Why do I get so emotional after a week on NoFap?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Dec 27, 2021.

  1. I literally cry all day long because I'm reminded of how much love is worth, not romantic love but in general, "loving thy neighbor"

    I really get emotional, and I think about why can't we all not simply be nice to each other, and it hurts my feelings so much that I feel actually physical pain floating through my body.

    It hurts, and although I want to succeed in NoFap, I simply can't due to this. If I PMO, I'm normal again, but if I don't, I just cry and cry and cry and cannot get things done

    Is there anything i can do? I once went on a 3 day nonstop crying streak and then I relapsed to feel good again.
    Beekind, WesternWolf and Abel100% like this.
  2. Abel100%

    Abel100% Fapstronaut

    Rayos ... Se que después de una recaída, muchos nos da gran tristeza y depresión ,otros irá y dolor, más algunos no sienten nada negativo y creen que es normal ( ni les interesa no fab ) pero no sé lo suyo me parece algo extremo...
    Alguien con más experiencia dará si opinión ... Dios nos dé Fuerza más allá de la fuerza de voluntad...
  3. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    You are not your feelings, do not let them control you. Read a book called The power of now. It explains directly how to cope with emotions in a right way.
    WesternWolf likes this.
  4. What? I'm not my feelings?

    I think you misunderstood me? What I mean is that after one week on NoFap, a lot of suppressed and hidden emotions come up again, and they are so powerful that I cry constantly. And I can't deal with that, because it's just so overwhelming
  5. oldgoat14

    oldgoat14 Fapstronaut

    Same for me, it usually improves the longer I go into a streak. Why not let them out or maybe talk to a therapist?
    elvagoazul and kropo82 like this.
  6. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    yeah you are not your emotions so you should not let them overwhelm you.
    WesternWolf likes this.
  7. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    KEEP GOING. This is a positive sign that NoFap is working.

    The reality is that a large number of us have used PMO to escape our feelings. I think whether we realise it or not, PMO is a coping mechanism that allowed us to block any negative feelings we did not wish to experience.

    When you stop PMO, you give those suppressed emotions an opportunity to rise to the surface (from your subconscious mind). The constant crying is very likely suppressed emotions that have been waiting to be experienced. Some people experience anger, some loneliness, some twisted sexual thoughts. It is different for each one of us. The important thing is to fully experience the emotions and allow them to pass through you, as awkward/annoying as they may be, by going back to PMO you are simply starting the process again.

    Eventually, once the feelings have passed through, you will begin to feel normal. But for now, really try to allow yourself to experience the feelings/emotions and then let them to pass. Keep going, you’re clearly doing well.
    skybrowser likes this.
  8. BUT HOW?? It's is literal physical pain, it's like an electric current running from my heart to my arm. I am not kidding you, these emotions are so deep that it literally hurts me physically, which again just makes me cry
  9. So I should just fuck my studies and exams, and sit all the day long in my bed watching the Teletubbies and other baby shows, eat sweets and drink hot chocolate so I can recreate my childhood from where I was like 3 years old?

    I can't afford doing that. And that's why I'm asking here, I don't know what to do.
  10. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    Then your answer is stop doing NoFap.

    If you are finding that NoFap is too much, stop.
  11. I mean, logically that's the solution. But I also hate myself for PMOing, I've got younger cousins looking up to me and I don't want to be an idol who PMOes. It's just disgusting and animalistic.

    I thought about PMO substitutes, but besides smoking, fast food and alcohol I don't see anything which is legal and an alternative (weed is illegal where I live)
  12. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    If you hate yourself for PMOing start NoFap. If NoFap is causing issue in your daily life, stop NoFap.

    Can you see where this is going? You cannot do both. You either get yourself onto NoFap, or stay off of NoFap and continue to PMO. You have to understand that there is no shortcut around, or underneath NoFap. I'm sorry to say there is no middle ground. If you want to cure your addiction, your closest and safest bet is to get started on your streak.

    I totally get it; you feel as though you are missing out on 'life' and that everybody is moving ahead with theirs while you remain stationary, watching everyone move further and deeper along the line. This is an illusion. Girls will still be a thing once you're done. Sex will still be a thing when you are done. Your life will go on. My advice would be to accept your situation and get started. 90 days from now you could be cured. March 29th 2022 you could be PMO free. The point is you won't know if you keep dilly dallying between starting and stopping recovery.

    If rebooting cold turkey really is too much, start by cutting PMO down. PMO 3 times a week. Then cut it down to twice a week. Then to once a week. Then once every two weeks. If you are not ready to let go of PMO totally, ease yourself into a streak. There's nothing wrong with that approach.
    randomname3 and TGAguy like this.
  13. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    Read the book as I already said. I am not my emotions, sure they hurt sometimes but I know they will eventually pass. The book will explain this way better than me.
  14. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    PMO has a way of deadening and hardening the heart, which is often the reason for any addiction, so that one doesn't need to feel inner woundedness or sorrows, preferring to just block them and anesthetize them with addiction, which never quite succeeds and does nothing to resolve the core need. Many sins also deaden and harden the heart, and are perhaps indulged in for the same reasons, if not other reasons still. Hence, it only makes sense that when one ceases to engage in those activities that harden/deaden the heart that one's heart can become like living flesh again and start to feel things that it previously avoided. For a heart that's been blocked for years, such a burst of heart-felt experiences can even rush in like a tsunami at the beginning. Makes sense?
    randomname3 and Whispers like this.
  15. We go numb when we are in the pit, black tantra and things like this will make us numb and dead inside, when we go in the other direction we purge it out and we feel the damage that was done previously, I get this way too, I also get this way when I have a shitty diet, every time I eat bacon or pork I kid you not I get so angry and upset, but before that I am happy, I think it's us dropping our energy and taking on the chemicals the emotions release the animal was going through as it was being killed, but that's something else.
  16. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    Also, are you sure you are not having a heart attack since physical pain in heart and left arm are a sign of that?

    Also crying is good. It releases the emotions.
    WesternWolf and Anonymous86 like this.
  17. Thank you.
    DeeJ4y likes this.
  18. Crying reminds me that I am indeed human.
    DeeJ4y and Whispers like this.
  19. I wouldn't be crying and thinking of Teletubbies then. But maybe it's such a big emotional pain, transitioning into actual physical pain which could trigger a heart attack? Is that bullshit or is it possible?

    It feels like an electric current, like ice cold water would run from your heart to my left arm. It's hard to explain, but it's an actual physical sensation, which is very painful, id rather have a headache. And the more I cry and think about life, love, teletubbies, utopia, being a child again, Jesus, the more pain I feel because I realize how much I've distanced myself from my 3 year old self, without sin, pure, happy, loving, teletubbies. I just lay in my bed and think that if I die, I hopefully wake up in teletubby land and the main OS on our heavens computers would be Windows Me (the first OS I can remember)

    That's just a small glimpse into my emotional and mental state, right now obviously I'm thankfully not in the mood, but I feel that if I'd go longer I'd be getting into that mood

    And if I PMO? Then i feel like Charlie Harper, Bojack Horseman. Not like a winner, but at least I'm not whining about life and love and feelings
  20. Exactly. But it's just too much for me, because I'm like going mentally back to being a 3 year old again. It just makes me think how much I'd give to just be a 3 year old again for at least one day. Because that was a time I was "pure", without evil