Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by HiddenWarrior, Apr 2, 2019.

Have you beaten your record or improved your average noPMO since joining this?

  1. Yes

    281 vote(s)
  2. No

    90 vote(s)
  1. Lovelife247

    Lovelife247 Fapstronaut

    day 2 of many my dude! I ain’t loosing. I put @bluedragon9 on a post it note. I think about having to say I loss and that brings me more shame then fapping. I watched 5 hours of Ted talks on porn yesterday had me like “ohhh this addiction ain’t about me, I gotta get strong to help others” I had a dream someone asked me how I got to 100 days. Just know I’m hitting that 100 days by any means necessary!
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2021
  2. skull67

    skull67 Fapstronaut

    I just wanted to peek for 4-5 mins, and ended up watching porn for close to 2 hours, damn man, lckil I did not MO.

    another thing man, I noticed your header/signature, call it what you want, but I just noticed that you specifically mentioned no youtube. I also struggle a lot with Youtube. I deleted facebook and insta a long time ago. very rarely do I open them up and within 10 minutes my mind gets depressed when I see other people's lives. But somehow, I fail to recognize youtube as an equally harmful monster. I have tried to limit my usage, but it becomes very hard man. So wat I am asking is, when you stopped or controlled your usage of youtube, did you feel powerful urges, how did you overcome them or control them??
  3. i don't use the YouTube app, I watch videos through browser but I do have urges through YouTube though. I don't have any urges to watch P anymore and it must just be restricting and willpower.
  4. It got better for a long time, but has recently been pretty bad. Saying that though I'm up early today so can't complain.
  5. This first paragraph here is the mindset which makes a true warrior. We cannot afford to get worse, we need to keep pushing to be better. Good to see you and make sure to stay.

    You're in and fighting @Lovelife247 and @bluedragon9 . Check first page for all updated duels.
    bellator de Christi likes this.
  6. I believe in you.
  7. Glad to see you doing well my rival, keep it up.
  8. @HiddenWarrior maybe we should be keeping score of things ?

    Let's make smth of a ladder of the champion . Just like UFC rankings based on performance ?
  9. this is a good idea, i thought similar to make an excel file of all the fighters but we should start from now not using previous duels. Then I can give a record to fighters of Wins-Losses and create rankings which would be too good.
  10. Lovelife247

    Lovelife247 Fapstronaut

    thanks brofessor! It’s crazy how much this simple duel is helping me. It’s like when my old company gave a wrestling style bet out to the sales champ, it was no money attached to it but I wanted the belt more than more money. I just want to be at the top of the list more than I don’t want to watch porn. If you had the belt one month you didn’t want to loose it and have to mail it to someone else so it made you want to keep the belt. Not to mention seeing the belt daily in someone else office simply pissed me off hahah.
  11. Sounds good, it can help to stay motivated even after a victory, because the score need to be always higher ;)
    Btw checking @Leader of ME
  12. Yes guys , starting from now on .
  13. Lovelife247

    Lovelife247 Fapstronaut

    getting rid of the social media def helps me but you still need to feel connected. I would always do that and not replace it with other connection so I just felt like I was on an island. I just realized I haven’t watched the news in over a month, fb 3 weeks, no insta or snap. I just went into I’m too cool for everything mode but without replacing it with something else it’s hard af. Nofap gives me same dopamine hit as social media; seeing alerts and commenting and scrolling. Trade podcast for YouTube and no videos maybe
  14. bluedragon9

    bluedragon9 Fapstronaut

    I hope that dream comes true, real soon.

    I am back to 0 days again just after 2 days. Actually, I am at a difficult situation with porn addiction, it's a high time for me. So, I bought this app called *** to block porn on my mobile phone, but it works in a negative way, every time I use my laptop or another device in which the blocker is not activated, I feel tempted for PM. The only solution I have is to stop relying on 3rd party app and do it with my will.
  15. Lovelife247

    Lovelife247 Fapstronaut

    it happens, they say it ain’t about the setback it’s about the get back....I feel like when I set restrictions and blockers it makes me think about it more. Even when I put blockers on my phone and it blocks other pages I need. It reminds me I messed up or I’m bad or something. Now I’m trying to notice the feelings or triggers and find out why and adapt vs only saying I just gotta be strong and make a choice. Maybe switch your environment up, move a desk around, paint a wall or put a poster up. Also ask yourself what you’re really looking for the porn to solve? For me it was a connection and being or feeling wanted. But I hear it in your voice you want to win against this addiction and that’s the first part. You got this!!!
  16. bluedragon9

    bluedragon9 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the suggestions, as the slogan of this website says, I need a grip on my life.
  17. @MixerAwersome checking in for the day. Time to get that ranking spot.
    HiddenWarrior likes this.