Kettlebell routine

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by BillyBobBoBoBo, Mar 28, 2021.

  1. So I have been doing Kettlbellswings (130 reps) & a Workman's Deadlift Row (40 each side);

    Doing a 1 set till failure as for a cardio/fat burning/muscle endurance exercises after my W.A.T.C.H protocol routine & I've been wondering if what I am doing at the moment effective and is there more I could do?

    So I wanted to ask if swinging a Kettlbell for over 100's of reps for 1 set is a good thing to burn fat & build muscle endurance?

    Are there any routines any one would suggest for something more effective?

    Also the weight I have are 12kg & 20 kg
    brassknucks likes this.
  2. Hello!
    I also don't really know are 100 swings effective. Sure, they will burn fat - don't worry about that one, but I can't tell you much about muscle endurance building etc.
    There are 3 types of muscle fibers:
    So now you might as well know bit more about it. I believe swings build endurance but what's better for building endurance - 1 set of 100 or 5 sets of 20 or something else? Probably not much difference. Maybe more sets means more rest but in the end it's same amount of work that's done.
    I mean, 100 swings are better than no swings anyway.

    What I've started doing is turkish get-ups. Man, they are nasty!
    Turkish get-ups target pretty much everything. Core, hands (wrists, forearms, probably triceps), legs, back, little bit of shoulder action too if you decide to do each step of 1 rep for 5 seconds meaning you do one movement and take a 5 second pause and then keep on going. Also works on shoulders if you do press when you're up.
    Try doing those if you haven't done them yet. Believe me, 5 reps on each arm done correctly and slowly - you're going to sweat like a pig! And feel great as well!
    BillyBobBoBoBo likes this.

  3. Thanks for the link, that is very interesting. Well I am already doing a dumbbell for muscle building, so I am not worried about the muscle building effect of it. As also looking into isometrics for strength building with an Isochain, so more looming into a Kettlbell for an effective cardio, with Any other benefits as well.

    Yeah I too am debating on either just 1 set or more if I add other exercises to the mix, but agree it should lead to the same effect.

    Yeah I tried with a 12kg and boy it was harder than I thought.
    Hachiraya likes this.
  4. Yeah man. Try it with 20 kg and it will feel even crazier.
    BillyBobBoBoBo likes this.
  5. Oh I can imagine & I might hurt myself of I am not careful.

    Was thinking of doing a routine with any of the 6 veriating choices here;

    Or maybe what this guy suggests;

    Though skeptical of this;

    Also thinking of a routine that I can do quickly after my W.A.T.C.H protocol.
    brassknucks likes this.
  6. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    Based. I love kettlebells.
    BillyBobBoBoBo likes this.
  7. I have built better shoulders with kettlebells. I'd say almost V shaped back. Sure, its nowhere near the perfect V-shaped stuff but its pretty good anyways.
    My jump height has increased for like maybe 2 inches ( I believe its because of squats with kettlebells ). My dips are great, push ups are on a steady level. I feel also overall stronger, can make some progress in one leg squats and feel overall more endurance. Bells are dope.
    But yeah, be careful with weights tho!
    BillyBobBoBoBo likes this.
  8. Damn sounds like you are doing well, what's your routine with them?

    I am now debating on weather to do Kettlbells swings single handed or double handed with the 20 kg after this video;

    And with other exercises.
  9. Based, you got any routines?
    brassknucks likes this.
  10. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    Not any set ones. I’m still experimenting to see what I like.
    BillyBobBoBoBo likes this.
  11. Fair enough, I am thinking of it more after this video;

    & this channel too
    brassknucks likes this.
  12. Don't have anything too specific, but my usual workout with kettlebells looks like this(using 20kg kettlebell mostly):
    1. Pushups
    2. Squats
    3. Swings. Probably 2 times 50 to warm-up. Also swings with 2 kettlebells. One being 20kg and another one being 14kg. Switching hands. Gets you heated quick.
    3. 3x10 shoulder press (5 each hand)
    4. 3x10 cleans (5 each hand)
    5. Sometimes I'd do squats. For example goblet squats or just basic squats with kettlebells. It used to be 5 times 20 squats with 14kg kettlebell, now its less cause I'm doing it with more weight.
    6.Turkish-get ups
    BillyBobBoBoBo likes this.
  13. Sounds like a good routine you have there.
    Hachiraya likes this.
  14. Karlus Rex

    Karlus Rex Fapstronaut

    It’s funny I was just doing kettle bells this Sunday and it was like running into an old friend. They hit you like nothing else. I mostly did swings but I’m planning on doing squats as well.
    Hachiraya and BillyBobBoBoBo like this.
  15. Did you do Kettlbell exercises before?

    Yeah I am debating on what to do myself with how I want to do it, either rep counting or do it in 10 minutes to see how many I can do in that time. Thought it is something I want to do after my W.A.T.C.H protocol routine.
    Karlus Rex likes this.
  16. Karlus Rex

    Karlus Rex Fapstronaut

    I’ve done kettle bell exercises plenty of times. If you’re going for strength and stamina they’re great. I try to alternate between hard barbell workouts and HIIT. On the HIIT days I’ll use kettles extensively as they’re weights that specialize in movement.
    BillyBobBoBoBo likes this.
  17. Indeed I am fir after my W.A.T.C.H protocol, as a good strength builder really adds to the results of muscle building which it already does a good job in.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2021
    Karlus Rex likes this.
  18. Tried to do single handed exercises such as;

    Hand to hand swing
    Workman's Deadlift row
    Front Squat
    With a 16kg weight and boy it was a lot harder then I thought and I think I might have threw off my back from that or wearing 30 kg weighted vest for a walk and going up and down 30 flights of stairs. So I need to figure out more what I should do.
    Hachiraya likes this.
  19. Well here's what I am doing at the moment, the start is my regular light dumbbell system, or W.A.T.C.H protocol, first then do my Kettlbell exercises straight after with a 20 KG Kettlbell.

    05 & 06/04/2021

    Did my W.A.T.C.H protocol with 2kg weights, to do 1 set of;

    1.Alternating Dumbbell Curls (40 goal 60)

    2.Alternating Reverse Dumbbell Curls (20 goal 60)

    3.Alternating Crucifix Dumbbell Curls (20 goal 30)

    4.Simultaneous Crucifix Dumbbell Curls (20 goal 30)

    5.Standing Dumbbell Pectoral Fly’s (20 goal 30)

    6.Alternating Dumbbell Presses (20 goal 30)

    7.Alternating Dumbbell Front Raises (20 goal 30)

    8.Simultaneous Arm Circles (20 goal 30)

    9. Dumbbell Bow Arm Spread;
    (Decided to call it this as its what I've written it down on my new workout app)
    A visual can be seen here on page 7

    (20 goal 30)

    10.Standing Rear Delt Flyes head on the bench (20 goal 30)

    11.Dumbbell Wrist Circles 1 (Clockwise) (20 goal 30)

    12.Dumbbell Wrist Circles 2 (Anti-clockwise) (20 goal 30)

    13.Dumbbell Punching Movement (20 goal 30)

    14.Dumbbell Good Morning Deadlift (20 goal 30)

    15.Dumbbell Shrugs (20 goal 30)

    16.Dumbbell Crossovers (20 goal 30)

    17.Dumbbell Side Bends (20 goal 30)

    18.Simultaneous Dumbbell Back Extensions (20 goal 30)

    19.Ski Jumper (20 goal 30)

    20.Calf Raises x 3 (20 x 3 = 60 debating weather to make it 30 each)

    21.Toe Raises (60 out of 60)

    22.Deep Knee Bend On Toes (20 goal 30)

    23.Goblet squat (20 goal 30)

    24.One Legged Squat (6 goal 6 getting lower 9 the squat)

    25.Straight Legged Sit-Ups (20 goal 30)

    26.Leg Raises Hyperextensions (20 goal 30)

    27. Hyperestensions (20 goal 30)

    28.One leg Push-Ups (15 on each leg, goal 30)

    29. Push-ups (15 goal 30)

    With a 20 kg Kettlbell I did 3 2 handed Kettle Bell exercises;

    30 Kettlbell Swing

    30 Deadlift & row

    15 Goblet Squats

    It was a lot heavier than I'd thought it would be, but hopefully will get more use to the weight and do more reps and then do more exercise variations.
  20. ByTheRiver777

    ByTheRiver777 Fapstronaut

    ur doing kettlebell swings for that nice lockout right, anon?