Felt the urge, and went on a walk instead!

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by melatonin, May 19, 2021.

  1. melatonin

    melatonin Fapstronaut

    Today is my first day of reboot. A trigger for me is boredom, so lo and behold, I finished work early and had nothing to do today. I could feel my mind start to wander like usual, and I said y'know what? Not today! I got up, put on my running shoes, and walked for five miles around town.
    I'm in a pretty good weight range for myself but I lead a very sedentary lifestyle. I don't eat much and when I do I eat pretty healthily so I usually make the excuse that I don't need to exercise since I don't need to lose weight, but I realized that that's bullcrap because exercise is so much more than just burning fat! My sexual urges went away during that walk, and I felt tired in a good way, not in an "I stayed up until four o'clock last night" way. I haven't felt this fulfilled in a while.
    I'll definitely be incorporating walks hopefully every day, and once I get comfortable with that I want to start jogging. I just feel really great and fulfilled and I wanted to share what might be the start of my fitness journey!
    Toni7 likes this.
  2. I was just thinking today since I can't really do cardio at the gym with masks and breathing CO2 with my heartrate at 157 - just walk up a damn hill! Where I was at at the time was pretty flat but back home there's a nice little mountain I can head up for a while, so tomorrow morning! Stupidly simple stuff that can be done on a regular basis, go figure!
    Toni7 and melatonin like this.