When I Am Going to be Healed

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Freeddom_Taker, Feb 13, 2022.

  1. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Good for you. If you want to take the risk, go for it.
  2. I wish I never discovered p.
  3. I'm in chock today after I relapsed to porn last night due to insomnia and boredom. 6 weeks of no mo and 3 weeks of no p down the drain. SMH....
  4. Daniel Arboleda

    Daniel Arboleda Fapstronaut

  5. MarkyM3

    MarkyM3 Fapstronaut

    Try investing in blocking software for PC and smartphone (better still, ditch the smartphone completely and get a low-tech one if that's possible) so you can't view it. Not the long-term solution, that must come from within, but might help you through the worst initial stages.

    I have been trying to kick porn for several years so don't think I'm preaching btw. The longest streak I had has only been 14 days but I've finally hit rock bottom when I can't get it up with a long term gf I reunited with, even with pills, and it's forced me to accept I can't use porn anymore. Humiliating.
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  6. Yeah I'm familiar of unable to use p for a long time. I hit rock bottom in 2018 where I've done 16mo harmode. I broke it off in January 2020. Still it felt really bad as my brain couldn't handle any torture no more.
  7. Huh...
    I don't understand
  8. Repetitive Flashbacks of bad memories that happened 10 to 15 years are bothering me. Flashbacks on some things that I couldn't stand up for myself, failed to assert myself with women or crushed in my teens who betrayed me. I know it's caused by the reboot but they annoying....
  9. The idea of rebirth occupies my thoughts every morning.
    On some days I feel reborn, and I make it through the next 24 hours, because I've detached from everything I experienced in the past.
    On other days all the shit from the past will hit me like a freight train. On those days I am prone to relapse and surrender.
    So, it's like a roller coaster.
    What do you do when you hit the lows? That's when it matters the most to stay on course.
    The circumstances of my life suck right now and the only way I can experience rebirth daily is by not only detaching from the past, but also detaching from the present and future.
    So, in other words, life goes on, no matter what, and Nature eventually takes care of everything.
    So much is beyond my control, actually, almost everything is beyond my control.
    I've been relapsing every one to two weeks lately, and on the days that I relapse, I am holding on to "things" and the answer is to let go, just fucking let go!
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  10. I just let things cool off. In the back of my mind, I know it's caused by the reboot.
    Personally, I've been obsessed about the longevity of my life. 1 day I think of life being too short. Other I'm like there's plenty of time.
    Also a lot of weird dreams and nightmares such as sexual and violent.
  11. Feeling so lonely and disconnected from the outside world.
  12. wiseplokm

    wiseplokm Fapstronaut

    “Feeling better” by Dr David Burns.

    OP you might like to read it . It might help u :)
  13. I relapsed this morning after a week free of pmo. The relapse came shortly after a sex dream from p. As soon as I done the deed, I felt pain and tingling sensation in my prostate vein.
    Now I gotta watch out for the chaser effect....
  14. Why days going so slow???

    I kinda lost confidence in myself.
    I let myself down too much concerning this pmo thing.
  15. Just wake up having a wet dream from a porn dream. Look like prostate fluid leaking out...
    I can't stop having these kind of dreams these days whether I relapsed or not.
  16. I had some recurrent of sleep disturbing last night due to heart palpitations. I was legit panicked and thoughts of dieing.
    Nun much with my reboot. Just body pain, Tinnitus, head and nerves sensation, lower back pain, worrying, excessive farts, some burpees...

    Any body check Dr Trish Leigh about pmo???
    She's good and well informed.
  17. Not a good day so far. Drank some coffee this morning...
    Still have brain Fog, confusion, Second guessing myself, Negative thoughts, Emotions up n down like a rollercoaster. Feeling like the world is ending right now and I'm running out of time. Cognitive Impairment issue, feeling like I'm not my thoughts.... It's like someone else thinking for me. Ouuuuufff!!!
    hsb0617 likes this.
  18. Thinking about the past especially my early 20's. If I knew about the danger of pmo, I would advise my 20 year old to not indulge in such activities.
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  19. amx

    amx Fapstronaut

    This is a good suggestion. The book is very inexpensive and does a good job of explaining the basics of cognitive behavioral therapy.
  20. Heavy chest pressure and in the back. It made me laugh and painful at the same time. I found a rebooter on Reddit who gone 24 months and he experienced the same symptoms.