Post published by Vendettana

Dear friends, I feel bad. I did not relapse, but NoFap has made me angry. Basically the last days my attention went on some posts about LGBTs here. It's not that I have a problem with gays. Although the Bible is quite clear on that, I tell my self not to judge, and that this might be what they have to do in order to find god.

However, it went to far, it makes me mad, when I see how people transform their children as young as 7, do surgery and give them hormones. Sorry to say so, but this isn't normal. And I said that and got attacked. I defended, it escalated, the thread got banned.

A new thread came up. It was about a baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay marriage for religious reasons. And they sued him and he got a lot of problems and threats. This is unacceptable to me.

I don't know how to behave in these cases. I cannot just watch away, because I don't want our society degenerate even more. How is a Christian supposed to act? What would Jesus have done if he lived today?

I especially care about the children. How can a 7 year old boy be called Luna and get hormones? This is child abuse to me.
Roady more_vert
I do agree with you. That child is abused by his mother.
monk923 more_vert
Focus on what we can change. We change us first. You see, when I at last get this wood out my own, then I'll see clearly exactly how to remove that wee speck from my brother's eye. And, Jesus says let's work on getting some eye surgery for that beam sticking out of my eye. So, first things first.
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Vendettana more_vert
So you have heard about this story as well? But what am I supposed to do? I am sick and tired of watching these people push on these demands and the succeed little by little.
Roady and Deleted Account like this.
Roady more_vert
You only can change your own little world, not the big world. If I will meet a transgender the only thing I can do is tell my story how Jesus freed me from my own gender dysphoria. And...praying is a powerfull thing.
Vendettana likes this.
monk923 more_vert
Oh, I feel your rage, my friend. By all counts, porn shouldn't even exist and we should all be in happy, healthy relationships. So, what we find is that there is the way the world should be, and then there is the way it is.
Vendettana more_vert
Yes, but I am also concerned for my own children (who don't exist yet). I don't want to send them to a school where they are taught and indirectly encouraged to change their gender. I don't want my boy come home one day and say that he is a girl and that the teacher said it was great. Where is this society going to? I'm afraid.
monk923 more_vert
Well, just take a jackass like me, for example. I want to do the right things, but I quickly forget that all that abuse I endured as a child has left me scared and undeveloped in many ways. In some areas, I'm a total wizard, in others I'm as inept as ineptitude could ever be.
monk923 more_vert
I find a war going on in my members. The spirit is willing, indeed? The flesh? Useless and weakened by the body of sin. A wretched man I am. Who will save me from this body of death? Only Christ can. So, I join with the congregation so that we can mutually supply in the Spirit all of those things that all of us may lack. I can't do it by myself. Sorry, it's only in the church.
Roady more_vert
I agree it's not an easy time, but at the other hand, it happened for decennia that people came home with the message: mom, dad, I think I'm homesexual.
Roady more_vert
Actually nothing new 's under the sun.
monk923 more_vert
But, if you see great injustice in the world, do not wonder at it overmuch. In first century Rome, children were trafficked as temple prostitutes. So, it's not quite that bad...yet.
Roady more_vert
Let we lead us through the Holy Spirit every day of our life.
Vendettana likes this.
Tao Jones more_vert
Tao Jones
John 16:33 - “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - Jesus
Deleted Account and Vendettana like this.
St3v0 more_vert
Remember one thing, the Bible clearly states that things will get worse and worse in the last days.
Vendettana likes this.
St3v0 more_vert
I know its extremely frustrating but they are only doing the desires of their hearts, which is evil. You can only pray and introduce them to God and only he can change that desire from evil to good.
Fighting with these people is pointless as it only makes them more stubborn.
I sometimes feel like getting out a whip and going crazy on some of them (Like Jesus did in the temple) especially when kids are involved.
Vendettana likes this.
Roady more_vert
And remember: there are more churches and christians ever since the time of Jesus....
Vendettana likes this.
brilliantidiot more_vert
That thread was quickly removed by the mods btw :/
Vendettana likes this.
Vendettana more_vert
Introduce them to god? You risk to get a beating. There might be more churches, but there is also a Pope who is praying to a pagan statue. And I see it just like you: they do it to themselves, I tolerate that, but they do it to innocent children. When a boy one day comes home and says that he is gay, I wouldn't like it but I would accept it I guess. But if he comes home and says he wants hormones and a surgery to get silicon implants, that is mutilation to me and there is no going back.
dethly likes this.
Vendettana more_vert
OK, thank you. I will remind myself to set my house in perfect order. There is a lot of mess to clean anyway. Let them do. But I will defend my family.
thedog01 more_vert
I think we need to love one another as Jesus loved (John 13:34-35). The world definition of tolerance, marriage and love has certainly digressed completely from the christian view but I still feel I need to press on and love.
Tao Jones likes this.