How to make money 101?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Alcatel1312, Aug 4, 2022.

  1. Alcatel1312

    Alcatel1312 Fapstronaut

    So i just graduated from High School and i didnt apply for college, so either i need to find a job, or do something better. And to be honest, i dont want to junp right in to work. I can find a job of course, but my potential is so much greater than working for 18$/hour. I am one human out of 7 billion and i dont want to waste my life doing something i dont want to do. I want to be rich, and i know that if i want to become rich, i cant work under someone and especially not for an hourly wage.

    I need tips on how i can make money.
    PeaceOnEarth108 likes this.
  2. Transmutingmonk

    Transmutingmonk Fapstronaut

    What is something that is driving you besides money?
    PeaceOnEarth108 likes this.
  3. adhwik

    adhwik Fapstronaut

    wow, awesome you are great i also think like you one day you will definetely became a rich man currently i am completing my last year of high school.
    PeaceOnEarth108 and Alcatel1312 like this.
  4. t0b1

    t0b1 Fapstronaut

    Heh, this post reminds me of myself in uni, sitting in my dorm room and thinking something along the lines of "I need to find some way to make money, but ain't no way I'm gonna go work some lame job, I don't wanna do that". But then one day I had to face reality, when I graduated. The revelation was: there is no way to make money without putting in some work. Well, actually there is, but that's what I learned first. The other two things that can make you money other than work are time and risk. That is you can either invest money and end up with a larger sum in a couple of decades or, say, go to Vegas and bet it all on red, which in theory can also make you money without much effort. Either way it has to be a mixture of those three components, you'll have to use your head to figure this one out for yourself. Realistically though, you have to accept that you'll have to get a job, well at least for the first time, and most likely not really a great one if you don't have higher education.
  5. Alcatel1312

    Alcatel1312 Fapstronaut

    Hmm maybe providing for my family, thats the makn factor.
  6. Leomar91

    Leomar91 Fapstronaut

    Don't overthink. You have a choice to go to college if you decide to do so. Now do you have any passion that you could do for living? I could give you some examples if you know what you love to do.

    I wouldn't say applying for job is bad, just get a job! You get 9-5 job and monthly payment which is giving you possibitilies. Just spend your free time before and after work very productive. You will have hours every day to go closer to your passion.

    I would say, get a job and then spend your free time wisely.

    Other ways to make money is to invest in cryptos and other things, but I would not do so if you don't have anything to add in. If you are good at something you could make money by courses. Skillshare, gumroad, udemy. It just require some work but passive income is great. I don't have any courses online yet but working on them.

    Start doing social media. Youtube, tiktok, twitter, twitch. Mix them together and find what you love to do that you could show to other people. Build community slowly. Remember that if you wanna make money with social media, you won't get a single dollar in like first 2-3 years even if you are consistent. You have to begin with that mindset. Slowly snowball will go bigger. It's HARD work, you put hours daily into social media, sacrificing for future.

    Read or listen to these books:

    4 Hour Work Week
    Deep Work
    Do The Work

    They may not directly help you to begin, but they will give you the right mindset to begin.
  7. Retention

    Retention Fapstronaut

    Alcatel1312 this is not your typical advice. In fact, it may seem a bit "off" / not what you were hoping for.

    The reality is that you will end up (or maybe already have) in the personal development niche which is JUST a business.
    Doing personal development like reading books, meditating, going to the gym has NOTHING to do with earning money.

    You know what does? Being on calls with potential clients and pitching them on a daily basis.

    It doesn't matter if you wake up at 5am or if you do journaling. What matters is to do the STEPS that are needed to make $.

    What's that?

    1. Learn a skill (for example, I'm good with advertising on Facebook/ Google)
    2. Grow a community in a specific industry because people need to TRUST you before they give money to you. This takes time.
    3. Have conversations with potential clients
    4. Pitch them and you will eventually get the money
    5. Deliver on the promise
    6. Repeat

    There are more things that go into it, obviously.

    Hands down, the best mentor you can have is Alex Hermonzi - check his YT. He is worth $100M+ and teaches you business & literally tells you what to do. I'd suggest buying his book (audible is awesome) called $100M offers.

    EVERYTHING starts with a great offer so build-up your skillset and remember the most valuable lesson anyone can teach you
    "you only fail if you stop trying" / "failure = data that you analyse and after that you improve"

    Hope this helps man, best of luck
    Alcatel1312 and BruceWayne123 like this.
  8. PeaceOnEarth108

    PeaceOnEarth108 Fapstronaut

    Alcatel1312 likes this.
  9. MrPriest

    MrPriest Fapstronaut

    I'm possibly going to have the most old fashion workaholic and approach.

    But I think you should get a job, and literally think of it as a tool, not an endgoal, the money of the job goes, as much as possible, to saving, and facilitate other ventures.

    Then you put extra time and effort, on developing something, sales? social media? whatever, most entrepreneurial things you may would think to try, will require mostly two things, time, and often money.

    Also, regardless, working, depending on the industry you step into, will also give you skills that you may use on the persue of other things.

    This is pretty spot on and applies to like 3/4 of any venture you decide to get yourself into.
  10. Transmutingmonk

    Transmutingmonk Fapstronaut

    Totally agree. Too often we do random things just to avoid the things that really matter.

    In business, this is approaching potential clients. In dating, this is approaching attractive girls. In bodybuilding, this is lifting heavy weights.