Porn induced HOCD

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Matty007, May 9, 2017.

  1. Matty007

    Matty007 Fapstronaut

    I also need help with he masturbating over porn thing coz I was on day 4 today nearly up to 5 and I got the urge to masturbate while looking at these hot girls on Instagram it kind of felt good because I know I'm not gay or bi just I need to control these because I tell myself in my brain one won't hurt and end up looking up porn and wanking but it's really hard when I get up to say day 4 and above I get the urge to masturbate how can I control this or should I carry on slowly reducing it ? And everytime i do it afterwards I tell myself not doing it again and end up doing it again in a couple of days
  2. diddykong

    diddykong Fapstronaut

    This sounds like an OCD checking compulsion. It's not helpful. It temporarily makes you feel better (this is what the OCD monster thrives on - giving you a false sense of reassurance) but it just makes the OCD stronger. Whilst you are still doing this your OCD is maintaining its grip on you. So if masturbating to straight porn/P subs is ingrained as part of your OCD checking compulsions then first of all your OCD is going to keep growing stronger and secondly you're never going to break the dependence on masturbation.

    Reducing any addictive thing never really helps, you only end up building it back up again. Cold turkey is the only way to go. Use the Four Steps when those urges hit. Cling the hope that you are going to fix your OCD.
    ivanhoe likes this.
  3. DayDreamer

    DayDreamer Fapstronaut

    I'am in the same boat Matty. Never had any gay urger or transwoman urge. But there u go, totally wasted Thailand and walked on a ladyboy hooker with a big ass.

    What a nightmare, it happened 3 years ago, still anxious about it, sometimes the whole month. Regret, guild you name it, all negative emotions. And that fecking hocd.
  4. Steve Nebraska

    Steve Nebraska Fapstronaut

    Can't believe I'm typing this. I've never had a sexual encounter with a man not did I wish to have one. I was touched by my older cousin when I was 5 years old, but went on to always kiss girls and be attracted to them. Never once have I escalated to watching gay porn or things of that nature, but suddenly I'm nothing the attractiveness of men in real life. I've never had any real issues with sexual dysfunction when it came to my relationships (Except for premature ejaculation at times). Am I wasting my time trying to figure myself out although I've always been attracted to women also?
  5. JamesRK

    JamesRK Guest

    I would say that trying to attain greater self-awareness isn't a waste of time, but on the other hand, even if you do come to explore and understand your feelings, it may be largely inconsequential. If you are interested in women and sexually satisfied in a relationship with one, it really shouldn't matter whether it's a surface-level curiosity about men or something more.

    Also, by the words you used to describe it, I'd hardly think of what you are saying as gay or HOCD. As a gay man myself, I notice the attractiveness of women often. I'm not interested in them or aroused by them, just noticing their beauty and characteristics that make them conventionally attractive. However, if you are mincing words just to undermine the feeling, there might be something there, but there might not. I wouldn't fret because even if there is, it could be inconsequential like I said.
    Steve Nebraska likes this.
  6. Steve Nebraska

    Steve Nebraska Fapstronaut

    Gotcha. It makes alot more sense to explain what I'm feeling now. Just never really had that issue before. Thanks again
  7. chris656bass

    chris656bass Fapstronaut

    Hey man I'm in the same boat as you brother wanna talk about it
  8. majorfiddle23

    majorfiddle23 Fapstronaut

    I actually have the same-sort of experience about Porn which is one of the things that have made me want to quit porn. Goodluck on your journey.
  9. So stressed

    So stressed New Fapstronaut

    Hey if your still using this acc please dm me ive had a similar experience to you
  10. So stressed

    So stressed New Fapstronaut

    Hey man if your still using this acc please dm me ive had a similar experience to you and I’m traumatised