What's your opinion on Andrew Tate ?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by she-dernatinus, Aug 26, 2022.

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  1. Kim Wexler

    Kim Wexler Fapstronaut

    I was just about to ask what was so bigoted about what 100 Days said until I reread your post lol.

    I think porn addiction and people like Tate are two sides of the same coin. Human sexuality is (obviously) natural but both porn and grifters like Tate distort it for nefarious purposes. We're officially in a schizophrenic society where having lots of meaningless sex is valued as some sort of modern virtue, while young people are, at the same time, actually having less sex than you might think they are. Then you get porn warping what people think sex/relationships is/are, and idiots like Tate grooming teenagers into thinking acting like a parody makes you some sort of Alpha male. It's a perfect storm of disfunction.
  2. I completely agree. It's rather depressing to me that having a bunch of knotches on your bed post is considered to be great, but if you say you're a virgin or saving yourself for marriage, you're mocked and shamed. It's like well, that virgin who is saving themselves for marriage is never going to have to worry about getting pregnant out of wedlock, getting an STD, or dealing with any of the other long lasting damages that can come from being promiscuous. But sure, go ahead and call them a dork or a nerd or a prude. I'm sure they will be just terribly broken up inside about that.

    I'm also just really tired of people mocking and hating on what used to be a commonly known thing, which is that sex means so much more than just physical pleasure, and you can't just turn the chemistry of your body off and declare that it will only be about physical pleasure for you. That's literally not what it was deisnged to be, and not how your body was designed to feel. Sex bonds you to someone in many chemical (and in my opinion spiritual) ways. It's not healthy to just do it with tons and tons of people and pretend that it doesn't have an effect on you and your body.

    The world would be a much better place if everybody on earth saved sex until marriage and only had sex with their spouse. Especially if we also applied Jesus's words, which say that lusting after a woman is the same as committing adultery with her in your heart. If none of us lusted after anyone but our spouse, the world would DEFINITELY be a better place. For one, this site wouldn't exist, because porn wouldn't exist, because even if a married couple decided to make it, nobody else would want to watch it.

    But I digress. My main issue with Tate, though, is the misogyny. I mean, I don't like his views on sex either, but if he's only harming himself and whatever idiots decide to take on that harmful ideology, that's one thing. But his views of women are vile and are harming an entire population of humans. Including his own sister, who he calls "low IQ" and says he has no relationship with because he can't possibly fathom what a man could have to talk to a woman about unless he's trying to have sex with her.
  3. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    … no lies detected.
  4. Oh, and yeah, in case that wasn't clear to everyone, the "your" in my sentence there was a general "your," not directed at 100 Days. Lol sorry for the confusion!
  5. [​IMG]

    That is where I am relocating to, but I'm confused with this whole sexual thing in Romania and I am not really into politics so........
  6. People here just want to overcome their porn addiction, sucks that a genuine conversation can't be had. Guess I learned my lesson.
  7. I'd prefer to live in a more free world where we can know all the ideas and make a decision for ourselves. I get these companies are private and can do what they want, I just wish they would allow for more opinions. There is a reason Andrew Tate got popular, men do want to be more. Everyone though doesn't want to listen, they just want to argue.
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  8. Never heard of the guy until I seen this thread. Googling him he seems almost the perfect person to hate and get everyone riled up considering the social climate we live in now. He is an incredibly toxic and sad individual. How is he not in jail for some of the things he alleges he done? I have a sneaking suspicion that this is a made up persona to get rich quick or something.
  9. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    you bet, but private conversations are private for a reason, don't you think so ?
    It's not my comments about masculinity as a whole, but mainly toxic masculinity...

    I made a lot of comments regarding toxic masculinity for sure, and I am sure some would agree with this here. Unless you mean to say that my comments regarding toxic masculinity can't leave room for doubt about how I'd view people like Tate. I wouldn't blame you if you thought like that, it looks coherent and sensible.
  10. MrPriest

    MrPriest Fapstronaut

    Perhaps, but there is no specific rule about sharing any dialogue on a private conversation, other than sharing personal information, that is not the case here.

    We could just say your obvious silly attempt at mind games just backfired a little bit lmao.

    Precisely dear, there is no room for anyone that has experienced your posture about the topic to even fathom that you would consider asking if he is a portrayal of healthy masculinity or you to mark any of his content as good content. It was nonetheless really amusing.

    You can proceed to elaborate on how tate is evil incarnate now.
  11. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Maybe a little, but not too much. But in case there is no rule prohibiting anyone from sharing non-personal detail in PMs, that would be another story, and sure would take the whole forum into another direction.
  12. Relocated from the USA to Romania, so I'm curious what these Romanian politicians can do with that Andrew Tate guy. Can't let him be the Roman Polanski of social media platforms.
  13. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    The only reason my attempt backfired a little, was because that a certain someone is a little to addicted to salty, male validation, even if it means that they have to toss their fellow gender members under the bus and help dangerous psychopaths stay hidden while doing so.
  14. Is he not there because he can just bribe some corrupt police? Someone mentioned something along those lines in a previous comment I think.
  15. So instead of helping others with their addiction, you just wanted to find out who the toxic males are? It's behavior like this which makes men manipulatable and go to Andrew Tate, when you play weird games and aren't honest.
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  16. Yep, on page 2 of this thread.
    The Passenger likes this.
  17. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    What the fuck?

    Did you read this before you posted it?

    >Dangerous psychopaths
    >fellow gender members

    That sounds like supremacy to me. Replace it with a race or creed and the differences will blur perfectly.
  18. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    I really need to know who are the psychopaths and sociopaths I need to be wary about. that's the only way I have to avoid being manipulated myself.
  19. You could've just posted Nofap progress, that would've been good enough. My tip is you can think for yourself without mind games. You manipulated everyone to do a weird test so you can not be manipulated. You became the thing you hated. You don't have to listen to me, you do you.
  20. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Soory, but such people do exist. r.
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