NoFap is worth it

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by janewhite, Aug 23, 2022.

  1. janewhite

    janewhite Fapstronaut

    I guess we all have our ups and downs, I was feeling pretty bad after my husband’s relapse a couple weeks ago, but I was thinking how no fab is still overall worth it for any relationship and how far our relationship has come in comparison to where it was in February. It just wouldn’t be fare to only focus on failures. If you set yourself up for perfection you set yourself up for a failure. I am glad I found this forum and was able to communicate to my significant other that these issues he had/has are issues not because of religion for instance or some sort of stigma ( both of us are fairly open minded) but because its effect on the relationship and intimacy. I am thankful that despite the occasional relapse(s) he is onboard with the destination. Yes, the journey may be longer or shorter with less or more “dangers” and “ adventures” but we are getting closer to the target and doing it together. After about 6 months of no fab ( or at least much less fap with some relapses) I am feeling a lot more connected to my spouse, emotionally and physically. It is definitely worth it! Keep up the good work, guys, and thank you everyone for being supportive to each other , it really is inspirational!
  2. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    When I started trying to quit (2010) I couldn't find any sites that were not explicitly religious. The diversity of people here really helps.

    I'm pleased to hear that.

    It is great that you both feel in this together.

    I've found that too, I am infinitely more emotionally present in my marriage than before.


    Thanks, we will :)

    I find it inspirational too.
    Brad_B and rostronaut like this.
  3. MarioCorrelos

    MarioCorrelos Fapstronaut

    Thank you for this post. It's nice to hear this kind of words from an addict's SO and not only the standard hopeless message.
  4. Thank you for posting this.
    I was really inspired by your last thread. You hit a big bump in the road, shared about it here and then shared how it was quickly resolved.

    I loved reading that! You and your husband have a relationship and a recovery story that is enviable. :)
  5. YodelAy

    YodelAy Fapstronaut

    So so good to hear positive words of encouragement from a SO. Thank you!
    My P addiction comes from a place of lack - lack of self esteem and fear of being vulnerable /being me. P is the outward manifestation of that. I have recognised how much it hurts me and those around me in oh so subtle and oh so not so subtle ways- I came clean to my wife bc I was so sick and tired of it and really really paining inside.
    Yes there is narcissism in addiction and it’s not about just me- but we addicts aren’t bad people and are really hurting and often want to change but don’t know how or don’t believe we can fully let go of something that we sought validation in but which we know will never give us what we need. It’s great to hear a SO finding progress worthwhile rather than the goal of immediate perfection. It’s a process that both can work together to work towards- it does take honesty and willingness on the part of the P user/ addict - that goes without saying but it’s wonderful to hear your acceptance and hope.
    Shame is a toxic on both sides
    flyswat likes this.