Post published by brilliantidiot

Help guys I'm kinda falling off. Ditched bible studies/prayer for fun stuff. Reset 4 times in the last 2 days without even trying to resist. Today, went out of my way to find a pretty girl whose image I could jack off too, and came up with a story to tell my parents about why I'd been out so long. I feel like trash, its amazing God will forgive me anyway. I have no motivation except that I hate myself after relapsing. What can I do to get back with the program?
jenthleth likes this.
BurningThisBridge more_vert
Hi mate, I feel like I'm in the same boats as you. I'm terribly scared of falling away from God but it feels like I'm slowly slipping.
brilliantidiot likes this.
Dmodee more_vert
Talk to Him. Only He can give you the dedication it takes. I find myself last couple of days pleading for Him to not let me go back to me, all while the same time struggling to get away. But praise to Him, He hasn’t let me go again yet. Peace be with you
brilliantidiot and jenthleth like this.
Dmodee more_vert
And I feel like I am caught up in a whirlwind
brilliantidiot likes this.
Myfortress more_vert
Confess and repent again. Don't give up.
brilliantidiot, CI-MA and jenthleth like this.
MusicMan123 more_vert
This is a battle for our very lives, guys. We can't give up. We need to be strong in the Lord. We need to be praying for each other. Our commitment to our daily time in the Word and prayer can't be negotiable. We need to reach out to each other and notify when we are struggling. @brilliantidiot -- you are not an idiot -- you are God's child.