18 months of flatline.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Ghost_Rider, Oct 14, 2018.

  1. whoami33

    whoami33 Fapstronaut

  2. Dank24

    Dank24 Fapstronaut

    X2 ¿?
  3. Sawl

    Sawl New Fapstronaut

    Hey Guys,

    After yeary of searching, i finally found the solution. You may not like it, agree with it or believe it, that's completely normal. I'm just asking you to give yourself a chance.
    I'm a doctor btw, i'm living in Germany, and i have the same problem as you guys. A never ending Flatline.
    We're all here desperate to get our life back. Since modern and traditional medicines did not provide the solution (yet), and i believe they'll never be able to do so, because we're so proud of our modern medicine, that we refuse to admet that there's some things that are beyond material world. At first, you'll consider what i say as paranormal, but if you decide to, you can simply see it like a new science.
    Anyway, please at least give yourself a chance.
    Our being is not only flesch, blood and brain..., modern medicine refuse to accept the notion of the Spirit. Yet, it's fact, we do have spirits. And like our body and brain, it needs to be feeded, it can be weak, it has its own diseases and its own pathogen. The expression of this diseases is through the mind and the body.

    I started Nofap many years ago because i had an ED and DE . It mad no sense for me since it started with a girl who was veeeery hot. And it was my first one.

    Like 2 or 3 weeks after starting my Nofap journey, i started to have Wet dreams. Like a lot. Sometimes 3 or 4 days in a row, sometimes 3 times in the night. I felt drained and exhausted. No progress in my flatline. And then started the Anxiety, social anxiety, intrusive thoughts, general anxiety, a mix. Excessiv hairloss, general weakness, no libido, no motivation, no gf, no wife no kids, i became skinny, bald, shy, very unattractiv....
    In the same time i was looking for solutions. Modern medicine: no solution.
    Ayurvedic same. I felt a significativ improvement with meditation, i was a bit closer to the answer. Chineese medicine is a the moment the science that approaches the solution the most (I'll explain in how in another post). In this post i'm trying to give an overall look to my story.
    And then i found it, brace yourselves, i think you already read posts about it.
    It's FUCKING evil SUCCUBUS ! YES !!! It's not a fucking myth. They exist. How i became convinced ? I give it a try and i started to read Quran (since i'm muslim ) every day. I never felt that good in my life. Everything got better. My life improved. My mood improoved. Much less wet dreams (i'm not completly healed yet) and a lot more. Now everytime i read quran i'm having an erection . Like WTF. You can see the effect right away. I mean it's incredible.
    A succubus is a demon, a lust demon, , it's not a demonic oppression, It's a sort of possession.
    That was only a summary, there's a lot more to say about the subject. Please believe me guys. It's the fucking truth. Don't waste time anymore. Here is your answer. I'm saying that as a medical doctor.
  4. I guess it's normal to have it with the 10 years consumption!
  5. JustDontDoIt4Jesus

    JustDontDoIt4Jesus Fapstronaut

    For me it was only in Jesus Christ alone that set me free and healed me. It's worth it guys, bow down to Jesus, He will revive you.
  6. Wolf7

    Wolf7 Fapstronaut

    That doesn’t sound believeable. Either you’re sitting in the house counting the days your by your and doing nothing physically, emotionally, or mentally to improve your actual life aside from addiction to porn or you have another issue going on. To be in a flatline for 11 years isn’t possible ajd in most cases flatline doesn’t even exist. You’re lacking in some area of your life and you have to figure it out and improve it. Definitely start working out and getting active. You’re an adult man, go lift some weight in the gym and you won’t feel a “flatline” and if you can’t do that then workout at home. Do 100 bodyweight squats a day and increase over time and tell me if you don’t feel different
  7. JustDontDoIt4Jesus

    JustDontDoIt4Jesus Fapstronaut

    Some guys do have a veeery long flatline and withdrawal symptoms tho. More than 4 years mine lasted. Only faith healing healed me.
    Scorpio1990 likes this.
  8. Yours has lasted four years? Are you relapsing? Have you tried sex to get out of it? Four years sounds scary. Some of us want to get married and shit. That sucks man.
  9. Some other guy on another forum said he was in flatline for 9yrs. That’s crazy.
  10. Arkad100

    Arkad100 Fapstronaut

    I heard on a podcast that doing resistance training helps alot with low libido, maybe give that a try, hit the gym and pick up some weights, almost like find a new passion, that could help. I really hope it does if not, find a new passion, maybe that's what it could be
  11. The thing with many of these accounts of super long flatlines, is there's next to nothing about lifestyles i.e. diet, exercise, supplementation, general lifestyle like work, social activities, etc, with these stories. There're so many factors at play, that most of the time, you have to take those accounts with a pinch of salt. Unless they're a comprehensive testimony of everything they've done to that point, they're worthless, and only serve to create anxiety for other Nofappers.
    mentorr likes this.
  12. The thing with many of these accounts of super long flatlines, is there's next to nothing about lifestyles i.e. diet, exercise, supplementation, general lifestyle like work, social activities, etc, with these stories. There're so many factors at play, that most of the time, you have to take those accounts with a pinch of salt. Anything above 2-3 years, I'd disregard, unless it's a written thesis on what they've done to that point.
  13. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    I agree with this wholeheartedly, but at the same time I have been in a flatline for around 3 years.

    When I say 3 years, I mean dipping in and out of the flatline consistently. But for me I am convinced that my long recovery is down to: many years of PMO, poor lifestyle choices, not rewiring and waiting instead. So all in all I agree, I think lifestyle is one of the most important factors when in the flatline. Choosing the wrong lifestyle will prolong and delay recovery, but at the same time I believe other factors could be at play.
    Scorpio1990 and Angel. like this.
  14. A general rule of thumb then. :)

    You acknowledge there are other factors at play with regard to your dips in and out of flatline, which is absolutely fine, and helps to explain the duration of your recovery. There's personal responsibility, and also a willingness to consider other factors. Outstanding effort on your part by the way for sticking to it for 3 years!
  15. Idk if I asked you this before but have you been in hardmode? Relapsing? Have tried rewiring?
  16. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    Yes I did hard mode from the start. The only times I 'relapsed' was because I was attempting to have sex every few months, not realising that you are supposed to avoid O while rewiring. The advice on this forum back then was that we need to attempt to have sex. I also got sucked into the philosophy that it would only take 90 days which clearly is not true.

    One thing that I have never been able to clarify about my reboot: my first 6 months were probably the best reboot months so far. I remember having crippling anxiety, being absolutely fatigued, brainfog, mood swings and after 3-4 months I was still going out on dates and attempting to meet women. Looking at myself now, I have lost a tonne of confidence and in some ways I am nowhere near as confident as I was back then. But what made the first 6 months special, was that at the 6 month mark everything came back. I felt 100% cured without a shadow of a doubt. I remember not being able to get up from my desk at work because I was rock solid out of nowhere. The problem came when I got ahead of myself and went on a spontaneous date that very day, I accidentally O'd and went into a longggg flatline of 7 months. That flatline period alone steered me away from dating and I often wonder whether that was the right choice.

    So to answer the question, the initial 6 months where I was rewiring with girls, kissing, playing around in bed etc. but mostly staying away from sex - in my opinion really did help my recovery. My mood back then was a lot better than it is now in some ways. I have been rewiring on and off recently but I would say not consistently enough. I had a wet dream at the start of this week so my libido is non existence, but once it comes back (hopefully in the next few days) ill be getting back into rewiring because I honestly think at this point it will speed things up.
    Scorpio1990 likes this.
  17. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    Yeah in all honesty I want to get out of this thing, but also I want to be able to help others understand what is going on with their recovery. When I first started recovering there were so many mixed messages on how to recover. It would be good to leave a clear message for others once I recover.
    Angel. likes this.
  18. So like I get erections without force, say my gf gets behind me and I get start feeling aroused then erection, is that normal for flatline? Since you got more experience than I do. I’m trying to understand. My withdrawals seem to have gone away, it’s the libido thing I’m concerned about. I’m trying to have faith in this. I am definitely scared this won’t get better.
  19. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    By the sounds of things, that sounds like genuine libido to me. What I find is that some people experience an artificial libido. They will be in the flatline, fantasize about a partner or view something sexual and then experience an erection and believe it is real libido. If you are in a flatline and become aroused by a physical person then in my eyes that is real, genuine libido. You also want to be careful that you are not fantasizing while experiencing with a partner.

    I went through a phase of having sex and idealising or fantasizing about the person I was with. I was basically experiencing sex mentally and not emotionally if that makes sense? There definitely needs to be a constant level of self-awareness when recovering to understand how your recovery is progressing.
  20. It’s been definitely hard to understand all this because even my mood for things aren’t the same. Like there is not much or joy. No butterflies of anticipation for things. I won’t lie I’m starting to forget what normal feels like. I wish I had just regular withdrawal like anxiety and headaches but this makes life miserable. I definitely wanna keep pushing, it’s just the lack of pleasure in life is not there. Hopefully you recover soon man. I need some motivation.