Post published by need2beatpmo

Hello. I am a male and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was a young adult. When I was a young boy, I found a« stash of porn magazines. It might have been my father's but I don't know. I have struggled with masturbation since my youth. My struggle stopped when I got married but now I've relapsed and it has gotten worse since 2012. I am looking at porn and sometimes hardcore porn. I can't be intimate with my wife. Suffering from ED for several years but somehow it's ok with porn. I know God is displeased with me. I am like a dog going back to its vomit. I tried cold turkey. Tried turning to worship when I start to think about porn or masturbation. Any progress is short lived before I relapse. I don't know how to break free. I really don't know how. I want to be true to God and to my wife. Glad to have found nofap and Christian Fapstronauts group.
Henryforward, david22 and Tao Jones like this.
Tao Jones more_vert
Tao Jones
Welcome! Your story is one many of us can relate to all too well. Check out the Information tab above for some helpful resources. get to know folks on here and consider reaching out to one or more to be an AP with you. Daily check-ins with a supportive community have been helpful for many of us. I am praying for you and cheering you on as you move toward freedom!
david22 more_vert
welcome need2beatpmo. confession is always a great start. This journey is not about
altering just one aspect of our lives: it is about transforming ourselves into men who no longer require
such artificial, empty satisfaction. Wack_ Addicted to Internet Porn By Noah B.E. Church