Cold showers

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by onceaking, Dec 8, 2023.

  1. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    I recently came across the work of Dr Susanna Søberg. She's an academic who's extensively studied cold water immersion. Her interview on Feel Better Live More helped me understand the benefits of cold showers as well as how to go about having them.

    Her research has found cold immersion benefits our mental and physical health. Taking a cold shower helps us be more resilient as well as getting us out of our heads and more in touch with our bodies. It also builds up our immune system and helps with joint pain.

    Unlike some people on the internet, she doesn't take a dogmatic approach to cold showers. She recognises that we are all individuals and there's no one-size-fits-all. What she recommends is you have a normal warm shower and at the end, you switch the water to cold for 5 seconds and build up the amount of time with every shower until you hit 30 seconds. Then from 30 seconds, you can build up to 60 seconds and then 90 seconds. She did say that for some people they can't go any longer than 30 seconds and that's ok because it isn't a competition.

    The interview is quite long (2 hours) but worth listening to if you want to improve your mental and physical health.

  2. Get my life back 24/7

    Get my life back 24/7 Fapstronaut

    I’m going to give this a try! Thank you for the post.
    onceaking likes this.
  3. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    When I first read about cold showers on NoFap 8 years ago (man I've been here a while [​IMG]), and tried it out, I found out that I hated warm showers. I wish I'd known earlier... nowadays I only shower warm when I'm sick or when it's really hot, otherwise I shower at a bit below room temperature, I think (it's hard to tell, isn't it?). It could be good to go even colder at the end, though, although at this temperature when I go stand under the shower (I don't do this until the very end anyway, this was another thing I wish I'd learnt earlier: you only need to be under the water for a fraction of your total shower time, and for a lot of the time you can even just turn the water off altogether) I do get an adrenaline kick, so it might be cold enough.
  4. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    In the video, the doctors warn against having a cold shower for too long. Still, if it's not harming your health then it's ok. I do believe we are the architects of our own health and we should find what works for us.
    Bradziggler1990 likes this.
  5. There is something about freezing cold showers, especially during the winter.

    They’re just so invigorating! They get the blood moving and the blood as well, and they make your lungs expand like crazy and make you take really deep breaths.

    Overall, even if it’s the placebo effect, they’re so great to wake you up, not just from sleep but from a mental and emotional lethargic state of being in the morning. And even at night, before sleep, I feel like they positively affect my sleep for the night.

    My experience with cold showers has been nothing but good.
    onceaking likes this.
  6. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Cold showers have been a game-changer for me.

    I used to live in a much warmer climate, where in the summertime the "cold" water was about 70 degrees. That still took me some getting used to.

    But a few months ago, I moved to a much colder area, where now in December, the cold water is around 50 degrees. When I first tried a cold shower here, it literally felt like needles firing at my skin (I have high water pressure), and I was like NO F***ING WAY CAN I HANDLE THIS. I tried a few times and bailed after just a few seconds.

    But finally I just realized it wasn't going to kill me. And even though it still sucks, and I still hyperventilate like crazy for 45 seconds, my body does acclimate to the temperature and I am able to calm and regulate my breathing. I can stay in my coldest shower now for over 90 seconds, and when I get out, I feel absolutely amazing.

    The physical benefits are great and all, but for me, the biggest benefit is the practice of forcing myself to do something very uncomfortable. It's the polar opposite of choosing instant, easy gratification like PMO. It's a simple way to start building self-discipline.

    If you have a watch with a stopwatch, use it to time yourself and see if you can stay in a little longer each time. And personally? I'm a big fan of just getting in cold. Don't take a hot shower and then ease into the cold like a wuss. Get in that cold AF stream, deal with the hyperventilating and discomfort--I promise your body will acclimate, and you'll feel amazing for having stuck it out.
  7. Very similar to my experience. I just love it. But I do admit, that many times I do a hot shower first and then end it with 60 seconds of freezing cold water.
  8. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    I mean you definitely can do it that way. Even Wim Hof encourages people to start out that way, I think. But whenever I did that, I always turned down the temperature so gradually that 1) it took forever, and 2) I wouldn't get the same wild shock to my system.

    Even now, after getting used to the colder water, I still stand away from the stream for a good 20 seconds just psyching myself out because I know it's gonna be cold AF. :)
    Dizzy Lotus and Bradziggler1990 like this.
  9. terrasoar

    terrasoar Fapstronaut

    Ya I should start with this as a goal
    Bradziggler1990 likes this.
  10. That “wake up shock” is definitely good for us. We are way too comfortable in our lives today, especially if you live in a. More developed first world country. I live in the US, on the west coast, and life is just too easy at times….in many ways.

    So putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation is good.
  11. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    You're not a wuss if you do it that way! About 4 years ago I first started doing cold showers without it being hot because I saw a fapstronaut on YouTube doing it that way and I quickly gave up. It was only when I came across Susanna Søberg's method that I began to try it again. From my experience, you do get a cold shock when you change from hot to cold.
    Bradziggler1990 and Dizzy Lotus like this.
  12. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    I was mainly just teasing. If someone goes from hot to cold and that challenges their comfort, I'm in full support of it. I just think people underestimate themselves, and most could start cold if they pushed themselves to try it.
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.