Post published by Aleza

Im new here
I am a 16 year old boy who is trying to be a good Christian and eliminate bad habits, is it possible I avoid masturbation at my age? I'm trying but it's really hard, sometimes I wonder if I'm doing the right thing
Targaryenn more_vert
Of course you can do this, my friend! With God everything is possible, don't forget what I say! You must fight hard. Greetings.
Deleted Account and miXhal like this.
Tao Jones more_vert
Tao Jones
Welcome! The teen years are exactly when you are supposed to be developing self-control. That is exactly the way God designed it. Of course, the Internet provides an additional challenge in the modern era! Learn to discipline your thoughts and control of your body will soon follow. I have sons about your age, and I work with them regularly on this. If I can ever answer any questions or provide additional support, please feel free to DM me. Click on "Information" above and look for the Resources area. Very practical advice on disciplining your mind is available there.
Mr. McMarty likes this.
Aleza more_vert
I come from a good Christian family, I grew up with good principles but unfortunately since I was 12 I watch porn. I also watch YouTube too often. I'm trying to improve myself even with regards to food. anyone who has advice is welcomed
Targaryenn more_vert
@Aleza you fasting? Really help a lot!!
Aleza more_vert
should I fasting? how? right now I'm eating less sugar ... I would like to get advice on how to behave better in everything.. and how to stop the urge
Tao Jones more_vert
Tao Jones
I monitor all Internet activity on my boys' computers and other devices. Do your parents do something similar for you? If not, can you ask them to put something like this in place?
Aleza more_vert
yes, I have a computer that my parents control and it is also in the living room. and then I have my smartphone that I was given for Christmas when I was 15 with a promise to use it well. they check it every month but for almost a year when I'm in the bathroom I do it and then I cancel history and they don't notice it, I know what I'm wrong and I promised I won't do it again, I'm a good boy, I swear, I want just get better
frogs2345 more_vert
There is nothing wrong with you Alexa.
frogs2345 more_vert
Aleza, anyone can beat this, and you starting early helps. Try to cut out youtube. It is a trigger for a lot of people and tends to flood normal, good content with malicious and pornographic content. Ask your parents for some books to read instead of using your phone. They don't have to be on porn addiction, but it could be stuff that you enjoy. The Bible says removing demons without filling the hole with something else results in more demons coming in. As you unlearn this habit, you need to learn new ones to replace it that glorify God.
Deleted Account and miXhal like this.
Aleza more_vert
my goals are: eat less sugar
go to bed at 9.30pm
no sex until marriage (including masturbation)
wake up at 6.30am
What goals can I add to improve my life? I don't want to keep making mistakes, I accept any advice
miXhal more_vert
Greetings, brother! Great that you want to do something about it! It is indeed possible (and even needed). I´ll just add to the urges: urges won´t stop. That is bad approach and it´s not gonna take you anywhere. I know that, I am on 230+ days and urges still show up from time to time. It is not about making urges stop, but about being able to deal with them. Trust the Lord, let Him help you!
God bless.
Tao Jones more_vert
Tao Jones
@Aleza You need to have that phone monitored or give it up. You have broken your promise to use it wisely and well, and you must make this right. To do otherwise is to lie to those who gave you this gift. Learn now to do the hard thing. There are many other such decisions ahead of you.
miXhal likes this.
Tao Jones more_vert
Tao Jones
The truth is that you are not a good boy. None of us are. That is why we so desperately need Jesus. Righteousness is found only in him. Our performance will never be perfect and only he can give us the new hearts we need to live his kind of life. Run to him for forgiveness, move toward greater accountability in areas where you struggle, and do not continue to live in hiddenness and secrecy about your PMO. This is what give it power. We must expose these secret sins to the daylight if we are to break free.
Mr. McMarty more_vert
Mr. McMarty
@Tao Jones You are correct! You are wise in the word of God
Aleza more_vert
I know I betrayed my family, god and my body ... now I want to stop I'm ready to do everything ... what goals can I add to have a peaceful life? I can control the smartphon, I swear I won't see those sites anymore