Recent content by fireblaster

  1. fireblaster

    Feeling so good with the progress

    This video explains the reboot timeline really well. Do watch it.
  2. fireblaster


    This video explains the reboot timeline, which has helped me well. Do watch it man!
  3. fireblaster

    What's Your Motivation?

    "That said, the epitome of our manhood is highlighted by the confidence and ability to conquer those serenely beautiful women in bed, not watching them bounce on other men’s laps. Lastly, pornography should only be used as a tool to spice up your bedroom game as the dominant Alpha, not to be a...
  4. fireblaster

    PIED? How long should normal erection last?

    Bro I don't know if this helps, This reboot timeline does give you some clarity over the abstinence which we all are trying to do.
  5. fireblaster

    I need help and advice

    Amazing video describing the reboot timeline. All the best macha.
  6. fireblaster

    I need help!

    Best video out there explaining the reboot timeline. All the best macha.
  7. fireblaster

    Feeling tensed

    Best video out there explaining the reboot timeline. All the best macha.
  8. fireblaster

    Some amazing resources for new guys: books, podcasts, YouTube clips

    This NoFap timeline has really helped me understand the process more. Enjoy Amazing suggestion brother. Awesome video explaining the reboot timeline.
  9. fireblaster

    Porn addicted since 12

    Bro do read this, It got me through some strong urges. All the very best!!
  10. fireblaster

    I will win against PMO!

    Bro do read this, It got me through some strong urges. All the very best!!
  11. fireblaster


    Bro do read this, It got me through some strong urges. All the very best!!
  12. fireblaster

    Hi guys

    Bro do read this, It got me through some strong urges. All the very best!!
  13. fireblaster

    Now is the time! I hope...

    Bro do read this, It got me through some strong urges. All the very best!!
  14. fireblaster

    Hard af to stop

    Bro do read this, It got me through some strong urges. All the very best!!
  15. fireblaster

    need your expierience!

    Bro do read this, It got me through some strong urges. All the very best!! Bhai, kar har maidan fateh!!