Keeping on relapsing from days 20-30 because of orgasms

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Sleepingbadger, May 23, 2018.

  1. Sleepingbadger

    Sleepingbadger Fapstronaut

    Relapsed today again from day 22 of no PMO. It's my fourth time this high now. I've relapsed now total four times, because of orgasm, that I couldn't control. It's been ages since I last did PM, but it feels like I can't get free from O.

    When I got the urge today, I immediately opened nofap panic button, but this time it didn't help me. For the last five days I've been extremely tempted, and getting urges about every 30 mins. I managed to survive those four of them just by reading the material from the panic button.

    On Every of my four streaks, I've got a wet dream few days before a relapse. I think the chaser effect might be my problem here, but I don't know anything I could do about it.

    Anyways, this is the worst possible moment to get a relapse, and I knew it. I didn't want to relapse, I tried to prevent it but I failed. I have physics test tomorrow, and a work interview. I will not be able to perform good in either of those, because of the already forming brain fog, depression and social awkwardness. :(
    Last edited: May 23, 2018
  2. Don't think you will do badly on your test.
    You will just compound the problem. You slipped up. Understand why and do better next time. Move on
    Now don't start telling yourself that whenever you'll get a wet dream you will relapse. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Give yourself a break.
    Next time you'll make it even after a wet dream.
    You can do it
    Stay strong
    Sleepingbadger and SwedishViking like this.
  3. Sleepingbadger

    Sleepingbadger Fapstronaut

    I just got a second O. It's weird how it just happens even though I didn't do or think about anything PMO related at all.
  4. Do you mean your orgasmed while having a wet dream?
  5. Sleepingbadger

    Sleepingbadger Fapstronaut

    Nope, right now while reading for my physics test tomorrow I've had two orgasms so far. I'm fully conscious and it's weird how everything happens without I'm consciously doing anything.