it.
    198 days free from that shit.

    Checking @MixerAwersome