Accountability for All

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by corylife, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. NewbieGains101

    NewbieGains101 Fapstronaut

    Day 7 and really feeling the urges
  2. Day 4

    I ran back a few days and read about you dedicated a few years to your freelance business. What kind of work?
    Exercise wise;
    Treadmill w/weighted vest *varies by week, tai chi & qi gong, pullups, pushups, squats, calf raises, a solid dose of planks, sideways lunges, static stretching.
    I haven't touched my weights in several months due to an old injury I aggravated about a year ago.
    Gains are cool, unless the gains are top heavy.
    Abs are where it's at though, abdominal definition and a flat belly improve my mood and anxiety a lot something I learned to appreciate as I overindulged holiday cookies.

    I think I did 68kg bench free weight 140-160kg for squat and deadlift with smith machine I weighed about 68kg and have gained 4 kilos since then.

    Your lift numbers are solid, I believe that you could add another 10-20 kil on the squat, I adhere to the fold principle legs should be twice as strong as arms.

    I'm looking forward to a fap-free year, going back to college while working full time, and getting a six pack somewhere during the summer.
    I've been having a lot of trouble since my 35 day streak tanked november of last year. I am going to put in the effort to get back to where I was before and surpass myself. My first milestone is 11 days to catch up with some dope picture I saw on reddit where a guy drew a tree and added a leaf for every day of fapstinence, he also had some flowers and kittens for shits n giggles but I'm not there quite yet.

    Wish me luck.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2022
  3. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

  4. Spreadlove

    Spreadlove Fapstronaut

    P: 52 days
    M: 78 days
    O: 78 days

    * 5 PMO but no relapse
    * 1 MO but no relapse
    * Averaging 13 days on PMO nofap
    * 18 days straight nofap
  5. Mozzy011

    Mozzy011 Fapstronaut

  6. Leonflado

    Leonflado Fapstronaut

    Day 7 or 8. I decided I'm gonna stop posting here. I just got a full time job which is a huge step forward for me and I'm too busy with my life in general atm so I will for now stop visiting the forum. Thanks everyone for the support and keep up the good fight!
  7. Mozzy011

    Mozzy011 Fapstronaut

    You got this bro
    corylife, Krishna Das, yrjyrj and 2 others like this.

    OMINI MAN Fapstronaut

    Day 8
    Spreading light all over the world.
    corylife, Krishna Das, yrjyrj and 2 others like this.
  9. tivruh

    tivruh Fapstronaut

    Day 34 Updates:
    Can't believe I've got this far. Having a smoke to celebrate XP

    Joined a gym today. It was so satisfying to do a proper set of heavy trap bar deadlifts after so long, instead of the single leg stuff with kettlebells.

    Been listening to Alan Watts lately. His framework for the world and the way he distills the essence of all spirituality is so simple and easy to grasp. The separation between things, is a process that lets us engineer the world, but it's completely useless in terms of trying to make "sense" of it.

    So much of our confusion lies in the problems with language. Subject-object. The doer and the doing. There is no such thing. Everything just is. I'm curious to see how it feels to awaken to this realization in other people's company. With all my anxieties, and the pre-rehearsed patterns.

    It's time to wake up.
  10. keplerb

    keplerb Fapstronaut

    Checkin', so much changes are going on mentally and physically bcoz of abstinence . After decade of addiction , its justified that body will take atleast 3 months to get back on track. Cant wait to reach that milestone now. More importantly its a lifestyle.
    corylife, Krishna Das, yrjyrj and 3 others like this.
  11. On_The_Way

    On_The_Way Fapstronaut

    Day 21

    Good ideas come through the day and it is so tempting to leave everything and start to write and explore them but I can not get used to this .. I am a day dreamer .. all day can go in just exploring one idea .. it absorbs me .. it takes me into its own world .. it shows me her (the idea) friends, relatives, family and her own city .. it shows me her world .. sometimes it makes sense .. most of times it does not .. but not making sense is not permanent .. sometimes it takes me years to go through one idea that I could not understand .. I even wrote one whole paragraph now and deleted it because it is not relevant here .. I just want to complete few sentences about the idea from yesterday .. why it is necessary to go through all this pain of recovery and perhaps it is not a good idea to have easy "delete" buttons for bad emotions, thoughts, and even memories .. to be honest I do not really know .. the way I see it is that it is a protection .. a wall .. between me and the past life .. I know what happens if I crossed these borders .. I know the shameful feelings, the numbness, the unbearable pain that makes you want to do anything but not be in the present moment .. not to think about past or future .. at that moment you just want to be distracted .. distraction takes the pain away .. but not from the roots .. the roots grow thicker and denser and surface up more and more quickly with time .. and every time you need a better and stronger distraction to cleave the stronger pain off .. you indulge yourself into more and more extremes just to run away from the pain .. but at certain point .. no distraction can help .. except with a huge price .. the price makes you think .. is it worth it? .. is it worth continuing that road? .. and some point you realise it is not worth it .. that there is no more escape possible without losing more and more things you can not afford to lose .. the stakes become so high .. you become awake ..

    To be contd tomorrow

    "Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn't matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair"

  12. zaho

    zaho Fapstronaut

    In track. Just doing some exercise and I'm going for a walk. I'm alone in my house and seems to easy to go there and do it, I need to distract my mind for a while. Seems harder that I thought It would be.
  13. Spreadlove

    Spreadlove Fapstronaut

    Cheers mate! Yeh I bench much more than squat but my legs are weak lol.

    I'm guessing over time and consistency the lifts will alter themselves. I.e. less growth on chest and more on legs due to them being a larger muscle.

    Nice to see lifters in this group too!

    Would be interesting to monitor the impact of fapping on training!

    P.s. @65kg those are really impressive stats mate!! Well done
  14. NewbieGains101

    NewbieGains101 Fapstronaut

  15. Day 5

    PMO over a long length of time has been correlated with prostate issues which according to the semen retention book "Taoist secrets of Love Cultivating Male Sexual Energy" by Mantak Chia requires prostate stimulation to treat via execises that target the sphincter and perineum. This manner of exercise is of significant importance for those practicing semen retention while having sex.

    A study from Zhejiang University has shown an increase in testosterone of 45% precisely on the 7th day following ejaculation, this increased level of testosterone goes back to baseline levels on the 8th day. Basline testosterone levels show a 5-15% increase for days 5, 6, and 8 following ejaculation with the aforementioned 45% spike on the 7th day.
    >Click Here< for a link to the study.

    To my knowledge there is no empirical evidence or studies that prove fapstinence improves athletic performance. There are athletes that have rituals before games or bouts that involve abstaining from sexual activity,
    corylife, tivruh, keplerb and 3 others like this.
  16. Kim96

    Kim96 Fapstronaut

    Day 1
    Abstaining pmo i am redy to change my life in 6 months , i know i will be a better man . Lokking forward for my self in 6 months from now .
  17. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

  18. keplerb

    keplerb Fapstronaut

  19. tivruh

    tivruh Fapstronaut

    Prostate orgasms are the superior male orgasm. Can be done while practicing semen retention too.

    Might be something worth considering for those who have the self control to not end up playing with their dick in the process. I for one, don't want to risk it at the moment.
    Thinking of incorporating it into a weekly routine after 90 days, and continuing semen retention and avoiding PMO.

    A lot of kids here on the NoFap forums think it's "depraved" and ghey. I suppose they're entitled to their opinion.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2022
    corylife, keplerb and TheBluePrint like this.