Long-Term Addiction to PMO May Contribute to Digestive Disorders (Gastritis, IBS, SIBO, Dysbiosis)

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by brahmacarya, Apr 23, 2022.

Has NoFap improved your digestion?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. brahmacarya

    brahmacarya Fapstronaut

    I've stopped taking hot baths.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2022
    Icewarrior likes this.
  2. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    That's great ! If you do Wim's breathing method then your abdominal and chest organs and muscles will get a real strong workout.
  3. Guys who are reading this, please listen to my words. I know the western science fucked( majority) brains of yours don't want to hear this on an indian viewpoint. But just read this.

    According to ancient indian yogis and sanatana dharma people the semen in a male is actually similar to a fire. If you transmute this to achieve your goals, it will uplift you to the next level.

    Low semen - beta male
    Medium semen - growing male
    Matured semen - alpha male

    Ancient indian students perform 12 years of bramacharya, they say that then only there brain become clear to learn something. So they remain celibate for 12 years.

    Now coming to semen on digestion. Ancient hindhu ayurvedha texts compare semen to a fire called 'jadaragni ' meaning belly fire. So they say that the acid which actually digesting the food is semen and without it the food became undigested and cause gastric diseases. So please keep this in mind you have disease, because your fucking body lack semen.. Just believe this, don't say some doctors say its ok to fap a week, its not. Fap is not fuckinf normal.

    A doctor said to me laughing that " faping twice a week is normal " when i asked him about semen retention. I then say this things on ayurveda to him he laughed and said me it's all pseudoscience and lies made by relegious people.

  4. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    Good posts brothers!:):emoji_thumbsup:
    Assyrian and brahmacarya like this.
  5. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    NoFap and diet are closely connected although many choose to ignore the link. One of the most important things in any diet is moderation and common sense,it is when you eat when you are hungry and not to indulge in enjoying the taste of food for its own sake. Many digestive disorders are arising from overeating which turns good food into poison.
    brahmacarya likes this.
  6. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    Actually deterioration of mental health is not a long term but a nearly immediate effect which becomes more pronounced and permanent over time.
    brahmacarya and Assyrian like this.
  7. afgm

    afgm Fapstronaut

    I don't care what medical perfectionist say about this. but digestive issues are infact one of the problems of PMO usage and i did infact experiencing them
    OhWhenThe, brahmacarya and Mr. Kruger like this.
  8. brahmacarya

    brahmacarya Fapstronaut

    What kind of digestive issues have you experienced due to PMO? How did you realize that PMO was the root cause?
  9. Has your gastritis improved brother? If so can you shed any light on what helped besides SR?
    This is something I've struggled with for years and has just gotten worse lately.
    brahmacarya likes this.
  10. Thanks bro.
    I have to eat some meat at the moment but I usually stick to fish which is easy on digestion. I need to give it a longer period of time for some results as I relapsed recently.
    brahmacarya and Toni7 like this.
  11. brahmacarya

    brahmacarya Fapstronaut

    Does your digestion get much worse after a relapse? If yes, what kind of symptoms do you usually experience?

    P.S. There is a supplement that may improve your gastritis.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2022
    Melchizedek777 likes this.
  12. clan Leader

    clan Leader Fapstronaut

  13. I'm here because you linked to this in one of my threads. I'll have you know that I have almost all of the symptoms you claim to have had.

    First and foremost, in the spirit of the being honest and transparent, I've had digestive issues since I was very young (mostly constipation and similar). It's nothing I would have considered super chronic but I would have times when I wouldn't have a bowel movement for up to 4 or 5 days at a time due to difficult to pass stools and whatnot. I realized as time went on that with better diet came better bowel movements but this didn't get significantly better for me until I saw a natural doctor who taught me a bit about food. That was when I, like you, started eating all organic and avoiding a couple food groups, like dairy, because of food sensitivities which I think were caused by PMO. I may or may not have IBS, I'm not sure. I do know I have gut permeability.

    I've dealt with acne (cystic acne even) but thankfully not too much on my face. I've had hair loss since about the age of 18, more than a decade ago it started. It was always super obvious to me but others haven't ever really noticed even up until today. Cavities, probably. Tooth loss... yes... and this one is kind of weird. A part of a tooth was chipped off and I couldn't help but remember that clip for the 2007 documentary in which the patient goes to see the Asian doctor for PMO troubles and the doctor tells him that one of the symptoms of excessive PMO is tooth decay or loss. Do you know more about this one? Weight loss not so much but I've always been super lanky and had a difficult time ever building any muscle. Fatigue, yes, 24/7. Brain fog, yes. Dark under eye circles, yes. And more.
    Toni7, brahmacarya and Kierann like this.
  14. So the cavities went away on their own over time or what? Also, did you ever used to deal with lightheadedness or vertigo? How about tinnitus?
  15. brahmacarya

    brahmacarya Fapstronaut

    As I reduced PMO, improved my diet and oral hygiene, cavities gradually went away. I tend to experience light-headedness and vertigo within a few weeks after a relapse.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2022
    iamShinra likes this.
  16. After a relapse I just feel bad in general. However I notice my bowl movements are better on a longer streak of Nofap. I suffer from adrenal fatigue amongst other issues. Mainly down to PMO but also poor life choices and poor diet.

    I've heard Zinc Carnosine is good for gastritis, do you know of another?
  17. brahmacarya

    brahmacarya Fapstronaut

    Chios Mastic Gum (raw + powdered capsules) may help with your gastritis. It has improved my stomach health more than any other supplement, diet or treatment. Give it a try. It will improve your digestion.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2022
    Melchizedek777 likes this.
  18. Thank you bro, I will give it a try. :)
    metreveli92 and brahmacarya like this.
  19. brahmacarya

    brahmacarya Fapstronaut

  20. Tenma

    Tenma Fapstronaut

    Seeing a direct improvement to your health must have been such a great motivator - I struggle with addiction because my brain tells me it’s harmless since I don’t technically observer direct physical harm right away
    Toni7 and brahmacarya like this.