Post published by Utchiha Itachi

so far so good .. this my fourth day . i felt temptation at night from the Facebook images but i closed it ..struggled for half a hour a slept last night > today i was completely busy so i had no time to think about it .the great thing is i'm cheering up everyday i gives me a little bit of relieve and confidence to continue and not break my strike .. thank all of you for reading i hope you are doing well
HigherPower72 more_vert
Thanks for sharing that with us, brother. Keep at it, and congrats on your pilgrimage. Greater things are still to come for you. ;)
Utchiha Itachi likes this.
EquitableMove more_vert
Stay strong, use your sharingan to see when the urge is going to happen and remove it from your presence! You got this.
Utchiha Itachi likes this.
Morningmistanew more_vert
Welcome. It's great you've got a start. There is help here and elsewhere as you move forward. Keep reaching out and striving.
Utchiha Itachi more_vert
Utchiha Itachi
really appreciate it guys .. i'm so happy be here and encouraged about something i considered forbidden to talk about