Normalization of Promiscuity is Depressing

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jul 4, 2022.

  1. Yea, good point. I’m sure I have a lot of manipulation since childhood of sexual ideas and an over infatuation with sex
  2. Thanks, yea good advice. My head is just crazy manipulates I’m sure… especially growing up in a non religious home and growing up with non religious friends
  3. Yea it’s an option, but deep down it is a disappointing option. And having to choose an option you really don’t want to do deep down can make someone feel sad in my opinion. At least that’s how I feel when I am “forced” to do the right thing and behave … deep down it makes me a little sad

    I agree of course with the sex thing regarding a woman. But still, deep down there is a little bit of sadness not getting to do what you truly want
  4. Yea, good point. Long term monogamous relationships with the intent of marriage are not appreciated enough, that’s for sure.

    And then there is all the celebrities getting divorced all the time. And all the sitcom tv shows where people date multiple people casually. Even a show like Seinfeld is full of mass dating

    Hollywood and television in general are in the hands of the wrong people unfortunately
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  5. Dave G 123

    Dave G 123 Fapstronaut

    That is hilarious, because it's so true!
  6. Dave G 123

    Dave G 123 Fapstronaut

    Spot on, I'd say.
  7. Cirilla

    Cirilla Guest

    Guys, just reminding you that off topic posts are not accepted, no matter the section. Please remain on topic, as OP asked. Thank you.
  8. It's a perfectly realistic idea, and I gave you multiple secular reasons why it would be better for society. I have not once given you any religious argument about something being sinful, so it's a bit silly that you keep boiling my arguement down to that.
  9. Of course it's sad not to get what you want all the time. But life isn't about being happy and getting what you want every second. Self control is good for you. Not getting your way is good for you. Being selfless is good for you. Sacrificing for others or for the sake of doing what's right is incredibly rewarding.
    she-dernatinus and kropo82 like this.
  10. I reread your statement and the stuff about rape, STDs and pregnancy does make sense. However, assuming that sex between a man and a woman within a married relatioship is heterosexist. And a product of conservative religion. People who are LGBTQI+ can have a loving, monogamous marriage too. And it's unfortunate that even in the 21st century people in the US still hold the bigoted idea that their marriage is less sacred than a heterosexual couple's. And gay marriage becoming legal in 2015 in the US was one of the biggest signs of progress in our country at the legislative level.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2022
  11. First of all, I didn't say I don't think it's a sin. I said that I have not ONCE given you a religious argument for my stance here. Not once. But you are just completely ignoring that.

    And secondly, yes, there are actually tons of reasons to be against pre-marital sex that have nothing to do with a religious, moral arguement. I literally already gave you some, but again, you have just ignored them completely and continue to act like all I've said here is "I think it's a sin, so people shouldn't do it." That's just ridiculous to sum up my argument in such a dishonest way. I'm not interested in continuing a discussion if that's how this is going to go down.
  12. Non judgementalism is good for you, too. And it's right in your worldview. But what's right for you may not be right for someone else.
  13. I literally just gave you multiple examples of how premarital sex does hurt themselves and others...

    Since you apparently seem to have completely missed that, I'll say it again. STDs, single-parent households, abortion, etc. All of those things would either be completely eradicated, or in the case of abortion at least drastically reduced, if everyone in the world waited until marriage to have sex.

    I judge MYSELF for that. So yes, I absolutely have a right to make a judgement and say that it's wrong. I also absolutely have the right to state a fact, that objectifying yourself is harmful.

    I'm sorry, but I'm so beyond sick of people saying "you have no right to judge." You make judgements every single day of your life. We all do. I'm not sitting here calling these girls names or being cruel to them... I am simply saying that I find it depressing that they are harming themselves and others and that our society is calling this good and normal. So this idea you have of me being judgemental is, quite frankly, ridiculous. I'm not judging them any more than you are judging me right now... so it's okay for you to make judgements about something being wrong, but it's not okay when I do it? That's silly.

    So... you recognize that that's harmful to women, and yet you are mad at me for acknowledging that it's harmful when women do it too? When men do it, it's harmful "Patriarchal society," but when women do it, I'm not even allowed to say that I think it's harmful without you labeling me judgemental?

    Sure... that makes perfect sense.
  14. Abortion is actually a good thing depending on the circumstances. And i think if people spent more time worrying about themselves and less time worrying about what other people are doing, a lot more people would be less miserable. I can only control myself. So as long as someone isn't doing anything to infringe upon my constitutional rights, or harming others whether it's through violence, or shame culture, I could give two cares about what people do. Because it doesn't affect me unless I choose to let it bother me. And I'd rather spend my time productively through working on my own spiritual advancement and personal development than looking down my nose at what some 20 year old young woman is doing by showing her body on the internet. And Patriarchal ideals doesn't just mean men. Women can and do further reinforce genderist and heternormative, ideals when it comes to so many things in society.
    onceaking likes this.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    A universal religion is only slightly more likely to emerge than is a universal language.The late twentieth century has seen a global resurgence of religions around the world. That resurgence has involved the intensification of religious consciousness and the rise of fundamentalist movements. It has thus reinforced the differences among religions.
    Religion are the fundamental bedrock of civilizations and millennia of human history have shown that it is not a “small difference” that can be "talked out" but possibly the most profound difference that can exist between people.
    You look at most conflicts post cold war they all tend to be inter-ethnic at the micro level and inter-religious at the macro level. Even if such a religion were to emerge it would only be indigenized and serve further conflict since people can't seem to live without a sharp divide of "us" and "them" which religion provide handily.
    Pisceangriffyndor likes this.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    Talk about hard work is relative yes? just in the US you have 70% of jobs being services many of which are either are superfluous, serve to make the customer good about himself or can easily be replaced with automation.
    And most people on OF do not make thousands/weeks, they make less than 300/month. What you are focusing on are the most successful of the lot, if what they were doing was easy the average monthly earning would certainly be higher no?
    What they do is somewhat like a broker, a youtuber or maybe an influencer; it involve a degree of luck but also careful planning, advertising and interaction with your fan base, you need to be business savvy to make it a full time gig.
    Especially among those that make thousands/weeks OF is rarely the only part of their earnings, usually they only use those to invest in further business ventures.

    For those that make less than 300/week it cannot conceivably be a full time job, just something to get some extra cash instead of releasing the video for free.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2022
    Pisceangriffyndor likes this.
  17. You need "fun" during your life here on earth because of polluted thinking.
  18. K, I'm done with this thread. Yall have fun I guess.
    Pisceangriffyndor likes this.
  19. smh_fam

    smh_fam Fapstronaut

    From a practical standpoint, we have developed the technology to mitigate the more obvious consequences of sexual promiscuity. Condoms protect against STDs, antibiotics can cure bacterial STDs, modern antivirals can put even deadly viral infections like HIV into a dormant state, modern birth control and plan B pills stop unwanted pregnancies, etc. The negative physical / material consequences are all covered.

    The psychological consequences? The sociological consequences? We don't know what they are and we don't care. We will learn those the hard way.
    Pisceangriffyndor likes this.
  20. Yeah, I know. And when people crank the dopamine all day long, they get warped.