Rate the last movie you watched v. 1

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jan 7, 2018.

  1. Countdown - 8/10

    It was a fun sort of horror flick. Not particularly scary, but it was entertaining. I was a little annoyed when, for plot reasons, they had a character do something completely idiotic that there is no way they would do. But I sort of forgave them for it, because it led to a much more interesting ending. I just wish they could have gotten there without doing some stupid cheap plot point that made no sense.
  2. Specifics, if anybody doesn't care about spoilers:

    Toward the end of the movie, they put together a plan to stop the demon. They test it out, and it's totally working. They're literally like less than a minute away from destroying the demon and saving everyone's life, and all they have to do is stay inside this salt circle.

    And then this dude sees his dead little brother, who he should absolutely know is not actually his brother but is just the demon, and he steps outside of the circle to follow him.

    It's so idiotic. He already knows the demon impersonates dead people to trick them. And he knows that this whole mess is about to be over if he just stays inside the circle for one more minute. But instead, he acts like a complete moron and steps outside the circle, gets himself killed and almost gets two other people killed in the process, as well as ruining their whole plan to stop the demon. The plan that they knew was working, because they had confirmation that it was going to work.

    I can't stand it when movies make their characters do super stupid stuff just because they need something to happen in the plot. As a writer, it makes me angry, because it's just so freaking lazy. They could have taken some time to come up with another reason why the plan didn't work, but they just went with the easy way out, even though it made their character an idiot and made no sense.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    i wouldn't say she has zero experience as she lived her whole life in the wild, it is just that she has never hunted a predator. But there are things in the movie that are stupid in both this one and the original, like predator not understanding how his futuristic tool work yet humans being able to do so or just standing there while they trick him. Also being able to kill all these french trappers, in truth not even a navy seals could do it unless he has a firearm and they do not.

    Realistically there is no way a human can beat a predator without traps and plot armor, you saw how he casually lifted that bear or even jumped between trees? a single punch from him should have shattered both arnorld and that girl yet they are not even injured. They should also be significantly smarter than humans on account of having a bigger brains and being a spacefaring specie.

    edit : so i had the first movie around and decided to rewatch it, it's seems weird how everybody judge these things differently depending on the main character gender; arnold and his team are not actually green berets, the ones that were sent the predator skinned alive, instead they are some sort of mercenaries/contractors super-humans who can take on a fortified military outpost by veterans guerrilla fighters without air support and not a single loss, carry around a mini gun in a battlefield and also a prisoners and a dead body while being chased by guerrilla. Despite this the predator killed them all, only Arnold survived(also a direct plasma shot?) and that had nothing to do with his military training or experience as what he did kill get you killed in a modern battlefield. But at least they were honest enough in the first movie to show that only by luck can a human kill one of these things.

    In this movie the only possible explanation are all the wounds that the predator endured prior to the fight : being mauled by a bear, shot by arrows and bullets, hit with an axe to the head and finally maiming himself perhaps attacked by a dog too. But in both cases they survived because the predator got stupid and played around with them and also plot armor since they survived his punches.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2022
  4. Don't Worry Darling- 10/10

    Absolutely fantastic! I've been so stoked for this movie ever since I saw the first trailer. I absolutely love Florence Pugh. She's a great actress. I was sold, like, ten seconds into the trailer, so I didn't even watch the whole thing. Just got home from seeing the movie, and it totally lived up to my high expectations.

    Harry Styles was also really great. I've never seen him in any acting roles, so I was surprised to see him playing a lead role in such a big film. He did great.
  5. Also, in case anyone is interested in this film, I will say that I was actually really pleasantly surprised with how little sexual content there was. I was a little concerned it could easily go into full nude sex scenes or something, but it didn't. I'll list all of the potentially triggering stuff I can recall in a spoiler below, so people can be prepared.

    - There are, I believe, only two "sex scenes" in the film. They are a bit racy, but completely covered, as both characters involved remain fully clothed the entire time. They're also quite brief.

    - The only actual nudity in the film is a very, very brief flash of a stripper's top-half, who is just wearing tassles. But it's seriously like a one-second shot, and then it's over. My husband didn't even notice it.

    - The only other thing I can think of is that sometimes the main character wears pajamas that are a bit thin, with no bra. A woman also goes topless by the pool, but we only see her bare back from behind.
  6. 38 percent on Rotten Tomatoes? Well......
  7. First of all... it's my opinion. Idk why you have to be a dick about it.

    Second of all, you do realize that rotten tomatoes is not the gospel, right? I almost never agree with rotten tomatoes ratings. If you want to choose movies based on what rotten tomatoes says, go for it. But there's zero reason to be a jerk about it to me on this thread.

    Geez louise. Way to make me not want to participate in your thread anymore, if this is how you're going to respond to people sharing their opinion.
    onceaking likes this.
  8. hewm

    hewm Fapstronaut

    It's better not to watch R rated movies while on nofap period, I think most would agree.
    However, in case someone can't help it, we can ask other fapstronauts who've seen the movie or navigate to the "Parent's Guide" from the movie's IMDB page.
    Even PG-13 movies nowadays have kissing, the standards have become looser since the old days. Better to check every time guys: think twice before watching that movie or at least be prepared with the remote
    ARCEUS likes this.
  9. There are no rules that work for everybody the same way. I watch rated R movies all the time. Lots of movies are R rated for violence or language, not sex. And not everybody is in a position of needing to avoid every potential trigger. But some are, and that's fine, which is why I shared that information in case anyone is interested.
    onceaking likes this.
  10. ARCEUS

    ARCEUS Fapstronaut

    yeah I agree for taking extra precautions cuz we know how sensitive our brain is with triggers and soft p are commonly used in movies nowadays, thatswhy lets be more careful.
  11. ndaty

    ndaty Fapstronaut

    The Official Competition, 7.5/10
  12. markblade

    markblade New Fapstronaut

    Merry Christmas film (2005) - 10/10. This film is about actions in WW1 in 1914. Three squads of warring countries (Germany, France, and Scotland) fought among themselves in the trenches, but on Christmas Eve they called a truce. It was very interesting to watch.
  13. Blade 2 - 6/10

    Good fight choreography but the setting was no where near as good as the original. The characters also pretty unlikable.
    Angel in the Dark likes this.
  14. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    The Tragedy of Macbeth

    I thought the witches in it were the best thing. They reminded me of Gollum in Peter Jackson's LotR. It's interesting that it was shot entirely in B&W. It got me wanting to learn more about Macbeth
    Brain-Police likes this.
  15. Route 666

    This is a bad movie I cannot deny that but in my honest opinion it is a movie that is so bad that it is actually great. Lou Diamond Phillips did a great job as playing agent Jack La Roca. Steven Williams also did a great job playing as Fred "Rabbit" Smith.
  16. Friday the 13th part 1
    An absoulute classic slasher film.
    Taylor25 and Angel in the Dark like this.
  17. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    Lion 10/10 !
    True story :)
    Heartwarming , really emotional movie , subtitles which I hate but it was soooo good !
  18. Can't go wrong with part 2 and 3.:emoji_grin:
  19. A Nightmare on Elm Street 1984
    Another collection for my Classic slasher list.
    Taylor25 likes this.
  20. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Paranormal Activity 9/10

    While there are moments that take you out of the movie, for example some of the drama. It feels forced most of the time. However I would still recommend the movie. I am a big horror fan but modern horror movies have been so disappointing. I know found footage is a meme, but this and The Blair Witch Project really show how good it can be done.
    somuchforsubtlety likes this.