I want to kill myself

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Gjey, Apr 15, 2021.

  1. Gjey

    Gjey Fapstronaut

    I'm not chubby but I have a big nose, big forehead, protruding ears and glasses

    It is unfortunate that I have those big flaws because I have a nice jaw and I work alot on my neck muscles..It changes nothing as my flaws hide what is good
  2. Gjey

    Gjey Fapstronaut

    Moreover, I won't try contact lenses since I also have tiny eyes.. this is a shitty combo when you add the big nose (which looks even bigger without glasses), big forehead, big ears that stick out
    Abel100% likes this.
  3. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    Women do not care that much about looks, they care more about confidence and how you make them feel. You can not love anyone if you do not love yourself first. And you can not love yourself if you are suicidal. Get professional help because clearly we are not helping you.

    You are currently placing all your happiness on women. You have a pattern of trying to get a gf, get rejected and then come here to vent about it. You are desperate for women validation and if you do not get it you dont want to exist. Women sense that desperation and they do not want nothing to do with it. The first fight you will get in to you probably will threaten to hurt yourself to control her behavior. I have been there and it that relationship ended and never worked out. That is why we all are saying that you need to focus on yourself. Not desperately trying to flirt or get with anyone you meet because you are not ready to get rejected if afterwards you want to die. Build confidence and a good sense of self. And see how women will become attracted to you.

    No ones happiness is supposed to be placed on someone else. You can only find happiness in yourself. Stop trying to find it from women. When you are happy and confident women will like you more. Stop using tinder as well. I get miserable and triggered there too.

    Also for the millionth time I ask you to focus on nofap. I know that you are watching porn and feeling desperate because you can not control your urges and you can not deal with your negative emotions. And again, get professional help if the help we are offering is not enough. There is no shame in getting help. Only people who ask for help can be helped. You have to want to be helped.

    You play piano and work out. That is better than a lot of men. I am sure that once you get your emotions in control some girl will find that extremely attractive. Just keep on practising.

    Read books called 'the power of now', and 'the road less taken'. They have a lot of information about emotions and how to deal with them and what causes them.

    I do not expect that you answer this since you have not answered to any of my messages for a while now. It frustrates me, but I still want to help you. Hopefully you consider what I have said. Otherwise the pattern that has been happening could happen again. And I know you would do anything to get that emotion away. So listen to our advice. We are here to support. Just let us.
  4. Buddhabro2.0

    Buddhabro2.0 Fapstronaut

    I too have been plagued by depression throughout my life and understand how it feels. Also, I have survived and see how you can do the same. It may have eluded you, but it’s obvious to see in this simple and short post.
    You can see the good, despite all of the negativity that colors you so deeply. Remember that. Some people only see the good and it’s enough to fill them with love. What you dislike about yourself is maybe what someone else would find attractive and good enough. This is the truth. Love yourself…”cause if you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with”. That means you.
    Brain-Police and lgustavoms like this.
  5. Gjey

    Gjey Fapstronaut

    DeeJ4y, sorry for not replying to your questions and answers.
    I have been on nofap for a long time. I failed several times but I'm still on it.
    I am not focused on women, I just try to convince me that I am lying to myself. However, I am not the only one to see that I'm ugly as I can't attract anyone
    Even the days I am confident (it still happens sometimes)
    DeeJ4y likes this.
  6. ZombieMan

    ZombieMan Fapstronaut

    I mean I have an option for you if you have a big forehead. Its pretty good. And no its not expensive or surgery, or a hairstyle change.

    Possibly an option for your nose too. However I havent tried the nose version.

    PM me if your interested.
  7. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    Try being confident more. You are being shallow, the way you speak about yourself and women tells that you are superficial. Look under the surface, you are much more than your looks, women are as well.
  8. Gjey

    Gjey Fapstronaut

    I'm superficial with myself perhaps but not with others.. I am not looking for a supermodel or else and I value things that are not superficial.
    I look at myself the way others would.. superficially. A lot of girl my age want men that are way too perfect physically, in comparison I am invisible. I never receive compliments, never receive a positive answer when I start to get tactile with a girl who initiates touches..
    It is like a game for them and they reject me on purpose everytime..
    I value personnality more than physique, indeed the girl I like is not that good looking.. but I know for sure that she is looking for handsome men not me.. I don't even stand a chance with the amount of "options" she and all girls can have.

    I kind of hate how things are going in this society, so much things are too material and superficial..
    I hate how I look because of how I am percieved in this society. I am ugly according to the standards. Otherwise, I would have been in couple no matter what.
    A good looking person can make more mistakes when flirting.. with girls I feel that I'm not flirting because they say Nope when they see me.

    It's been a while since my last real relationship. I was with a girl which seemed not to care about my appearence... these kind of people are rare nowadays.
  9. Gjey

    Gjey Fapstronaut

    I thank you so much for your help and your supports
    I don't know if I would still be here otherwise, without people as kind as you to share my pain with.
    I really try what you are advising me to do. I never skip workouts, I eat healthy food, I try to improve in every ways possible. Yet it seems not to make me happier, I still have a bitter tast in my mouth. Yet I am still ugly, it doesn't really enhanced my face (I only made my jaws more defined, as well as my neck.. still not an improvement over my uglyness)
  10. @Gjey

    1. Brain = Chemistry.
    2. Life is mean.
    3. Life screws up your Brain Chemistry. (abuse, break up, bullying etc)
    4. That is the reason why you feel like shit.
    5. Don't rely on your feelings in the moment.
    6. Your feelings are lying to you.
    7. Read on how to feel better.
    8. I do 100 pushups every day for 2 weeks now.
    9. I will be adding 8km walks/runs later and other excercises.
    10. Be respectful to people and show them that you care. (Friends)
    11. Make people feel unique if you want them to stick around.
    12. Basically, the more good impulses to other people the more likely is for them to stick around.

    If you rely on your feelings, you are relying on the lizard brain.
    Lizard brain = Steam Machine

    Go with logic.
    Logic = SpaceX Starship Rocket ;-)

    P.S. I was where you are now.

    There was a time when I could not walk.

    Doctors told me that my legs will stay that way.

    I was going for 3 years to physio therapy to strenthten my muscles and basically they taught me to place my feet correctly when walking.

    Then I have started to walk slowly. 2 km, 3km, 5km, 8km, 12km and now I can do 25km with no issues. It was a lot of pain at first but I got really fast gradually. Faster than before.
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  11. Retention

    Retention Fapstronaut

    From one loner to another (alone on new year's eve, feeling like shit) I love you man. I know I don't know you. But you are loved. Wish I could give you a hug. Happy new year my friend.
  12. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    It is good to hear that you are doing stuff to improve yourself. Try to make the most of your current situation and accept it. Work on things you can and the ones you can not, learn to love them. It is what makes you you. There are plenty of overweight dudes etc in a relationship. It is not all looks. Do not tale part in tve society that is superficial, it is not real and never will be. And those ig models are probably the most self conscious and miserable people there are. Even though a lot would say that they have a perfect body or face, I know a ton on men and female who have spoken about how insecure they are. I do bot believe you are ugly. We all have "flaws" but they do not make us worse or better. It makes us people. There will be a girl that will love you, I know it. But the search for her can be painful. That is why it is good for you to get happiness from multiple sources instead of one, so that if one fails (lets say a relationship) you still have happiness, confidence and faith that there will be another girl for you. When you meet someone just try to live in the present and meet in person instead of online because chatting online can build some expectations a lot easier.
    Buddhabro2.0 and lgustavoms like this.
  13. lgustavoms

    lgustavoms Fapstronaut

    Focus on making friends instead of a girlfriend in first place. Be in peace with yourself first. Wish you the best.
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  14. lgustavoms

    lgustavoms Fapstronaut

    Do this experiment next time you go out but you need to be discreet:

    Observe couples on the streets. You will notice how many of them are made of an average guy with a good look woman.

    The more I talk with girls the more I notice is that they are not visual like us. I can tell you that you are lacking confidence without knowing you. Like I said on the previous answer: focus on making friends. Put the weight off your shoulders. Talk to women as you would talk with men. Good luck!
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  15. Flamester7

    Flamester7 Fapstronaut

    Bro you say you’re ugly. My friend I UNDERSTAND when I would accidentally brush up on the arm of a girl she would say EW to me. Yes man, me simply touching a girl made her so disgusted that she said EWW. Im ugly too Im not a doctor or anything but I don’t know if im crazy but I talk to myself ALOT I make jokes with myself argue with my self get excited for new video games coming out or new anime coming out and it makes me happy. I lived in a somewhat isolated area so I couldn’t really walk or bike to a “friends” house. I only had myself. My brother bullied me and my parents weren’t nice. As men we gotta stick it out we were made to be strong BECAUSE WE ARE STRONG YOU ARE STRONG. Don’t say “I want to kill myself” that’s your brain trying to trick you, it’s your brain that’s wants to kill itself. Have you ever heard “my mind is playing tricks on me” that’s exactly what’s happening. You are not you brain, you are you’re soul. So what you need to do is HEAL the soul. Drink a bowl of amazing tasting soup. Make a friend in a hobby you like. If you find it hard to make friends do this. Go outside and every random person you see complement something about there outfit even if it’s not true and ask them a question. JUST TALK.:). My friend you might be thinking I’ll never be married because I’m ugly or I’ll never get a girlfriend. Do you know how many people are on this earth? And do you know how many of the are ugly. BILLIONS. And do you know how many are married billions. I know you have seen it. Ugly guys getting really cute girls. You can be the person to but you need to change you attitude first. If your saying you’re ugly why should someone date you. I always look in a mirror and more than half the time I say oh my goodness look at me. Even though I’m ugly and fat. You need to value yourself first. Then seek your mate. Do you know that people stay with someone even through they are disabled, fat, in a coma, ugly, HIV positive, have STDs, are a burn victim, victim of rape, ex-convict, and EVEN DEAD people will still not stop loving the person they love even after death. You have a shot man I PROMISE YOU. If you skipped all that I wrote I don’t blame you. But please LOVE YOURSELF FIRST BEFORE TRYING TO LOVE SOMEONE ELSE.
  16. VinceLaCroix

    VinceLaCroix Fapstronaut

    Well put. First always must come love from within.
    But that girl you mentioned sounds like a huge cunt. Back in school I had similiar situations. Girls cringed and 'ewwed' at the idea of sitting next to me, avoding me for no reason, telling me i have maniac stare and shunning me. It'shappens, some people are just cunts. However, their opinions mean nothing. Just a egotistical meatbags thinking to themselves.
    lgustavoms likes this.
  17. Maybe you are climbing the ladder,but ladder is on the wrong wall.
  18. AndrewThePilot

    AndrewThePilot Fapstronaut

    I never thought I could be a pilot but here I am half way through training with a second solo under my belt. I’m 16yrs old btw. God has a way of showing not telling. Ik you may like guitar and are passionate about it however a break or a new hobby can benefit you. If you really aspire to be a guitarist go for it. But when I think about it you must be practical and can’t base you options on emotions. Think about a career you thought about before but pushed it away bc you didn’t think you were smart enough or good enough bc that’s what I did. I hope this finds you well my friend. The teacher is silent when giving a test don’t break over a simple question there are many more to come but you are prepared. Take control.
  19. Real Life Survivor

    Real Life Survivor Fapstronaut

    I feel like I fight that feeling everyday. Please stay alive, give yourself a chance. Go easy on yourself.
  20. ImFuture

    ImFuture Fapstronaut

    I think there is a person (soul mate) for every person in the world. Does not care if you ugly, rich, broke, courageous, muscular, skinny, fat...

    Do things you enjoy, love yourself, God (if you believe, time if not) will put this soul mate in your way.