The Tartarian Journal - 5x5 Workout, Dieting, Cardio, Spiritual & Philosophical Journey

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Imperator Tartarus, May 6, 2022.

  1. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut


    5 hours sleep. Running on adreneline all day, early shift at work and straight to the gym after that.

    I switched my shoulder workout up today to test myself. I left squats out again because of my ankle. I'm hoping that by Friday, everything will be back to normal. Deadlifts tweaked my leg muscles regardless, so I have that small amount of activation.

    Military Press
    1x5 - 20kg
    2x5 - 40kg
    3x5 - 45kg

    5x5 - Body weight

    I did the dips as a superset after my military press. That was killer, it wrecked me.

    1x5 - 40kg
    4x5 - 80kg

    Didn't pull 100 again today, missing back workouts for a week I thought it prudent to not pull a weight I'm consistently confident with.

    Weight 79.2kg start 79.5kg end.

    Off to do a quick lesson of Latin now, then I'm off to bed. This post is a mess, but I am overtired and uncaring of the fact.
    jw2021 likes this.
  2. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut

    I missed last Friday because of a long and early work shift, which flared up my illness significantly and dramatically. Within the span of two hours of relaxation, I was incapable of conversation and could barely eat dinner because I was feeling extremely weak, fatigued, and tired. This was far from ideal, because I ended up working Saturday morning, another early and long shift. Luckily, I felt better by the end of this shift and slept a bit, which put me in a good spot to party Saturday night. Not my.. wisest decision, but I couldn't skip out on it. I had a fun time, regardless.

    Sunday was solely recovery, in every sense of the word.



    Today was a slightly lazy day. I am still weak from my sickness, but I managed to eat a decent (and relatively healthy) amount today, so I think I will feel significantly better tomorrow. Before I go to bed, I must make sure I'm hydrated and have a bottle of water on standby.

    Did a few things around the house today, but I really want to get back on top of my productivity and exploring different topics and learning. The mental fog that this sickness and the shit work hours I've done (aka poor quality sleep) have deprived me from any motivation and mental clarity needed to sit down and read, research, and discover. Tomorrow is the rebirth of that, I will make it so.

    My gym results for the day, bear in mind my body is fatigued, not handling water retention well, weak at the moment.

    1x5 Bar weight
    1x5 40kg
    1x5 60kg
    1x5 70kg
    2x5 75kg
    1x3 80kg

    1x5 Bar weight
    1x5 40kg
    1x5 60kg
    3x5 80kg

    Pullups (Wide grip)
    5x5 - body weight

    I have not weighed myself today, and I'm not going to now. Will do so tomorrow. The only milestones left for my day today are to shave, and practice my Latin.
    Cirilla and handbandit like this.
  3. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut

    Did not do my Latin last night, disappointed but I'm still suffering from this flu. Didn't sleep well, awake since 4am today and couldn't fall back asleep. It's currently 9pm here now, I think I'll be asleep around 10:30. Anyway, I had a PMO setback today.

    Overhead Press

    1x5 - 30kg
    1x5 - 40kg
    1x5 - 50kg
    3x5 - 55kg

    Pushing 60kg is my goal, I think I could do it next Wednesday if my condition does not deteriorate.

    5x5 - Body weight

    Did the super set in between overhead press again. Not an easy workout, by far. I may try the dip machine at some point, but I feel like body weight and mastery over body control is better than loading up a dip machine.

    1x5 - 40kg
    1x5 - 60kg
    1x5 - 70kg
    1x5 - 85kg
    1x5 - 90kg
    1x3 - 93kg

    Trying to build some sense of where to begin my sets here. I'm thinking perhaps jump from 40 to 80, then I can pull 100 from there, and add on the 5kg weight each workout to build up.
    DeterminedRebooter and jw2021 like this.
  4. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut

    Oh hell. I forgot to post my squats.

    1x5 - 40kg
    1x5 - 60kg
    1x3 - 70kg
    I stopped because my head wasn't in it, lightheadedness and I began to feel ill. It's difficult to explain in typing, and I am furious I didn't finish it, but ultimately in the moment I valued recovering properly from the flu over lifting weights.
  5. Cirilla

    Cirilla Guest

    If you’re looking for a sign to keep going - this is your sign to keep going. I enjoy reading about your progress. Keep it up!
  6. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut

    This life is short. Fleeting. We are merely windows in which the universe can view through to experience different viewpoints in itself. Is masturbation, addiction, weakness a legacy of which you wish to leave behind? It is not one which I wish to leave, yet I find myself irrevocably drawn back in each time. This is a dramatically long winded way to say that I am disappointed in my NoFap progress, I desire to be the strongest version of myself.

    Yet, it is quite humbling to realize, in introspection, that if I truly desired to be best version of myself, I would not allow me to be in this position. It would be a nonsensical question, relapsing. It is truly humbling.

    If I desire to be the best person of myself, truly, what would this constitute?

    I wish to do many different activities, yet without a clear sense of order in my inner being, I will not be able to acomplish it. This is probably, my biggest revelation in this wall of text. Order can be translated into a sense of purpose, and I can easily identify my general purpose as being the best person I can be. The responsability now rests upon my shoulders to decide, what the subcomponents of this purpose constitute.

    I desire financial freedom, I have never been a consumer in the sense where I see something and want it, it does not manifest into a burning desire that I feel that I need it. I want to be in a position where I could have whatever I desire in the way of consumables. Not that I would, my self control and some form of minimalism will negate myself from hoarding/excess purchases. Financial freedom is a very liberating position to be in.​

    I desire the sense of having achieved great milestones. I am not a believer in settling down and doing nothing, I feel it will cause your vital parts of bodily function to cease to work. I wish to have great milestones behind me, and potential for future ones ahead of me. That is what I define success as, not merely a simple job title and a cushy job that I can laze around in until some sense of retirement.​

    I desire love, love from a significant other, love from my future descendants and love from my friends. From this love I will be happy, for it is through connection and bonding that we are happiest. Coinciding with this, love for myself. And I do not love some of my darker traits. For the traits that are natural to my being... I can accept them. I can live with them. For the traits that resultant of my PMO addiction, I reject them with every fibre of my being. Suffering under this addiction as I have, has taught me a great many lessons. Through these lessons I can learn from them, accept the past, and move forward to a better future. I do not need to allow the past to weigh me down. It is done, it is passed, nothing can change it in this universe. Adapt and advance, that is the motto of this universe. So it is with many years of suffering, that I come to the realization that love comes with acceptance. Acceptance of the ability to change. ​

    I want to love myself, I want to love who I am. And nothing and nobody are allowed to stop me, not now, not ever.​

    Life is short, and fleeting. If we reach the end of our lives, not having achieved what we wanted to achieve, who is there to blame? I cannot point the finger at anyone but back at the origin of the finger. Myself. Ourselves. Certainly, we are born both into one of the most peaceful, safe, technologically advanced (documented) times in human history, and one of the worst, tyrannical, oppressive times in human history. We have the ability to be who we want to be, to a certain point. I am a creative, imaginative person by nature. I find it easy to get lost in my head, in dreams and ideas, a significant majority of which will never come to pass. Is it worth entertaining these ideas? I do not believe so, its a waste of brainpower and time, no matter how entertaining or fanciful.

    It is humbling to realize, no matter how far I have come, how much further there is down this infinite path of growth. That is, of course, the joys of a neverending path of growth.

    I wish to transform my dreaming, fanciful thoughts into a more idealistic contemplation. Militaristic in my thought process, it will aid me in everything I set my mind to. My creativity will be better expressed through a streamline of thoughts, instead of my thoughts spinning in an endless whirlpool of nonaction.

    I need to begin taking my health a lot more seriously, even more than I already do. I can not acomplish what I wish to, when my head feels foggy all the time. NoFap is a serious committment, only meant for people who are serious about the path. This society has many great things about it, masturbation is a stain on everything our forefathers worked and toiled for. I spit on their name by continuing in that sinful act.

    I must be better.
    jw2021 likes this.
  7. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut


    1x8 - 40kg (warmup)

    1x5 - 60kg
    1x5 - 70kg
    1x5 - 75kg
    1x4 - 80kg
    1x5 - 80kg

    Had someone spotting me lest set. Possibly placebo, but felt much stronger on that set than the prior, I didn't need the spotter to help lift or unrack. I want to push 82.5kg for 5 next monday, I think its doable.

    1x5 - 40kg (warmup)
    5x5 - 80kg

    Getting back into it properly. Next monday I should be good to be pushing 90kg, hopefully. I will rest accordingly, and perhaps stretch Saturday/Sunday.

    1x5 - 40kg
    2x5 - 60kg
    3x5 - 70kg

    Felt good. Not much more to say here, haven't done them for a while because of circumstances but I will not let that stop my progress. Ci vediamo

    I did a quick Latin lesson today. I am still meaning to annotate my learnings for greater word retention and knowledge adsorption.
    I am beginning to look into learning how to use Google Sheets (and by extension, Microsoft Excel) because of the powerful job opportunities it can provide with the extra skill. I have some experience, but I will build on my rudimentary knowledge.

    That's it for today. All that's left, is to have a bit of water, supplaments (vit c, magnesium, zinc) and practice further with google sheets.
    jw2021 likes this.
  8. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut

    Went to the gym today, and just did some bicep curls, forearm curls, and lateral raises. Nothing specific, just until it hurt. Took a bit of time to practice on the boxing bag, to sweat it out a bit combined with some core exercises. All up I was probably in there about an hour. Its not part of my original plan, but I miss doing biceps and forearms. I also want to build my punch strength as well, move the bag's weight more than I am. This post was messy, but I don't have the energy to fix it up lol.

    Note: I'm eating too much bread. Must cut back.
    jw2021 likes this.
  9. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut

    Good day today.

    1x5 - 60kg warmup
    1x5 - 70kg
    1x5 - 75kg
    1x5 - 80kg
    1x4 - 82.5kg
    1x5 - 82.5kg - PR

    5x5 - 80kg/body-weight

    1x5 - 40kg
    1x5 - 60kg
    2x5 - 80kg
    2x5 - 90kg

    I will cut out the 70kg and 75kg from bench, and the 40kg from squats. It doesn't make much sense to have a smaller warmup but a bigger max, lol. Friday bench should look like a 60kg warmup, straight to 80kg for two sets, then 82.5kg, then 85kg hopefully.

    Did some extras today, too, did some bicep curls, forearms, and worked out on the boxing bag, then went into the sauna. It was definitely a good session. Also went for a cycle today, I made it 11kms up the hills before my lungs started rebelling against me, I'm still feeling ill with the flu. Getting better slowly, its not going away calmly. But hell, I'm fighting this all the way through, nothings stopping me from achieving my goals.

    I am cutting down on my bread consumption, and coffee consumption. I had a fair amount of bread today, less than on the weekend though. Coffee I had half my normal intake, which I will aim to make that my new normal.

    Did my Latin practice, learnt some new words involving markets.

    That's all for today. Thank you.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2022
    jw2021 likes this.
  10. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut



    Warmup sets
    1x10 - Bar weight
    1x5 - 60kg
    1x5 - 80kg

    Main sets
    5x5 - 90kg


    Military Press
    Warmup Sets
    1x5 - 40kg

    Main Sets
    5x5 - 50kg


    Warmup Sets
    1x5 - Bar weight
    1x5 - 60kg
    1x5 - 80kg

    Main Sets
    2x5 - 100kg


    Body Weight + 2.5kg weight


    I've been reading a massive document about the StrongLifts 5x5 program, and it differed in the deadlifts area because it recommended only a singular 1x5 set of max weight for deadlifts, instead of a 5x5. This differed from Elliot Hulse's program which had a 5x5 deadlift prescribed.

    The difference here is, I'm doing deadlifts after I've squatted, which is already an absolute wreck on my body. I am still achieving the top set I was before, technically with just lesser of a leadup to it. Which my body clearly does not require. I am not opposed to doing a deadlift 5x5, however I am mindful because today I took 90 minutes in the gym, and I would much rather spend less time there on a singular workout. So I shall experiment next time and bring down my resting time...

    Just need to practice my Latin now, and I'm off.
    jw2021 likes this.
  11. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut

    I am going to refrain from weights workouts on rest days, as it will hinder muscle recovery as I approach heavier weights. It was alright in the short term, because I was not lifting outside of my comfort zone, but now that I am pushing forth, I must get a proper recovery in before each workout.

    Saying this, I am an experienced runner and cyclist, so I should be alright to continue this on perhaps saturdays or tuesday/thursday if I feel like it.

    Looking into basic self-sufficiency and longevity skills, such as home-farming garlic and chillies (the cost of chillies is astronomical!) and converting said chillies into a paste (for longevity) that can be used over a year. I aim to plant the chillies tomorrow, or at least get it all set up ready to plant.

    Off to do my Latin practice, then sleep.
  12. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut

    Planted my chillies today. They should be on track to provide their fruits within 2 months I think, all factors staying constant. Next is to experiment with garlic (or perhaps other types of chillies/peppers!). Hope it goes well, I've always wanted to do this (exaggeration, I've wanted to do it for a little while now) and have been merely an observant fan of forums such as Reddits Homestead r/homestead forum.

    Did some Latin practice this evening, getting more comfortable with how the language words and the variations in words considering plurality and tenses.


    - I'm switching to doing squats first, followed by a chest exercise, followed by a back exercise.
    - I'm attempting to do my top sets with consistent weight instead of building up to a certain point like I was before.

    1x10 - warmup 20kg
    1x5 - warmup 60kg
    5x5 - 92.5kg

    1x10 - 20kg
    1x5 - 60kg
    5x5 - 80kg

    Failed on the two last reps of the 80kg (4x5 set and 5x5). On the 4x5, well, I forgot the bar needs to go back in the air and not just rest on my chest. Getting noticeably stronger, however. At the beginning of the year (and long before I started stronglifts 5x5) repping 80kg was merely a dream. I could barely push the second rep of 80kg up. I brought my bench back down to 80kg until I can push 80kg for 5x5, immediately after which I will up to 82.5kg for 5x5.

    1x5 - 40kg
    1x5 - 60kg
    5x5 - 70kg

    70kg is my new baseline for rows. Next workout I up to 72.5kg.

    It can, perhaps be said, that I was not prepared to start stronglifts 5x5 in the beginning. Either way, I am much more well versed in how this program will work for me now and even more excited to up the weight.

    PMO setback last night. Not overly upset/disappointed, I had a productive day today and will regather myself in the coming week.
    jw2021 and Cirilla like this.
  13. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut


    1x10 - 20kg
    1x5 - 60kg
    5x5 - 95kg

    1x10 - 20kg
    1x5 - 60kg
    5x5 - 80kg

    Failed on fifth rep of the 4x5.

    1x5 - Bodyweight
    5x5 - Bodyweight + 5kg
    jw2021 likes this.
  14. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut

    I realize I did not post for last wednesday.

    1x10 - 20kg
    1x5 - 60kg
    3x5 - 97.5kg
    1x2 - 97.5kg

    5x5 - 81+5kg

    1x10 - 20kg
    1x5 - 40kg
    3x5 - 50kg

    1x5 - 60kg
    1x5 - 100kg

    Back was very sore, I am still not sleeping well and it reflected last Wednesday. I pushed myself but it was not to be.

    I skipped last Friday due to being too tired from an early morning shift, along with being in pain from Wednesday, which I am not happy about. Had a weekend of PMO fails which I think is a lead on from a series of poor events at the same time.

    I am back on track trying to improve my diet (and cutting out as much wheat and refined sugar, still had too much sugar today).

    I have also not missed a day of Latin practice since last posting.


    Gym for today

    1x5 - 20kg
    1x5 - 60kg
    5x5 - 95kg

    Wednesday, I will attempt 97.5kg once more.

    1x5 - 20kg
    1x5 - 60kg
    5x5 - 80kg

    This means I should be good to finally push for 82.5kg and then continue on that trajectory of +2.5kg per session (+5kg per week) until I hit a plateau and/or need a deload week.

    5x5 - 81+7.5kg

    I must start weighing myself once more.
    jw2021 likes this.
  15. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut



    1x10 - 20kg
    1x5 - 60kg
    5x5 - 97.5kg

    5x5 - 7.5kg

    1x10 - 20kg
    1x5 - 40kg
    3x5 - 50kg
    1x2 - 50kg (failed on the way down for the third rep)
    1x5 - 50kg

    1x10 - 20kg
    1x5 - 60kg
    1x5 - 105kg

    Had a pretty good day of food. Breakfast was of course, light with mostly carbs from fruits. A mid morning coffee and dark chocolate (whoops, but also not sorry), lunch was my mixed beans and vegetables and potatos (steamed, whole meal was also with minimal fat and salt), no bread at lunch. Ate a quick bread roll before work, regrettable but nothing major. Dinner I ate potatoes (roasted), chicken, steak and salad.

    I'm consuming more and more water, so hopefully I can properly hydrate myself and solve whatever backlog of hydration my body is suffering from. I'm wondering if I'm still impacted by covid from months ago, regarding brainfog and tiredness, however I think at most it is a contributory factor, not a main/root factor. Same story with the flu as of recently.

    Sleep wise I think I'm improving. I don't want to talk too soon, but my goal is to focus on quality as opposed to quantity. I hate sleeping, I hate being tired. If I can operate at peak efficiency on 6-7.5 hours sleep (if not less) I will be very happy. Last night I slept from around 12:30 to just before 7am, woke up before my alarm.

    NoFap wise, I have done well for today. I will not fold today.

    Weight at start of day: 81.8kg
    Weight at end of day: 82.8kg

    Off to do my Latin Practice, then bed.
  16. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut


    1x10 - 20kg
    1x5 - 60kg
    5x5 - 100kg

    1x10 - 20kg
    1x5- 60kg
    3x3 - 82.5
    4x2 - 82.5kg

    1x10 - 20kg
    1x5 - 50kg
    5x5 - 72.5kg

    Got to get that bench better. Two more sessions and if not 5x5'd, then I'll deload to 75kg in two Mondays' time. Also went for a 12km run after the gym, so now my legs really feel like jelly, lol.

    Some food choices were regrettable today, name sugar consumption after dinner. No matter. The rest of the day was good, so I can't complain too much.

    Just need to practice Latin quickly and then sleep. Early start tomorrow morning, 4:30am alarm set and ready to go.
    Cirilla likes this.
  17. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut

    1x10 - 20kg
    1x5 - 60kg
    5x5 - 102.5kg

    Squats are getting easier since that slight de-load I did (I know, it wasn't a proper 10% drop in weight like it should been)

    Bench was a failure today. Either I am not warming myself up correctly, or I'm doing something wrong because my first set of 82.5kg I could only push the bar for 3 reps, same with the second set. I can tell I need to do something different, I'm going to instead work on my form on Friday on 75kg (so a 10% de-load from 82.5kg), however instead of immediately going back to 82.5kg after that, I am going to build my way back up to it.

    5x5 - Bodyweight ~81kg

    Didn't weigh myself today.

    I have more to write about, but I will save that for a larger post.
  18. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut

    2x5 - 20kg
    1x5 - 60kg
    5x5 - 105kg

    1x5 - 20kg
    1x5 - 60kg
    1x5 - 110kg

    5x5 - 80kg

    Rushed workout yesterday, skipped OHP. Not ideal but also my lower back didn't feel too good. Need to invest in a belt for dead-lifts, squats, and OHP.

    I'm getting slack with my Latin practice, that needs to change.

    Also want to look into graphic editing and music editing as a hobby. Might be putting that on the backburner in terms of priorities, though, because I also want to look into furthering my economic/financial education and step into stock trading. Plus I'm still in the process of learning to spreadsheet, which is no small feat.

    Not enough motivated hours in my day lol.
  19. Cirilla

    Cirilla Guest

    As an artistic director / type designer, I can only encourage you to pick up graphic editing, and if you need resources, I'm here :) Your drive is admirable, the way you pull through is inspirational, I wish I could pull 1x5 110 lol
    Imperator Tartarus likes this.
  20. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut

    I will definitely take you up on that, if I pursue it :). I'm a creative person, but I struggle to transfer the vision in my mind to paper and it can get lost in translation, if that makes sense.

    You definitely can pull 110 with time and dedication :emoji_ok_hand:, the last two weeks I've been eating a lot which definitely aided me there. A year ago, I thought deadlifts were just an ego lift \o/
    Cirilla likes this.